Sexuality Traits of the Zodiac Sign Gemini
To Gemini, sex is like playing. It has to be fun, a tickle and a laugh. Nothing to be taken too seriously. That means neither love nor devotion are necessary for Gemini to enjoy the experience. Actually, strong feelings and commitment are more like turn offs.

So, it doesn’t come naturally for Gemini to be faithful or to await true love before allowing an encounter to be sexual. Gemini can love, of course, but doesn’t need to do so for desire to emerge. Gemini just needs a playmate, in the literal sense of the word.
It doesn’t even have to be that very sexual. Gemini is delighted by the air of sensuality and the exciting game of seduction. Suggestions, hints, and possibilities. Although talkative, Gemini can really appreciate the unspoken and discreet. Waiting for what just might come is a thrill in itself, sometimes even more so than when it actually arrives.
Gemini is also a big fan of foreplay, wanting to prolong the phase as much as possible. It can take very long and still lead to a quickie. That’s fine with Gemini. It may even end without intercourse. Sometimes it’s so playful and lighthearted that the partner might not experience it as sexual at all.
On the other hand, Gemini can also take pleasure in acts that are quick, even sudden, from start to finish. Sort of like a joke. With a willing partner, there can be a whole night of consecutive jokes. Still, the playfulness remains all through.
Also when it comes to one night stands and swapping partners, Gemini is often game. Nor is there much in the way of trying a threesome. Why stop at three?
Others may be frustrated by Gemini’s careless attitude to sex. They might also find it unfulfilling. But Gemini is a skilled seducer and few can say truthfully afterwards that they didn’t enjoy the experience. The ones who get hurt are those who expect sex to lead to a lifetime commitment. Hardly with Gemini.
Friends for life, that’s one thing. Friends with benefits, no problem. But a lasting and complete commitment to one single partner – that’s another story. Gemini is in no haste to relinquish all the temptations in the world. They’re so many and so tempting.
Gemini needs change – also on the face faced in intercourse. You have to change the game occasionally, or it gets boring. And not always the same one playmate.
The right one for Gemini is somebody willing to be just as playful, or at least avoids putting an end to the game by demanding dead seriousness. They will have fun – and not just in bed. But whatever the case, don’t expect it to be forever. To Gemini, that’s a very limited time span.
Sexuality and your Zodiac Sign
The most basic component of your horoscope is your star sign, which is the Zodiac sign the sun occupied at the time of your birth. The above text about your sexuality is based on that.
The sun is not really the driving force of a person’s sexuality. You have to check your complete horoscope chart to get the full picture of your sexuality according to astrology. Still, your star sign gives some clues to your sexual habits and preferences.
Zodiac Sign
Sex Horoscopes
Here are links to all the twelve Zodiac signs and what astrology reveals about their sexuality traits.
English name:
The Maiden (or Virgin)
Sun sign dates:
August 23 – September 22
English name:
The Scorpion
Sun sign dates:
October 23 – November 21
English name:
The Archer
Sun sign dates:
November 22 – December 21
English name:
The Goat (or Sea-Goat)
Sun sign dates:
December 22 – January 20
English name:
The Water-Bearer
Sun sign dates:
January 20 – February 19
For those of you who prefer to read, here’s the video transcription (click here to watch video)
Hi, it’s Holly here again, and I’m talking to you from and we’re going to be talking about sensuality and sexuality with the twins; that’s right, Gemini. As I had said when we were talking about zodiac sign compatibility with Gemini, Geminis are playful; they like to have fun. They like to kind of have their fancy tickled, so to speak, so when they’re in the sack or they’re in bed, it’s a playful, fun, enjoyable, just exciting, fun, creative experience for them, and so they might show their affection towards you by giving you a little bit of a tickle or telling you a cute sexy joke, and that’s their way of not being immature, of looking at bodily contact, physical contact as something that is fun. You’re in your own playground. You know as they say, do you want to play in my sandbox, so to speak.
So actually, they can experience very strong feelings and commitments, but if you’re wanting them to commit right away, before you have sex with them or before you have intimacy with them, that might be a bit of a turn-off for them because they’re like, “Well, that’s not fun. “Don’t you just want to play?” So you want to establish that kind of a boundary. For instance, if you’re a Virgo or a Sagittarius or a Pisces, you might find their playfulness immature, so to speak, but really, they just want to be, be like little children and just have fun and just enjoy the playground. That’s exactly what life is like for a Gemini and it doesn’t change in the bedroom either.
So when they’re with their lover, or they’re with their partner, they really appreciate sensuality, sexuality that is discrete, and they do tend to be a little chatty during their sexuality and their sensuality. So they like to hear sexy words. They like to hear that maybe they’re beautiful or they’re sexy or they’re gorgeous or how pretty their eyes are. They like those types of words and maybe even some playful words as well. Gemini is also a big fan of foreplay. They’re wanting to prolong the phase so much because it’s so fun and it’s so playful that foreplay, like that word, the pun on word, for play, is something that they really, really enjoy. So therefore, they like their toys in the bedroom. Nothing wrong with having some toys in the playground, or in the sandbox, and they like to shop for their toys as well too.
So part of that sensual, sexual experience with your Gemini or if you’re a Gemini is also about window shopping, browsing, and purchasing the fun things that you and your partner can play with. Now if sometimes it’s so playful and so lighthearted that the partner might feel that they really haven’t had a sexual experience at all. So if you’re trying to take it slow or be more lovey-dovey and make it more of a lovemaking session, you might be disappointed with your Gemini lover but if you can enjoy a good laugh and a good time and just take it as it comes, then you’ve got yourself a really great partner in the bedroom.
Now if you’re a Gemini yourself, you might want to make sure that your partner is as satisfied with that type of intimacy as you are because we can always tone it down a bit and we can always meet halfway. So having this discussion with them so that they don’t take it personally as if you don’t really love me, you’re just always having fun and you’re kidding around, or you don’t really care, I want you to be more, you know, more caressing and more soft and say more loving things, don’t be surprised if they don’t burst out laughing right then and there, but it’s nothing personal, nothing personal at all.
When a Gemini loves, they love with their heart and their soul and they just want to enjoy life. So if you’re a Gemini or you’re with a Gemini lover, these are some of the tips that you might want to take into the bedroom.