Sexuality Traits of the Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Aquarius is not much for routine, nor for making things simple. It is hard to figure out who seduces whom, or whose is the initiative, and nobody can guess where it’s going or when it will be ended. Aquarius is sensitive to the partner’s needs and reactions, but not that easy for the partner to read in the same way. Aquarius seems to want much more out of it than personal satisfaction.

To Aquarius, sex is research – into what makes both of them tick, and the mysterious relation between instinct and consciousness, colliding intensely at intercourse. Aquarius wants to get to know the partner through making love, sort of as if it were a medical examination – or more precisely, a psychological one.
Aquarius is intrigued by what two people reveal about one another at moments of intimacy – and applauds it. A relationship becomes increasingly meaningful the more the two get familiar at depth. Their souls should be exposed. Their deepest motivations should be bared.
But it should also be an interesting experience in itself, the rubbing of physical responses, the choreography of it, the process evolving like a drama from introduction to escalation, climax, and the strangely solemn aftermath.
Before sex, Aquarius is primarily curious. After it, Aquarius is pensive, sometimes outright somber. The classical post-coital tristesse. It’s not at all because of disappointment, but because the sexual experience makes Aquarius contemplate the illusive meaning of life, the incurable loneliness of the soul, and matters of similar gravity.
Despite of this seriousness, sex with Aquarius can be fun and light-hearted, like a long joke in no need of a punch line – but there sort of is one. Even in the very middle of intercourse, Aquarius can see the funny side to it. Two bodies going at it, as if morning would come with Doomsday. There’s a lot of desperation to love, and in a way that’s kind of funny.
Aquarius is also interested in experimenting with new positions, settings, and rituals by which to enrich and explore sex further. Not many inhibitions stand in the way, if there is something new to experience, especially if it has a chance of revealing more about the enigma of emotions and their connection to the conscious as well as the unconscious mind. In research, nothing can be found if there is fear of experimenting.
Certainly, Aquarius can fall in love and commit to love, also for life. But in Aquarius’ mind, that has little to do with the sex act – more with what surrounds it, what comes before and after it. And what the two feel about repeating it. Sex is a measure of love, but not a trustworthy one. Aquarius prefers to see them as two separate entities – both of them grand and fascinating, no doubt. Both of them living their own lives, only sometimes meeting and getting intertwined.
Well, any Aquarius concludes: sex contains intriguing mysteries, but love is the real riddle.
Sexuality and your Zodiac Sign
The most basic component of your horoscope is your star sign, which is the Zodiac sign the sun occupied at the time of your birth. The above text about your sexuality is based on that.
The sun is not really the driving force of a person’s sexuality. You have to check your complete horoscope chart to get the full picture of your sexuality according to astrology. Still, your star sign gives some clues to your sexual habits and preferences.
Zodiac Sign
Sex Horoscopes
Here are links to all the twelve Zodiac signs and what astrology reveals about their sexuality traits.
English name:
The Maiden (or Virgin)
Sun sign dates:
August 23 – September 22
English name:
The Scorpion
Sun sign dates:
October 23 – November 21
English name:
The Archer
Sun sign dates:
November 22 – December 21
English name:
The Goat (or Sea-Goat)
Sun sign dates:
December 22 – January 20
English name:
The Water-Bearer
Sun sign dates:
January 20 – February 19