Sexuality Traits of the Zodiac Sign Aries
Aries prefers to regard every sexual encounter as a conquest, even if it’s for the nth time with the same partner. To Aries, the seduction as well as the act itself are challenges. Otherwise a great deal of the excitement is gone for Aries.

Also, Aries is mostly in quite a hurry, sort of as if participating in a race. Wham bam. That gives little room for any extended foreplay. On the other hand, Aries will not give up until reaching the satisfactory conclusion for both. But as soon as that happens, Aries wants to move on to other activities.
Of course, Aries want to be the one taking the initiatives. Even when that’s not the case, the partner usually understands to make Aries feel as if being the one in charge, the one making the advances and bringing things to their conclusion.
To Aries, it’s the activity of sex that attracts the most, not feelings of intimacy or sharing a memorable experience that deepens the relation. Aries has little patience for courting and cuddling.
Still, it can be quite fun also for Aries’ partner. There’s a no-nonsense directness to Aries sexuality, which has its own charm. Sex as aerobics. If nothing else, it’s an intense exercise promoting fitness.
Some partners find it refreshing, whereas others are not satisfied at all. The latter are not likely to long for repetition. So, Aries tends to change partners frequently, until the right one comes along.
The right one is a partner being fine with sex in Aries’ tempo and mentality. That’s usually someone of the same taste, or a person who finds other reasons for keeping the relationship – someone not that interested in their sex life. It’s going to be often, but quickly over and done with. That gives plenty of time for other activities.
What might expand Aries’ sex life beyond the quickie is a formidable challenge, a partner demanding much more to get satisfied and not hesitating the least to let Aries know it. In such a relation, Aries might remain in bed for whatever time it takes – and finding it delightful. It may even reform Aries into another attitude towards sex completely. At least for as long as this relation lasts.
Sexuality and your Zodiac Sign
The most basic component of your horoscope is your star sign, which is the Zodiac sign the sun occupied at the time of your birth. The above text about your sexuality is based on that.
The sun is not really the driving force of a person’s sexuality. You have to check your complete horoscope chart to get the full picture of your sexuality according to astrology. Still, your star sign gives some clues to your sexual habits and preferences.
Zodiac Sign
Sex Horoscopes
Here are links to all the twelve Zodiac signs and what astrology reveals about their sexuality traits.
English name:
The Maiden (or Virgin)
Sun sign dates:
August 23 – September 22
English name:
The Scorpion
Sun sign dates:
October 23 – November 21
English name:
The Archer
Sun sign dates:
November 22 – December 21
English name:
The Goat (or Sea-Goat)
Sun sign dates:
December 22 – January 20
English name:
The Water-Bearer
Sun sign dates:
January 20 – February 19
For those of you who prefer to read, here’s the video transcription (click here to watch video)
– Hi. It’s Holly again, and we’re gonna talk about sensuality and sexuality. Let’s talk about Aries here at The Aries prefers to regard every sexual encounter as a conquest as something that they have to conquer … an adventure. They want it to be a little bit of a game. They kinda wanna work for it, but they do get impatient if you make them work too hard.
So this can be kind of tricky, right? They like to, they love seduction as well as the act itself. They find it all so challenging and so intriguing. Aries is mostly, very much in a hurry. You know I’ve said in the other charts readings that I’ve done about Zodiac signs is that Aries can be impatient. So they kind of go towards their sexuality and their sensuality with their partner as if they’re participating in a race. So wham, bam, thank you ma’am maybe a, a little bit more of what they’re looking for.
Now, does that mean it’s quick in the sack and jump out of bed, and that’s no fun at all, is it? But for some of you, you might find that quite intriguing. But you know what? I’ll tell you a little secret. Aries might be able to go for another round or two. So is it quick? Maybe. Can it be fun all night long? Absolutely. Now with Aries, they may not be the ones that lie around in bed after cuddling and holding hands or talking about how wonderful it was. They’ll be moving on to the next adventure or the next thing that they want to do. Will it be with you? As long as you don’t take it personally. It is their characteristic. It’s in their personality to always be thinking about what’s next. It doesn’t mean that they didn’t enjoy themselves, and that they didn’t have fun.
Of course, this is always up for discussion, and we always encourage that in relationships. Now of course Aries wants to be the one taking the initiatives. So if you’re in a hurry to have sex as well too, you’re in a hurry to be intimate as well, they might back off a bit. You don’t wanna know why? Because it’s kind of a little bit too easy peasy for them. It’s not that much fun. It’s not that much of an adventure if they don’t have a quest to conquer. So give your Aries a little bit of a chance to be able to be the initiator themselves. Now let’s say you’re a Cancer or possibly you’re a Pisces or Capricorn, and you want to take things a little bit slower. You don’t like the eager beavers. You don’t like the ones that are rushing off into a hurry. That might create an imbalance in trust for you. Or you’re wondering is that all they want from me.
So you might want to make it clear to your Aries that although you are eager to have this encounter with them when the time is right, it will happen. And that gives them another challenge, right? And it opens a line of communication. So if you’re falling in lust or in love with your Aries, this is what you can expect from your partner.
Now if you’re an Aries yourself and you find that oh here I am in another relationship with a … Virgo who again can be quite cautious and move slow in their intimacy. ‘Cause they’re quick, deliberate and quite detailed oriented, and you might find that I blew it again because I tried too hard and moved too fast. Just explain to your Virgo lover, your Virgo partner that this is how I work, and I don’t mean it to be … too forward thinking. I don’t want to scare you away. Let’s have a conversation about this.
So be open to understand your Aries, lustful self. The fiery fire that lies within you. You remember Aries is a fire sign. And if you’re with an Aries, try to understand and have an open conversation about that so that you’re sexuality and your sensuality can be top-notch in your relationship.