Tom Hanks

Birth Chart: Tom Hanks (Cancer)

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks (born July 9, 1956) is an American actor and filmmaker. He is known for his various comedic and dramatic film roles, including Splash (1984), Big (1988), Turner & Hooch (1989), A League of Their Own (1992), Sleepless in Seattle (1993), Philadelphia (1993), Forrest Gump (1994), Apollo 13 (1995), Saving Private Ryan (1998), You've Got Mail (1998), The Green Mile (1999), Cast Away (2000), and The Da Vinci Code (2006), as well as for his voice work in the animated films The Polar Express (2004) and the Toy Story series.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Tom Hanks

Born at Concord, USA
Monday, July 09, 1956
11:17 (time zone = GMT -7 hours)
122w02, 37n59

Fact: Cancer dates are between June 21 and July 22. Check the Cancer dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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VIRGO rising

Those with their rising in the sign of Virgo are typically realistic, critical, systematic, detail-oriented, selective, analytical, timid, fussy, thoughtful, and particular. You have a clever, resourceful mind and acquiring new information and using it in a practical way are significant to you. At times you can be a bit of a perfectionist, making it difficult for others to live up to your high expectations. However, you are excellent at discovering the flaw in every circumstance and this can be a useful skill if you know how to utilise it correctly. Be mindful that you do not become fault-finding in your personal relationships, as this can turn a pleasant pairing ugly fast. These high standards are not only directed at outer situations but you can be rather critical of yourself as well; keep an eye on the negativity you produce. Over-analysing can lead to excessive worrying over minute details that are insignificant. This sort of tension can lead to physical illness if not tempered. It would be beneficial to you to find a way to absorb what happens while not becoming bitter or spiteful, regretting your past decisions or resenting others for their actions. There may be deeper issues at work in regards to feeling as though you are somehow not good enough which leads to negative thinking. You are likely to age very well. Anxiety and a nervous tension can cause you to stay slim. Decisive action and certainty may elude you at times. You must learn to aid and serve others as this is your life lesson. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! Cancer regards sex as the finest way in which two persons devoted to one another can show their love. So, it’s almost a sacred thing. Read all about Cancer sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Sun harmonizing with Mars

(power = 11.86 and this aspect is harmonious = 8.89)

You are brave, self-confident, full of energy, driven, and optimistic. Competing with others is enjoyable for you and you tend to win using your confidence and intuition. Your strong will has allowed you to learn self-discipline, creating a force that permits you to rise to truly powerful positions. Your physical health is amazing as you heal easily and have endless amounts of energy. However, it is important that you are able to keep active physically or this immense energy of yours will turn destructive. Every effort is made on your part to achieve success in an honourable fashion. You are likely to be a good leader and have a talent for administrating. Hard-working, courageous, and assertive, you gain the admiration of others and will champion for them if they are being unjustly treated.

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Saturn discordant to Pluto

(power = 5.52 and this aspect is discordant = -8.28)

The pathway towards achieving your goals may be obstructed and there is also issue with asserting power. It seems that something always stands in the way of what you are trying to accomplish. It would be wise to evaluate the reasoning behind your actions. Are these actions done for selfish reasons alone, or do they have a benefit for humanity as a whole? Competing with others allows you to learn how to better collaborate with people. Much wisdom can be attained with this placement, however it is imperative that you act selflessly.
Karma from a past life insists that you listen to the opposing views of others openly in this life, as you had acted in a controlling, commanding manner previously. If you insist on holding to your own opinions rigidly, your conditions will only worsen. Great power comes with great responsibility—this responsibility is to ensure others well-being, not only your own. Those who need to learn this are often placed in powerful roles so that they may do so. Be humble, keep striving, and develop your patience.
You can be very innovative though you must develop a way to adapt. You prefer things to stay the same, with the same routine, and this desire prompts you to attempt controlling others in some way. This placement may create a great deal of tension for you emotionally, though you can use these challenges to better understand the meaning of life.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 5.35 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.35)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Venus harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 5.19 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.49)

You are rather receptive of your environment with a creative talent that you use to produce aesthetically pleasing objects or surroundings. Musical pieces will stimulate a fantastical world inside of your mind that you will happily enjoy for hours on end, peacefully tuning the world out. You are idealistic in your romances and hold to the belief that there is only one true mate for you with whom you can live happily ever after. Luckily, you are able to entertain these dreams while at the same time staying realistic in your day-to-day life without being swept up by it all. You have a strong sympathy to those who are suffering and reach out to aid them when you are able. Naturally you are a generous person and helping others is satisfying to you on a deep level. You insist on doing what is right for mankind, keeping your personal ego at bay. It may be difficult for you to lead others or start a course of action due to your dislike of creating conflict. You will do a lot for the people you love and do not require repayment of your kindness. You feel that there is another world out there that we simply cannot see and enjoy being around other creative or sensitive people with whom you can delve further into the mystics. Gospel harmonies tend to affect you intensely when you listen to them, and you know that you have touched a piece of another life. You are likely to have musical talent, possibly vocally. Usually you will stand up for those that are considered “lesser” by societal standards, though you may need to be careful not to be swayed too much by a sad tale. Those who will aid you in the spiritual wisdom and evolution that you had begun in a past life are likely to be drawn to you in this one.

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Jupiter blending with Pluto

(power = 4.63 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.32)

You feel that all creatures on this earth are somehow connected to one another. Self-improvement and the betterment of the world in general, are important to you. You feel easily inspired in ways to bring about advancement and improvement of both yourself and humanity as a whole; you want to change the world. It is likely that you possess a good deal of motivation to accomplish some sort of permanence. Learning and keeping yourself well-formed is imperative to you and you are always searching for truth. You often share this passion for knowledge with others and may become an instructor. Striving to alter the environment for the better, you prefer holding high status as this will help you achieve this goal. Try to pay more attention to other people’s ideas and beliefs, rather than closing your mind to them right from the start. You are not always correct, nor should you try to be.

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Venus discordant to Mars

(power = 4.50 and this aspect is discordant = -4.50)

There are many different possibilities with this aspect and you may either provoke hostility in others due to selfishly putting your needs above the needs of others or create tension within yourself by desiring harmony with others while repressing your own needs. Your relationships may be challenging due to you going in full force one minute then holding back the next, or not being able to differentiate between love and lust, or possibly that you find yourself in partnerships where you and your partner both love and loathe each other. You may over-indulge in your sexuality instead of using your energy for creating something worthwhile. It is also possible that you will become enamoured with anyone that gives you the smallest amount of warmth.
Others are strongly drawn to your inner intensity and your powerful sexuality makes it virtually impossible for you to adhere to strictly non-physical friendships with the opposite sex. You create trouble in your relationships because you tend to care more for what you need than what your partner needs, as well as lacking patience when having to wait for something that you want. You are fickle in your feelings and when your partner is interested, you tend to withdraw but when you notice your partner acting disinterested, it only spurs you forward. You feel unable to hold back your frustrations with your partner and will often vent them either physically or verbally, possibly in a rather hostile manner. Once you have aired out these tensions, you will feel yourself in love once again. And while you have already forgotten anything had happened, your partner is left confused as to what occurred. At this point you are ready to go forward with them but now they are holding back and you are unsure as to the reason. You might feel disappointed in your relationships as you will be unable to comprehend what is wrong, often blaming the other person for their “issues”. When you are single, you wish to be in a relationship and when you are in a relationship, you wish to be single. It is difficult for you to handle your own emotions as they are unstable. Decisions do not come easily to you because of these erratic emotional patterns, causing you to be unsure of what you even believe. Try to control your quick temper by compromising with others instead. It might also be beneficial for you to invest in a gym membership so that you may work off whatever tensions are eating you up rather than taking them out on the people you most care for. In addition, your tendency to loathe the people you love needs to be transformed if you are to find happiness in your partnerships.

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Uranus discordant to Neptune

(power = 3.99 and this aspect is discordant = -3.99)

You are rather intuitive, possibly emotionally fragile, and may run into problems if you engage in the occult or mysticism in destructive ways. Because you are sensitive to your environment, you will need to be mindful towards a tendency to be easily affected by what others say, think, or do. It is also possibly that you may be able to pull out ideas from thin air and find a way to better yourself through them, whether this be an improvement on your will-power, your mentality, or your emotional well-being. Sometimes you are so set on being unlike the rest that you forget what the real truth is, try to stay aware of the actual situation. There is a tendency towards escaping through substance abuse, though this will not help you on your journey. Instead, you will discover who you are through aiding others. Use your intuition to guide you to where you are supposed to be. Creative endeavours will help you to unload any excess emotions.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 3.28 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.93)

You are capable of aiding others by using your artistic imagination. Emotionally, you may express yourself by creating in some form, whether this be writing, dancing, art, or music. You are drawn to theoretical concepts and new age topics, as well as subjects having to do with the spiritual realm. Religious choirs tend to sooth you and inspire you and you try to help others to achieve the same experience. You possess a highly spiritual consciousness and should trust your gut instincts. People generally have faith in you to be a moral person and seek your counsel, as you are sympathetic and emotionally in tune. You may have accurate premonitions or visions that aid you in realising your dreams. Look for the true meaning in all of your endeavours.

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Saturn harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 2.86 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.43)

Resilience, dedication, perseverance, and working hard allow you to achieve challenging feats. You are able to sync idealistic characteristics with realism. The challenges you encounter allow you to demonstrate your endurance when circumstances get particularly difficult; a great deal of spiritual development is likely to arise due to these difficulties. Different, unconventional, uncommon, and maybe even odd matters will attract your motivations. Rather unique individuals are thrust into your world in order to allow you opportunities to learn and expand your consciousness. You are capable of finding equilibrium between your need for independence and your obligations, enabling you to achieve incredible acts. You are detail-oriented and have a knack for organising which contribute to your success and allow you to aid others. There is an abundance of internal tension that may need to be minded as this can have a negative effect on your physical health; find a way to unwind and reduce your stress levels.

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Venus harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 2.84 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.55)

You are emotionally intense and when you love someone, you love them with your all. Your powerful passions will either magnetically draw others to you or frighten them away. You have a great deal of charm and a way of attracting others to you almost without effort. This influence you have over others can cause you to easily use manipulation tactics, even if these actions are often subconscious. This placement allows you to either change your beliefs into something more beneficial to you, or to aid other people in changing their beliefs. You are likely to be creative and strive to promote a beautiful, peaceful, and comfortable environment. Your perception and compassion for others causes you to reach out and help people in whatever way you can.

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Mercury harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 2.57 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.86)

You are generally positive and full of hope. Acquiring knowledge throughout your life is very valuable to you. You have a good head on your shoulders and are skilled at long-term thinking and strategy. Travelling is particularly beneficial for you as it will open your mind and teach you how to understand yourself, others, and the world more thoroughly. Usually prone to seeing things on a grand scale, you may tend to overlook details, preferring to pass those tasks onto others who are more interested in them. You are likely to be good at public speaking and people tend to believe in and support you as they intuitively feel that you are an honourable person who will do them no harm. Genuine and ethical, you would never purposefully betray or mislead others. However, you are prone to embellish or amplify your tales slightly in order to make a good impression on others. You are full of good humour and find social interactions with others easy and enjoyable. Philosophical or religious theories are likely to be on your mind throughout your life. You have no trouble swiftly learning whatever you are interested in. You have an amazing way of viewing every aspect of a situation without bias and finding a solution that suits all parties involved. Very accepting of others quirks and shortcomings, you are never vengeful or resentful as you believe life is better lived without harbouring negative emotions. You readily take part in debates because they allow you an opportunity to express your opinions and learn new perspectives. You would do well in a field that either entails public speaking or is related to finding justice in some way. Business and selling to the public can also be good avenues for you to explore in your career. This placement bestows luck upon your undertakings and you are likely to be successful due to your optimism and ability to endure through whatever difficulties come your way; your never-ending hope keeps you afloat.

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Jupiter discordant to Saturn

(power = 2.15 and this aspect is discordant = -2.15)

You have a tendency to make yourself miserable due to deeply rooted anxieties over being unable to support yourself and possibly losing whatever material possessions you have acquired. This concern distresses you to such a degree that you pinch your pennies, worrying that any moment now it can all come tumbling down. As the anxiety increases, you find yourself sacrificing your excitement, your giving nature, and your trust in the world. Try to relieve your apprehension by relaxing more and doing the opposite of your inclination; GIVE. Do not lose trust in the universe to look out for you and keep you safe. Have faith and you will find yourself surrounded with what you need.
There is a possibility of setting your goals higher than you can achieve. This sort of mentality sets you up for a fall and when you do inevitably fail, you are unable to hold onto your initiative and motivation to continue with your aspirations. Keep in mind that you can accomplish a lot by taking things one day at a time; slow and steady wins the race. Allow yourself a realistic timeframe to aspire to, as time is the one thing you have the most of; do not fight against it, but become in sync, flow with it. Dismissing your aspirations will result in endlessly jumping from on unfinished project to another; learn self-restraint and complete the things you begin. You may feel an internal tension for stimulation which can have you trying to do too many assignments at once. The most important thing for you to learn is to be satisfied with yourself despite your possible imperfections.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Cancer

Cancers do not enjoy approaching situations in a straight line, but rather prefer moving indirectly (learn about compatibility with Cancer here). They feel more comfortable when they can come towards something from a hidden angle and may take their time expressing themselves. However, their emotionality is anything but slow and steady. They are prone to dramatically intense emotional reactions as their mood seems to blow with the wind. The people closest to them are likely to feel confused by the speed at which they change from cheerful to melancholic to angry.
Typically a Cancer is diligent, friendly, empathetic, determined, protecting, and frugal, as well as quarrelsome, emotionally delicate, moody, instinctive, possibly even psychic, with a tendency to sacrifice themselves for others.
A Cancer will tend to react emotionally rather than mentally. They need to be in harmonious environments as they will easily soak up the energies of those around them. Due to their sensitive emotional natures, it is likely that they consistently try to elicit responses of kindness, caring, and empathy from others; they crave regular emotional reassurance. They can be a bit of a homebody as the home, and those in it, are a sanctuary for them. Their ties to those closest to them are so important that they often become co-dependent on their loved ones, needing to spend as much time with them as possible and the loved ones may begin to feel suffocated, requiring their own space.
Cancers are naturally inconsistent in their emotions and therefore can easily alter their views, thoughts, decisions, and the like. However, they have less energy than the average person and will tend towards doing things a bit more slowly in general. Exercise is usually something they must force themselves to do as they do not usually enjoy it for its own merit. Unfortunately, this adds to a problem with weight gain as they age. A Cancer may increase their physical activity by utilising their strong emotional nature; channelling their intensity correctly can indeed create much needed get up and go for these personalities.
Cancers remember a great deal more than most and this tied with their emotional sentimentality causes them to often sit around daydreaming about the past and what once was. However, this also manifests as hording and clinging to their belongings, unable to throw anything out as if this would somehow mean they are throwing away a piece of their past.
Family is extremely important to a Cancer and they will work very hard to provide comfort and security for those they love. They may travel at times but will always return to their home base and those closest to them. Home is home, and they will not go too long without checking in.
Traditional and often conventional, though they find themselves over-thinking and focusing too much on possible difficulties in the future. Often they deal with these worries internally and may develop problems with the lining of their stomach from the stress. They instinctively feel that they are always one step away from danger and may be extra cautious because of it, paying attention to the situation around them in a suspicious manner. It would be most beneficial for them to develop a way to curb their emotional reactions.

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Moon in Leo

You are caring, giving, and affectionate when expressing your love and you inspire those close to you to act in a dedicated and faithful manner towards you. Deep down, you may feel like you are a kind of royalty and you expect to be treated as such. You are unable to stand by a partner that you are not proud of; you need to be able to hold them in high regard. Appreciation, and being seen by others, is necessary for you. Being ignored is one of the most difficult things for you to handle and you can find yourself nursing heavy wounds when you are treated in this fashion. You prefer to be direct and honest with others, and vice versa. You are well-liked, giving, distinguished, faithful, motivated and diligent, with a probing mind. The situations that occur in your life, as well as your emotions, tend to be exaggerated to an extent. Unfortunately, at times you are capable of being arrogant, prideful, and flashy, as well as being rather too open and sensitive with your feelings.

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Mercury in Cancer

Your mind is connected with your memories, feelings, and emotions from the past. You tend to hold on to the memories of things because they give you security. You are highly interested in inner, subjective, and personal issues, and your thinking is based more on feelings, intuition, personal experiences, and prejudices rather than reason or logic. Intellectual abilities and accomplishments without heart or soul mean little to you. You are a sensitive listener and deeply interested in a person’s feelings and inner life. In addition to psychology, you are probably drawn to education, art, poetry, music, or mythology. You are shy and somewhat reticent about speaking in public, but you will open yourself up and share your thoughts in small, intimate, little family-type circles of people you know and trust. You perhaps enjoy keeping a diary or chronicle of your thoughts and feelings regarding your day-to-day happenings. Your mind retains and absorbs knowledge easily. You are intuitive, psychic, and sympathetic, yet may become depressed over your own problems and the problems of the world. You may have difficulty in getting to the root of the problem because you so easily become involved emotionally with the people instead of the problem. You may have difficulty in making decisions or you may simply change your mind constantly. Mental focus and control must be developed.

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Venus in Gemini

When choosing a romantic partner, you are more moved by intelligence than mere looks. You prefer someone who is an intellectual, inquisitive, clever, witty, and communicates well. Because you can lose interest quickly, you require a partner that will stimulate your mind and possibly even provide some sort of obstacle for you to untangle. You enjoy always having something exciting going on in your relationships; the more you can learn and experience, the better. Communicating, exchanging ideas, going on random adventures, and socialising with your companion are essential to your happiness in a partnership. However, you have a charming personality and are naturally flirtatious with others which can create problems if you are with a partner that tends to be more possessive and envious; these sorts of behaviours usually do not bode well with you. It is best if you are allowed freedom to interact with new people in your naturally out-going, charismatic, lively fashion. Be mindful not to break too many hearts on your way to finding the right partner, as you can tend to easily change your mind about a person quite suddenly or date multiple people at once. Commitment is difficult for you to invest in and you often enjoy the thrilling excitement of the early stages of romance more than the later stages. You are gifted in articulating yourself in all forms; writing, speaking, singing, and the like. You tend to remove yourself from your emotions and objectively analyse your feelings. If Venus is negatively aspected, you may have trouble with your lungs or the oxygen in your system.

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Mars in Pisces

You express your energy in a passive, cooperative fashion. You are likely to avoid confrontations in general, preferring to deal with issues indirectly. Being in the lime-light would only make you uncomfortable and therefore you prefer to work out of sight. Unfortunately, you will often rather lose something rather than compete for it. You are not particularly concerned with ambitious pursuits and will not engage in competition to get ahead and this can come across to others as cowardly. Being at the top is not something you would strive for and you are better suited to an assisting position, or aiding or benefiting others somehow. Realistic strategy is difficult for you and it may be a good idea to elicit help when planning ahead. Never certain what exactly it is that you want to do with your life, you wander about aimlessly in search of spiritual fulfilment. You can be quite a daydreamer with an idealistic view, possibly devoting yourself towards religion or spiritual matters. There are artistic inclinations here that can be fruitful if you are able to devote yourself to developing them. You may seem calm on the exterior, though there is a lot happening on the inside. You are also tactful and subtle with a great sense of humour and a strong intuition. However, indecision wreaks havoc in your life and you may be prone to escapism by substance abuse to avoid your duties. It is imperative that you develop self-discipline. Make an effort to create the changes you want to see in your life, do not expect life to hand them to you on a silver platter.

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Jupiter in Virgo

You are quickly able to decipher what is necessary and what is not. You have a careful, investigative, cerebral, and realistic nature with good decision-making abilities that attribute to high achievements in your career life. You possess a strong technical aptitude and a thirst for acquiring new information. However, you can be exacting, demanding, pessimistic, and suspicious of people. Also, try to be mindful not to lose the forest when you are focusing on the trees. Physical exertion may not be something you enjoy, but it is important for your health nonetheless.

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Saturn in Scorpio

You have immense self-control and restraint when needed. You are able to understand people and intricate situations with remarkable accuracy and have no trouble manoeuvring any circumstance you find yourself in. A managerial or administrative ability is also present. Your intuition is exceptionally strong and you may experience premonitions. Outwardly you may keep your thoughts to yourself as you can be very private about your life and others may find you tough to read. Difficult situations do not faze you as you are capable of conquering almost anything you encounter or have the ability to figure it out. You are diligent and dedicated in your undertakings and are able to wait as long as need be to achieve your most cherished goals. Saturn bestows excellent perception while Mars adds a strong drive, creating an unbeatable force to be reckoned with. However, you may need to be mindful of a tendency towards unyielding, inflexible, vengeful, bitter, callous, or even cruel behaviour. There is also a possibility of becoming power-hungry or preoccupied with money or success. This placement denotes a necessity to reform your inner yearnings and it will be imperative that you allow situations to develop as they may, rather than holding on to a desired outcome, person, or object; surrender and release. Your body is affected by this tendency as well and you may experience health issues that revolve around your bowels, colon, or elimination processes such as your kidneys or gall bladder.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 10th house

Your accomplishments are important to you, and you strive for others to notice and appreciate them. However, you may go one of two ways in regards to your achievements: either you are working hard to please others, or you swing the other direction and give little thought to what anyone else thinks; try to find a balance between the two extremes. You are driven to find some sort of niche you can excel in and exert a good deal of effort to succeed in whatever it is you choose. It is likely that you will encourage others to follow in your example. This placement bestows determination but also a tendency to flatter yourself in regards to your achievements, boosting about your successes. Depending on whether the Sun is negatively or positively aspected, those in positions of power can either greatly aid you in your success, or create limitations for you.

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Moon in 11th house

This placement suggests being admired and valued by women and you will likely get along best with females in general. Your emotional security is tied to your position in a group setting; you need to feel like you are included, otherwise you will suffer with destructive emotions and insecurities. You may find yourself placing a large amount of effort into humanitarian endeavours as you enjoy nurturing others, especially in group situations. Your career is likely to involve social networking in some way. Perhaps you will acquire your professional position due to your acquaintances or they will be important to you during your career, often sticking around for a long time to come. You may wish to heed the counsel of your friends as they may be more valuable to you than that of a professional.

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Mercury in 10th house

Written or spoken communication may be part of your career path as you have an excellent talent for articulating your thoughts, and others are likely to take notice of it. You are very mentally active and physically agile, often being thrown into situations where you must make use of these skills. There is a tendency to be a Jack-of-all-trades and it would be difficult for you to choose only one type of career. Traveling or teaching may be part of your career path.

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Venus in 10th house

Good-natured and easy going, you find popularity bestowed upon you in both your professional life as well as your personal life; people are generally attracted to your pleasant personality. You have a welcoming and affectionate way of interacting with the world, tending to promote positive energy. You inspire others to want to help you, though you must be mindful not to take advantage of this and become idle when you should be putting in your fair share of the work. You are likely talented with your voice somehow, and may use this talent for singing, speaking in public, or perhaps being involved in a career where the quality of your voice is important. This placement suggests a favourable financial situation for you.

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Mars in 6th house

You are gifted with large stores of energy for whatever work you engage in. A diligent, driven, effective and vibrant worker, you may find yourself drawn towards mechanics. It is easy for you to bounce back from any physical challenge though you must try to be more patient with co-workers who are not as naturally gifted as yourself, as you can become easily annoyed. At times you can act rashly due to your frustration and find yourself in dangerous situations; you are prone to accidents in the work environment, especially involving heat of some sort. Trouble with heat is a common ailment for you as you are also more susceptible to high fevers.

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Jupiter in 12th house

You are a humanitarian and hold strong ideals for a better tomorrow. There may be someone in your life who seems to be looking out for you and may come to your aid when needed. You care deeply for mankind as a whole and are eager to provide assistance to others, especially when they are particularly down on their luck. You may be drawn to a career in the medical field or with the prison system. Prosperity will usually happen midlife, and this will be a calm, easy occurrence for you. Due to your highly idealistic nature, you may be a tad impractical at times. Try to focus clearly before implementing concepts.

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Saturn in 3rd house

You have an amazing ability to concentrate on the deeper things in life. You tend towards more serious thinking and can be very patient when you want to get things done right. You keep your mind well organised and can excel in strategy or mathematical concepts, which you may participate in as a hobby. You do not mind engaging in projects that you would need to be involved with for a long period of time. There is a tendency towards a pessimistic attitude, in addition to feeling lonely and possibly even depressed. You may find yourself having issues communicating with your family and your immediate community and this may cause you to isolate yourself from them. Instead, try to think positively and focus on moving ahead. Be mindful of oxygen issues as your lungs may be sensitive; try to keep air in your sleeping quarters circulating well.

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Uranus in 11th house

You tend to be drawn to unconventional people when forming friendships and your social associations are often unique, innovative, intuitive, or artistic in some way. Group connections and friendships can transform unexpectedly or cease altogether. You are rather popular and out-going, making connections effortlessly, though you tend to have only a handful of those you would consider real friends. You are likely viewed as a bit cool and detached by your social group. You possess a strong passion to reform, though it would be more conducive for you to use this energy towards benefiting humanity rather than rebelling against it.

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Neptune in 2nd house

Very imaginative with sensitive cognitive abilities that are almost mystical; your intuition is highly accurate and helps you to explore what you are naturally gifted at doing. You appreciate beauty more than most and tend to dream with intensity. Money is not much of a concern for you and you may find the topic of funds to be puzzling. You tend towards certain extremes, either you show a great deal of generosity, or you find yourself behaving in a deceitful manner. Be mindful not to participate in risky financial endeavours. Karma seems to play a role for you, as you may find that if you do not have genuinely good intentions, you will experience material losses through deceptive actions from others. However, if you are honest in your dealings, your finances will steady. Try to always be upfront when handling these matters.

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Pluto in 12th house

Knowledge and quest for truth are important to you as you are trying to comprehend life’s purpose. There is a possibility that you feel trapped in your life and want to find a way to transcend your present reality. You may experience sudden disruptions and challenges in order to reset you and guide you back to the route you were supposed to be travelling. Seclusion from humanity to re-examine thyself is also likely. You may find yourself as defender of the underdog. Working alone, out of observation from the general public, and aiding others may appeal to you.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Cancer 18

Sabian Symbol: Scratching in the ground to find food for her chicks, a hen is in the barnyard.
Kozminsky Symbol: Gold pieces are falling through the fingers of a hand.

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Moon in 
Leo 10

Sabian Symbol: A sparkling, beautiful sunrise lights up the morning dew.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a sinister figure rises, a soldier is rescuing another wounded soldier on the battlefield.

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Mercury in 
Cancer 6

Sabian Symbol: Wild birds are building nests of feathers in the heart of spring.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a man continues to spend lavishly in order to entertain his friends, behind a curtain hides a clowning who continues to laugh at him.

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Venus in 
Gemini 23

Sabian Symbol: High in their nest in the tree, three baby fledglings rest.
Kozminsky Symbol: On a triangle shaped hill, the sun shines on one side to illuminate wonderful paths and pretty foliage and the other side shows a dark and gloomy setting.

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Mars in 
Pisces 18

Sabian Symbol: The crowd watches as a revivalist gives a performance.
Kozminsky Symbol: Caught in a spider web, a fly is seized by the inhabitant.

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Jupiter in 
Virgo 1

Sabian Symbol: An artist paints a portrait of a man’s head, to show his best features.
Kozminsky Symbol: Addressing a group of travelers, a pilgrim leans on his staff, held with his left hand.

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Saturn in 
Scorpio 27

Sabian Symbol: A military band is marching with colorful banners through the street.
Kozminsky Symbol: Speaking with his ministers, a king holds a spearhead with the sun’s disk emblazed on it.

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Uranus in 
Leo 2

Sabian Symbol: Many children infected with the mumps are gathered together enjoying the companionship of their shared sickness.
Kozminsky Symbol: Finally an eminent professor receives a roll of important papers from a dying scholar.

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Neptune in 
Libra 28

Sabian Symbol: A depressed man is helped by guardian angels that he cannot see.
Kozminsky Symbol: Quartz crystal rocks have veins of the finest gold.

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Pluto in 
Leo 27

Sabian Symbol: On the eastern horizon, dawn appears as pink and gradually the stars of night disappear.
Kozminsky Symbol: A hand is pierced by a thorny orange branch and starts to bleed.

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Ascendant in 
Virgo 22

Sabian Symbol: A royal coat of arms has jewels on it.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the forest, Bacchanalian orgies are engaging nymphs and fauns.

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Midheaven in 
Gemini 21

Sabian Symbol: A mass labor demonstration takes place in the city square.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the graveyard on old man watches as a form rises from a tomb, he stands under a cypress tree is amazement.

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Can 17° 28' 36"
57' 14"
00" S
22° 18' 06" N
Leo 09° 51' 55"
15° 08' 28"
4° 34' 45" S
13° 21' 53" N
Can 05° 47' 20"
2° 00' 32"
12' 15" N
23° 31' 16" N
Gem 22° 50' 10" R
- 9' 42"
4° 58' 34" S
18° 16' 51" N
Pis 17° 20' 09"
21' 47"
4° 25' 38" S
9° 04' 42" S
Vir 00° 21' 39"
11' 04"
58' 40" N
12° 15' 42" N
Sco 26° 30' 56" R
- 1' 58"
2° 06' 33" N
17° 19' 38" S
Leo 01° 39' 14"
3' 36"
33' 03" N
20° 19' 57" N
Lib 27° 38' 41"
1° 44' 53" N
9° 00' 18" S
Leo 26° 59' 36"
1' 35"
10° 35' 53" N
22° 26' 35" N
Aqu 10° 14' 54" R
- 2' 58"
7° 18' 25" N
10° 37' 56" S
Cap 24° 04' 15"
6' 41"
3° 49' 59" N
17° 31' 28" S
True Node
Sag 07° 31' 51" R
- 5' 48"
00" N
21° 34' 14" S
P. of Fortune
Lib 14° 08' 49"
Pis 05° 55' 56"
Vir 21° 45' 30"
Lib 17° 37' 28"
Sco 17° 42' 04"
Sag 20° 41' 40"
Cap 23° 54' 33"
Aqu 24° 40' 18"
Pis 21° 45' 30"
Ari 17° 37' 28"
Tau 17° 42' 04"
Gem 20° 41' 40"
Can 23° 54' 33"
Leo 24° 40' 18"
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
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