
Birth Chart: Sting (Libra)

Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, CBE (born 2 October 1951), better known by his stage name Sting, is an English musician, singer, songwriter, and actor. He was the principal songwriter, lead singer, and bassist for the new wave rock band The Police from 1977 to 1984, before launching a solo career.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart

Born at Wallsend, United Kingdom
Tuesday, October 02, 1951
01:30 (time zone = GMT 1 hours)
1w31, 55n00


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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LEO rising

Those with a Leo rising are typically giving, prideful, emotionally reactive, outgoing, loud, narcissistic, brave, confident, dramatic, romantic, and they are excellent showmen. They tend to go about like royalty, taking care of their “subjects” and expecting complete devotion from them. You have vitality and can be a bit of a risk taker, sometimes too much so. Extremely prideful, the biggest insult someone can throw at you would be to your ego. Appreciation is also something you require in order to feel satisfied. You can come off as loud and tough, but inside you are a big softie. When you care, you are easily wounded. In regards to a romantic partner, you would prefer that they are someone who will make you proud, and you in turn would like to foster this sort of reaction from them. You are very loyal to those you care for and would protect them fiercely if ever need be. Your anger can flare up suddenly but luckily this tends to resolve quickly and you are back to being your merry self again. Dramatic displays tickle your fancy and you can be somewhat of a drama queen or king yourself. Being in the limelight, all eyes focused on you is not only comfortable for you but you seek this attention out. At times you can be inflexible and unyielding, but you do this in a jovial way. It is unlikely that you will ever forget a slight, particularly if your ego is damaged, though you will usually forgive. You are rather sporty and enjoy being out in nature. You have an excellent drive and cheerful disposition, however if something goes wrong in your love relationship, it can zap the life out of you. Having warmth and love in your life is crucial to you. When discouraged, you may lose your willpower to live. A lesson you will need to learn during your lifetime is to be more humble. Leo is ruled by the Sun and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Moon blending with Neptune

(power = 14.07 and this aspect is neutral)

You are vividly imaginative and can adapt your visions into the real world when you focus your efforts. Dreaming up fantastical scenarios feels like home to you and you enjoy mysterious subjects, as they only fuel your imagination. However, you are prone to escapism as the harsh realities of life can get to you, causing you to seclude yourself into your dream-world. Do not become so lost that you forget to handle your obligations. Hiding from your problems is not going to diminish them, rather it will do the opposite. Your caring, empathetic nature might attract shady characters that will tell you a sad tale in order to abuse your kindness; be careful of who you trust. Learn how to better monitor and restrict your feelings and the fantasies you are so easily drawn into.
You cannot help but absorb the hurt that people are feeling and their sadness has a strong effect on you, therefore you readily come to the aid of others when they are in despair. You are not the most assertive type and have trouble standing up for yourself when required. It is important that you become comfortable going after the things that matter to you. There is a possibility that you will have premonitions while you are sleeping as you have a link to the spiritual world due to your intuitive sensitivity, if you can only learn to believe the things you intuit. However, keep away from mystical situations that end up causing you more harm than good, for instance calling forth dark spirits, fortune-telling, or hypnosis. You can be very spiritual though at times unrealistic. You have difficulty saying no when you are tempted by something, so it would be best for you to stay away from these circumstances altogether. You are tuned in to the vibrations around you and negative emotions will drag you down drastically; strive to involve yourself in more cheerful surroundings whenever possible. Music with an ethereal, spiritual tone to it will likely make you feel a sense of belonging, as if it is taken from your very soul. You can be rather introverted at times though also over-indulgent. Artistic avenues draw you in and you may have significant talent in these fields. When you find someone that you truly enjoy and care for, you are prone to putting them up on a pedestal and can feel quite down and defeated when they eventually do not live up to your unrealistic expectations.

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Sun discordant to Jupiter

(power = 9.71 and this aspect is discordant = -4.86)

You have a positive outlook on life and a strong belief in yourself, though both of these will tend to be overly inflated. You over-indulge and are prone to excess. It may be difficult for you to fully commit yourself to anyone as you can be a bit self-involved. At times you are narrow-minded, particularly when religion is involved. Your reasoning can be a bit faulty and you tend to over-promise in all of your excitement and later be unable to follow through. You may come across as arrogant while inside you are insecure instead. You tend to talk yourself up, exaggerating your skills. You have trouble focusing on anything long enough to see it to completion. Big hopes and dreams fall short in reality as you are unable to motivate yourself or persevere enough to make them happen. However, you always remain hopeful regardless.
Frustrations are likely to rise as you are unhappy with the duties and restrictions you have been dealt. You may go through many trials and tribulations in order to test your convictions. There is also a possibility of trouble with the law and authority figures. It would be a good idea to look within and establish at which point self-assurance becomes narcissism. You like to feel as though you are someone worthy and valuable which can quickly turn into arrogant behaviour, causing you to showcase yourself to others in a flashy manner. You can be ungrateful, prone to wasting your assets and energy. You should be mindful that you have calculated your decisions with care as you may lose out harshly because of debts, hearsay, investing, or your fondness for a gamble. Your social status is valuable to you. Be mindful as your health may be susceptible to trouble with the circulatory system and you must pay attention to the health of your arteries. Your tendency to over-indulge may also create health concerns, particularly issues with weight; make sure you get plenty of exercise and activity.

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Sun blending with Saturn

(power = 8.78 and this aspect is discordant = -4.39)

Your maturity is apparent right away, as you tend to take life very seriously. Acting responsibility and doing the things that are required of you are high priorities in your mind. You are able to apply your self-restraint and discipline to achieve any goal you choose. You are an excellent organiser and have good managerial skills, understanding just what needs to happen for things to progress properly. Trivial, fanciful endeavours are of little interest to you as you are more concerned with what can be achieved through working diligently. Your sombre demeanour may cause others to falsely assume that you have no feelings or do not care. It is challenging for you to express the more delicate emotions that you keep buried deep down. Failing scares you and therefore you do whatever you can to succeed. It is usual for you to feel depressed, however you generally pay this no mind and continue working and pushing forward. Loneliness can also be a problem for you as you believe that only you are able to complete a task the correct way. An independent life fits you and you do not resent the circumstances you have been placed in as you know there is always a way to sink lower. You are extremely motivated to succeed, perhaps too much so. You possess a great deal of patience and this is a good thing because your climb to the top is going to be slow-moving; luckily you are able to persevere. There is a tendency towards being a bit harsh and critical, particularly in regards to your own efforts. Reserved by nature, you prefer to use caution rather than letting loose. Expressing your feelings or displaying warmth towards loved ones makes you feel uneasy and you would rather keep a tight rein; you may be a bit timid at times. You are not one to break a rule as you truly comprehend the reasoning behind it and this can make you a rather strict authority figure.

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Moon harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 6.86 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.86)

You are drawn to life’s many mysteries and enjoy uncovering hidden truths, even if there are some risks involved in doing so. You feel happiest when in the midst of an emotionally intense situation and therefore have no trouble handling circumstances where others are emoting dramatically, instead you dig to the heart of the issue and help to remedy the problem. Instinctively you understand that in order to be truly close to someone, emotions must be brought to the surface, no holds barred, and you strive to accomplish this intimate connection. You are not one to toy with someone’s feelings. Subjects pertaining to religion, science, mythical or mystical studies, sexuality, psychological evaluation, fiction based on scientific evidence, dying, the afterlife, or curing ailments are all fascinating for you. Your strong intuition helps you to truly comprehend what other people are feeling and going through. Gaining knowledge is pleasurable to you and you soak up new data like a sponge. Your feelings run much deeper than what you express to others. You work diligently and are dedicated to doing your job, even when much energy and will are required. Somehow you have a knack for figuring out just what the main issue is in any challenge and how to work through it. Your analytical mind would do well in the field of psychology or therapy, as you do well dissecting people’s thoughts and feelings accurately. Your will-power is exceptionally strong and you do not easily give up.

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Moon discordant to Uranus

(power = 6.06 and this aspect is discordant = -6.06)

Your emotions vary wildly and it is anyone’s guess as to when or why they will alter. Very self-sufficient, you abhor being restricted for any reason. You are drawn to everything that is unique, strange, or shocking, though you tend to jump from one thing to the next without allowing yourself to master any of it. You are unable to restrain yourself yet it is often the best thing for you. You seek out thrills, variety, exciting adventures, and feel like a zombie if forced to do the same thing day in and day out. Fresh concepts and ideas are like air to you and you are enthused to involve yourself in them. Sometimes you can rush in too quickly, and perhaps carelessly, particularly in regards to your romantic partnerships. You rebel when you perceive your freedom will be curtailed somehow. It is difficult for you to stand by your word as you never know if your emotions about the matter will change tomorrow, 5 years from now, or not at all. Everything is done spontaneously. There is a tendency towards acting selfishly and putting yourself first above all. The situation at home can be volatile and the bonds you form with females are as well. Try to think about your feelings before expressing them without warning. People are often confused about where they stand with you because one moment you are cold and the next sociable. Sometimes you will consciously keep yourself at a distance as you are worried that getting close to people may somehow limit your independence. Your spirit needs to be allowed room to roam as it may. For personal growth, you must find a way to subdue the emotional chaos that lives within and surfaces at random. If your feelings are negatively triggered, you can react irrationally or recklessly. This careless activity causes you to be prone to accidental injury. You feel tense when you are inactive as your nervousness needs an outlet. At times you will do something odd just for the shock-value. Your need to be unrestrained can make it challenging to settle down in one location or with a partner. As you are prone to angry bursts, it would be best if you developed a way to hone your patience.

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Venus blending with Mars

(power = 5.13 and this aspect is neutral)

Ardent and passionate, your urges may get the best of you at times. Others are magnetically drawn to you whether you are good-looking or not, though you probably are. People delight in your enjoyable presence and therefore try to keep you around. If someone sparks an interest in you, you will try your absolute hardest to win them over. However, you may instead scare away the object of your affection by pursuing them a bit too intensely. You crave affection and appreciate beautiful surroundings. Engaging in creative pursuits is important to you as you need to focus your energies artistically to combat any internal tensions you may have.
This placement bestows a charming personality and the ability to attract others to you. Highly out-going, you need to spend time with others often; spending too much time on your own may prove difficult for you. You have a strong desire to express love and be shown love in return. However, be mindful of who you express this love to, as others may feel differently than you. You tend to take partnerships very seriously and can be completely crushed when something goes awry, making it particularly important that you are selective of whom you spend your efforts on. This placement can be challenging due to its tendency to create conflicts in your partnerships; you will both love and loathe each other. The emotions are both caring and antagonistic at the same time. Use these situations to inspire you creatively.

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Uranus discordant to Neptune

(power = 4.99 and this aspect is discordant = -4.99)

You are rather intuitive, possibly emotionally fragile, and may run into problems if you engage in the occult or mysticism in destructive ways. Because you are sensitive to your environment, you will need to be mindful towards a tendency to be easily affected by what others say, think, or do. It is also possibly that you may be able to pull out ideas from thin air and find a way to better yourself through them, whether this be an improvement on your will-power, your mentality, or your emotional well-being. Sometimes you are so set on being unlike the rest that you forget what the real truth is, try to stay aware of the actual situation. There is a tendency towards escaping through substance abuse, though this will not help you on your journey. Instead, you will discover who you are through aiding others. Use your intuition to guide you to where you are supposed to be. Creative endeavours will help you to unload any excess emotions.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.94 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.94)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Jupiter discordant to Saturn

(power = 4.49 and this aspect is discordant = -4.49)

You have a tendency to make yourself miserable due to deeply rooted anxieties over being unable to support yourself and possibly losing whatever material possessions you have acquired. This concern distresses you to such a degree that you pinch your pennies, worrying that any moment now it can all come tumbling down. As the anxiety increases, you find yourself sacrificing your excitement, your giving nature, and your trust in the world. Try to relieve your apprehension by relaxing more and doing the opposite of your inclination; GIVE. Do not lose trust in the universe to look out for you and keep you safe. Have faith and you will find yourself surrounded with what you need.
There is a possibility of setting your goals higher than you can achieve. This sort of mentality sets you up for a fall and when you do inevitably fail, you are unable to hold onto your initiative and motivation to continue with your aspirations. Keep in mind that you can accomplish a lot by taking things one day at a time; slow and steady wins the race. Allow yourself a realistic timeframe to aspire to, as time is the one thing you have the most of; do not fight against it, but become in sync, flow with it. Dismissing your aspirations will result in endlessly jumping from on unfinished project to another; learn self-restraint and complete the things you begin. You may feel an internal tension for stimulation which can have you trying to do too many assignments at once. The most important thing for you to learn is to be satisfied with yourself despite your possible imperfections.

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Sun discordant to Uranus

(power = 2.18 and this aspect is discordant = -2.18)

You are self-sufficient, unconventional, open-minded, unusual, and a bit of a rebel. This placement boosts your ego though may also create selfish behaviour and inability to discipline yourself. Your disposition can change quickly from one thing to another and you may feel as though you are an outsider. There is a difficulty in sticking to one project until completion, as you move rapidly between one task to another, unable to focus your energy. Unreliable at best, others feel as though they cannot trust you to keep your word. You tend to act on impulses, trying to channel your inner tension and nervousness. You may be accident-prone due to your careless actions and lack of patience. Changes in your life happen often and suddenly; the unpredictability tries to teach you spiritual wisdom. You may be interested in technology or mystical and astrological subjects, though are unable to stand by them for very long. Independence to live your life the way you please is of utmost importance to you and you strongly desire to venture out into new experiences and random adventures. There is something inside of you that urges you to challenge convention by behaving in eccentric, sometimes shocking ways. You strive to alter whatever you come across, regardless of whether or not you actually have a superior plan. Others find you strange and you may feel as though you are an alien living among a different species. However, this does not seem to faze you, rather it inspires you further. You can be selfish and must learn to consider other people’s needs and feelings. Try to pay attention to, and truly absorb, what other people are saying before you come to conclusions. Your mind is very active and you need constant new stimulation otherwise you lose interest quickly; challenges are always welcome as they keep your brain busy. Your intellect is well developed though you may wish to work on your emotional intelligence. In your mind, you are correct and others just aren’t. Develop a way to monitor your urges, rather than acting thoughtlessly.

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Jupiter discordant to Uranus

(power = 1.46 and this aspect is discordant = -0.73)

There is a tendency towards enjoying variety to such a degree that you move from one endeavour to another, without spending enough time on anything to master it. You become easily interested and want to know a little bit about everything, but in order to truly be successful, you will need to discipline yourself. You may also need to watch out for becoming so engrossed and inflexible in your own views and beliefs that you demand others believe the same. Challenging situations will continue to surround you until you learn to be accepting and tolerant of others viewpoints. It is alright to hold a strong belief system, as long as you do not punish people for being of a different mind-set. Be careful that you do not become involved in extreme demonstrations to prove your beliefs are correct, and rather develop a respect for individuality.
You are self-reliant, inventive, and unrestrained with strong resolve and drive to get things done. These traits aid you greatly in your journey towards success. Be sure that you keep to realistic goals rather than taking risks on long-shots. Not everyone can be as mentally quick as you are; therefore you need to practice patience with others who think at a slower speed. You are able to provide a substantial amount of knowledge to benefit others, though you must yield to working at their pace. You have a strongly held belief that you are entitled to your own opinions and viewpoints; it is only logical that the same privilege be bestowed to others.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Libra

Do not rush a Libra into a decision; it is important to them to have the proper time to look at every angle of a situation before they reach an outcome. At worst, they may be debating at such great length that they become stuck and are unable to decide one way or another. One moment they try one side, the next the other, assuming that if they try each one, a resolution will come to them. Libras are naturally just, fair, harmonious, amiable, pleasant, out-going, romantic, reliant on others, disingenuous, lazy, and pleasure-seeking (learn about compatibility with Libra here). They feel most complete when they are in a relationship or on a team of some sort. Their environment is important to them and they need this to be peaceful and comfortable.
Libras have a hard time keeping their own company, as they find interacting with others to be vital to their well-being. They prefer to have someone in their life they can truly share with. However, they must watch out for being in love with the idea of love, rather than the person themselves. They can be rather romantic and become caught up in the moment, running thoughtlessly into a commitment before truly knowing the other person.
Unfortunately, Libras are so sensitive to the vibes of those around them, that if there is disharmony, the Libra may allow others to get away with more than they should just to keep the peace. Libras are also so bent on keeping everyone happy that they may sacrifice their own well-being in the process.
Trouble with indecision can be a tough challenge for a Libra to rise above. It is likely that many beneficial chances may pass them up while they are considering their options. They find it difficult to decide on one option when they can see the merit in all of them. However, this allows them to be experts in counselling others because they can see the entire picture rather than being biased towards one side or the other. They must understand that they cannot be everything to everyone and learn when to stand their ground.
Another issue for Libras are their tendency to work as little as they are able to get away with. They are not likely to be seen as hard-working individuals. It is not that they are lazy per say, more so that they require inspiration.
It is imperative that a Libra develop a way to make decisions for themselves, otherwise they will be taken advantage of by more assertive characters, as it is easy for these people to influence a Libra’s thought process.
Librans are intellectuals with a creative mindset and outgoing personality. Often others will not be made aware of their mental activity due to their pleasing and sociable demeanour. This trait may instead come out in subdued methods of manipulation, which they are particularly gifted in.

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Moon in Libra

You are warm, considerate, amiable, positive, balanced, and socially pleasing. You are a wonderful companion to your mates and are gifted at making others feel cared for and at ease. While you are quite the people person, you are also very logical and rational, with good decision-making abilities, if only you could make up your mind. You enjoy artistic pursuits, especially that which may incorporate music; you may be interested in working as an entertainer. Social relationships are a necessity for you and you abhor any sort of conflict, especially emotionally. What you long for is harmonious interactions where you feel things are evenly balanced. You dislike manual labour and prefer to stick to white-collar professions. At times you may sacrifice things that are important to you just to keep the harmony or you may become elusive, where others cannot seem to get an answer from you one way or another; indecision can become a major problem for you. Inwardly you may be at war with yourself although you do not let others see this. Coming to a conclusion about something is challenging because you easily comprehend the different angles of each situation and wish to be just to each consideration. Be sure that you uphold your own values.

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Mercury in Virgo

Detail-oriented with a quick, sharp mind, you are able to execute tasks in a painstakingly careful and thorough fashion. You are effective, investigative, sensible, and reasoned; you keep your feet on the ground. Your practical, rational nature gives way towards a possible career in mechanical or technical work, where you need to possess a set of specific abilities. Abstract reasoning is not particularly interesting to you if it cannot be applied in a handy, concrete manner. Though you are detail oriented and enjoy investigating everything that comes your way, there is a likelihood of being blind to subtleties; you need things to be expressed to you directly rather than having to assume or guess at hints. You excel in endeavours that require an exact, accurate thought process, precise technique, or effective, structured administration. There is a tendency towards being too hard on others to meet your perfectionistic requirements. Your strengths include dependability, flexibility, methodical approach, and attention to detail. However, you are also prone to getting bogged down with a negative attitude and cynical, prejudiced behaviour as well as having a tendency to grumble and gripe when things are not to your liking. Be mindful that you do not lose the big picture when focusing on the details.

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Venus in Virgo

You are patiently loyal to those you love, giving and helpful whenever you are needed. You tend to express your affection through acts of kindness rather than through words or some sort of extravagant romantic gesture. Something about being too emotionally open makes you uncomfortable and you’d prefer to be more reserved in your expressions. There may be insecurity that you are unattractive or unlovable somehow. Your own doubt causes you to become fault-finding in your significant other and difficult to please. Beware that you do not wait so long for the elusive “perfect partner” that you waste your chances at happiness with someone real. You expect your environment to be neat and organised. Developing a way to aid others can help you to counter your tendency to complain and criticise. Despite these tendencies, you are gentle, compassionate, and kind which allows you to do well in professions where you are caring for others.

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Mars in Leo

There is a well-developed sense of pride. You have a desire to achieve and be admired for these achievements, or for the person that you are. You like to be the winner, the one at the top. You dislike anyone telling you what you should be doing or to remain behind the scenes. You want to be seen and will often create drama in order to make sure that happens. You may arrogantly declare you are correct in every situation, as you dislike being wrong. You are driven, diligent, aggressive, dynamic, inventive, and full of energy; competition is highly appealing to you. Life may seem like one big game to be won. You seek praise and value honesty and acting in accordance to one’s moral standards; nothing less is acceptable. Though you are extremely self-assured, there is a chance that you may feel insecure and self-protective, possibly acting abrasive, if your confidence is challenged. You are spontaneous, eager, motivated, and energetic. Once you have decided on the object of your desire, you will stop at nothing to win them over; displaying great passion and enthusiasm. When you have something you wish to express, you do so, no holds barred. However, be careful not to act foolishly and carelessly where money is involved; gambling can become an issue for you. You can also become touchy, confrontational, and possessive. Keep an eye on your heart, as this area of your body is particularly sensitive. Be sure to get plenty of exercise as this will release some of the excess emotional energy before it manifest in an unhealthy way.

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Jupiter in Aries

You are aggressive, excitable, full of energy, and always ready to start on one of the many projects swimming inside your brain. You enjoy sharing your viewpoints with others and can effortlessly convince them to follow you on your endeavours. You are likely to be a leader and can easily see the entire situation at hand. However, it would be wise for you to learn how to wait for things to unfold naturally, rather than rushing in impatiently; try to think things through thoroughly beforehand. There may also be a tendency towards believing and stating that you can accomplish more than you realistically are able to. Take care to be more accepting of concepts that may not be your own. You are naturally very persuasive and would make an excellent salesperson. Be careful that you do not delude yourself about your capabilities as you can be overly optimistic and prideful.

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Saturn in Libra

You are easy to talk to and know just how to negotiate a situation; your fairness encourages others to have faith in you. Be mindful of your kidneys and the health of your urinary tract as you are prone to having issues with them. The influence of Saturn in this placement hinders the kidneys, enabling the impurities in your system to fester rather than being expelled. Make sure to hydrate yourself as much as possible to counter this issue. You will find that you are required to be diplomatic and kind to others, showing acceptance, care and peace when interacting with people. Unfortunately, Saturn in Libra challenges your romantic partnerships in a way that forces you to develop self-control, diligence, and harmonious methods of conflict resolution. You tend to seek out partnerships as they help you to feel safe, though you may commit to a marriage for financial reasons or chose someone who is born in a different generation than yourself. The possibilities in this placement are many; you may pick a partner who is reserved and cool, or someone older than you, or perhaps you marry in your later years as you are unable to meet someone whose values coincide with your own. There is a chance that your high standards are unrealistic or too traditional make it difficult for you to find a match. If Saturn is negatively aspected, Marriage may seem like an idea that you’d prefer to keep at a distance.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 3rd house

Learning and acquiring information is important to you, though you may insist that each new piece of data be proven scientifically before accepting it as valid. Also, you will find yourself readily sharing the new information you have acquired with others. Your mental make-up includes a methodical approach to creating, something that you much enjoy doing. There may be a tendency to be impatient and domineering intellectually, as pride is something you need to keep an eye on. Your insistence on always being right may create conflict for you with your family or community and you will often embark on many short-lived intellectual adventures to obtain the constant stream of data you crave. You may also possess ability for the written and spoken word.

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Moon in 4th house

Family ties are important to you in this placement. You often search for and enjoy collecting possessions that tie to you to where you came from, a way of clinging to your past. Family relations and your home life instil a deep sense of personal security for you and there is likely a strong influence from the parental figures in your life. Your living location may change frequently as you search for an ideal location to put down roots. In your career, there will be an emphasis on things to do with the home; you may even work from home or create a home-like environment in your office as this will allow you to feel comfortable and secure.

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Mercury in 3rd house

Mercury in this placement gives you a clever, observant mind that is able to absorb information like a sponge. Quick and attentive, as well as gifted with versatility; you can be a jack-of-all-trades. It is likely that you will go through many short-lived adventures, but in time you will be able to bring your ideas to fruition due to your ease at articulating yourself through both the written and spoken word. Being very detail oriented, you may venture into a career in teaching or technology.

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Venus in 2nd house

You appreciate beautiful and creative things and spend a good deal of your financial resources acquiring them. It is important to you to have your lavish comforts. You may not always wish to put in the work required to obtain these ideals, but somehow you are able to attract what you need regardless. Often times you will gain financially through a personal relationship of kind or another.

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Mars in 2nd house

This placement bestows you with a significant amount of initiative to obtain monetary and personal goods. Your actions, though driven, are often impulsive and you can easily squander that which you have acquired. Although conserving your funds has never been your strong suit, developing a savings plan would be in your best interest, as your financial assets will tend to fluctuate frequently. Try to focus instead on your many other abilities.

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Jupiter in 9th house

Happy-go-lucky, generous to others and possessing an open mind, you can be inspirational to others. Others often follow you as you easily predict how circumstances will turn out due to your strong intuition and accurate judgement; people want to support your new concepts and endeavours. Philosophy and religion are of particular interest to you, and you are likely to profit from travelling and foreign situations. You may also be drawn to law, justice, or political concerns. You are more apt to find success later in life, rather than in your youth. In addition, your beliefs may be rather fixed or you may find that you lack something to believe in.

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Saturn in 3rd house

You have an amazing ability to concentrate on the deeper things in life. You tend towards more serious thinking and can be very patient when you want to get things done right. You keep your mind well organised and can excel in strategy or mathematical concepts, which you may participate in as a hobby. You do not mind engaging in projects that you would need to be involved with for a long period of time. There is a tendency towards a pessimistic attitude, in addition to feeling lonely and possibly even depressed. You may find yourself having issues communicating with your family and your immediate community and this may cause you to isolate yourself from them. Instead, try to think positively and focus on moving ahead. Be mindful of oxygen issues as your lungs may be sensitive; try to keep air in your sleeping quarters circulating well.

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Uranus in 12th house

You are idealistic as far as humanity is concerned, have a strong intuition, and tend to prefer staying in the background. However, you may develop trouble with your nervous system and often suffer from feeling as though you are alone. It is likely that you experience premonitions, yet you keep these secret from the world due to a fear of criticism. In fact, psychic phenomenon and new age topics tend to fascinate you in general. It is easy for you to find flaws in the circumstances around you and you tend to question life’s purpose. Freedom is highly important to you. There may be buried trouble from your past that will need to come to the surface and be dealt with. You may at times experience a kind of paranoia that makes you feel as though you will be attacked at any moment by some unforeseen force. You tend to feel anxious over believing an imminent disaster is just around the corner; learn to control your fears.

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Neptune in 4th house

Easily confused, you may find yourself plagued with anxiety and self-doubt which can at times make you feel removed from others and the outside world as a whole. Being at home may seem ideal to you, but this is often only a delusion. You feel a strong mystical connection with either your mother or father, possibly with both of them. Neptune in this placement creates subconscious forces that spur forward much uncertainty and misconception in regards to your home life and where you came from; things are not always what they seem. In addition, you are likely drawn to living near large bodies of water.

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Pluto in 1st house

Although your emotions may be rather sensitive, inside there is a powerhouse of strong will that allows you to fight for the things that are important to you. You can be overbearing at times and may try to use this energy to control others; you are capable of profound anger when the situation calls for it. Your internal strength comes from an intense emotionality and if harnessed correctly, you possess healing abilities that can both transform and regenerate. Others are pulled in by your magnetism, although you may be a bit of an enigma to them, causing you to spend a good deal of your time alone. Independent and courageous, you can sometimes find yourself brooding over trivial matters that may at times be imagined and would be best forgotten. Try to be more adaptable and forgive others their affronts.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Libra 9

Sabian Symbol: Three Masters hang on the wall of an art gallery with plenty of room.
Kozminsky Symbol: Quarreling behind a pair of scales are two men.

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Moon in 
Libra 20

Sabian Symbol: A Jewish rabbi performs his duties surrounded by manuscripts and books.
Kozminsky Symbol: A young girl weaves flower garlands as she sits in the sunlight.

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Mercury in 
Virgo 29

Sabian Symbol: A seeker of knowledge reads an ancient scroll in order to gain enlightenment.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the starry sky, a crescent moon shines bright.

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Venus in 
Virgo 4

Sabian Symbol: Children of white and black ethnicity all playing happily together.
Kozminsky Symbol: Unbound books are covered by a bookbinder fastening.

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Mars in 
Leo 29

Sabian Symbol: A mermaid rises out of the sea in order to take her place into humanity.
Kozminsky Symbol: Climbing a ladder with many others, a man leads the way to a figure holding out for him a wreath of stars.

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Jupiter in 
Aries 10

Sabian Symbol: A master gives new symbolic forms to old traditional images that have lost their meanings.
Kozminsky Symbol: A ship is sailing toward the morning light and is illuminated with pink, rosy light.

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Saturn in 
Libra 6

Sabian Symbol: A man sitting on a bench, in his mind’s eye sees his ideals take form.
Kozminsky Symbol: In charming country, a traction engine travels.

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Uranus in 
Cancer 14

Sabian Symbol: A dignified old man faces the vast darkness as he looks to the northeast.
Kozminsky Symbol: On an upright spear made of iron, a crab crawls. Seven stars are above in a circlet.

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Neptune in 
Libra 19

Sabian Symbol: In hiding, robbers are at the ready to attack a caravan.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a wounded soldier’s blood seeps out, a lion rises from it.

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Pluto in 
Leo 21

Sabian Symbol: Chickens eat some fermented feed, become intoxicated and try to fly and flutter around.
Kozminsky Symbol: A magician with fanciful robes traces mystical signs on the seashore sand in the dead of the night.

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Ascendant in 
Leo 11

Sabian Symbol: Children swing high from a hanging swing in the branches of a gigantic oak tree.
Kozminsky Symbol: Soldiers of questionable character are seen dragging off innocent women.

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Midheaven in 
Aries 18

Sabian Symbol: An empty hammock is stretched out between two beautiful trees.
Kozminsky Symbol: A wounded soldier is reaching out to the goddess Venus, whose hands are outreached to him.

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Lib 08° 00' 44"
59' 03"
00" N
3° 10' 46" S
Lib 19° 46' 27"
13° 37' 40"
3° 21' 35" S
10° 50' 42" S
Vir 28° 57' 19"
1° 48' 03"
1° 49' 60" N
2° 05' 51" N
Vir 03° 01' 36"
15' 26"
5° 00' 48" S
5° 43' 03" N
Leo 28° 09' 10"
37' 05"
1° 17' 35" N
13° 19' 59" N
Ari 09° 18' 00" R
- 8' 04"
1° 38' 16" S
2° 10' 52" N
Lib 05° 47' 36"
7' 25"
2° 08' 48" N
19' 51" S
Can 13° 50' 13"
20' 58" N
23° 04' 35" N
Lib 18° 50' 49"
2' 12"
1° 35' 36" N
5° 54' 40" S
Leo 20° 54' 38"
1' 22"
8° 37' 30" N
22° 41' 02" N
Sag 27° 29' 49"
2' 39"
6° 08' 52" N
17° 16' 40" S
Can 10° 08' 18"
6' 42"
4° 22' 24" N
27° 25' 15" N
True Node
Pis 09° 41' 12" R
- 3' 51"
00" N
7° 56' 25" S
P. of Fortune
Can 28° 40' 59"
Sag 28° 23' 00"
Leo 10° 26' 42"
Leo 26° 15' 29"
Vir 17° 17' 36"
Lib 17° 15' 35"
Sco 28° 29' 02"
Cap 10° 00' 25"
Aqu 10° 26' 42"
Aqu 26° 15' 29"
Pis 17° 17' 36"
Ari 17° 15' 35"
Tau 28° 29' 02"
Can 10° 00' 25"
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
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