Stedman Graham

Birth Chart: Stedman Graham (Pisces)

Stedman Graham, Jr. (born March 6, 1951) is an American educator, author, businessman and speaker, primarily known as the longtime boyfriend of media mogul Oprah Winfrey. Graham and Winfrey were engaged to be married in November 1992, but later decided they would rather have a "spiritual union".

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Stedman Graham

Born at Cape May, USA
Tuesday, March 06, 1951
22:30 (time zone = GMT -5 hours)
74w54, 38n56

Fact: Pisces dates are between February 19 and March 20. Check the Pisces dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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SCORPIO rising

Those with Scorpio rising are typically reserved on the outside while intense on the inside, they are private and full of mystery, have a strong will, can be quiet, though they are brave and dedicated, unyielding, creative, independent, disciplined (though not always with their desires), and may be difficult to read. The soul of the individual with the Scorpio rising is fighting a battle between their lowly physical desires and enlightenment. In the end, the lower self must yield and be reborn, rising up from the ashes to a higher understanding. You will be involved on all levels, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Outside you seem cool and unfazed, though inside there are intense emotions ever-present; you are a very deep person. You insist to be made aware of other people’s secrets though you will not disclose your own, preferring to remain quiet as to your intentions. You have a sharp mind and enjoy investigative endeavours. You insist on penetrating every hidden cavern, understanding the ins and outs, why and how. You are very determined when you apply yourself, strong-willed, and can conquer any obstacle, even if the obstacle is you. You must move past any possessive, resentful, or envious tendencies. You are drawn to subjects that incorporate mystical topics, sexuality, the healing arts, or death. When you are good, you are very very good, but when you are bad, you can be a complete scoundrel. You must develop a way to forgive others as this is an important life lesson for you. Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars and therefore their placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! Pisces is very sensitive to the needs of the partner, to the point of forgetting about personal needs. In spite of this sensitivity, Pisces is often unsure about pleasing the partner, as if fearing to be inadequate. Read all about Pisces sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Sun blending with Jupiter

(power = 11.53 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.77)

You radiate positive energy and have a confident, joyous demeanour. Your warmth and kindness is enjoyed by all around you. You are an innovative leader, devising magnificent ideas and coordinating them. You strive to achieve great heights in your life. You have high standards and assume that they will be met, and they usually are due to the considerate aid of others or through your own dedication. This placement bestows the recipient with luck, monetary prizes, eagerness, and self-assurance. The one thing you must be mindful of with this aspect is a tendency towards indulging yourself too much or engaging in wasteful behaviour. You may also need to curb your pride as you can get carried away with your own good qualities. Saving money may be difficult for as you are carefree in this regard, spending abundantly whenever the mood strikes. Deep down you crave to better understand yourself and to find your life’s purpose. Traveling is particularly enjoyable to you and your work may involve travel of some form. At times it may feel as though you are being watched over by a supernatural force as you seem to barely escape without injury at times, but always somehow do; you are protected. Good karma from a previous life, due to your kind heart and giving nature, has earned you these blessings and many would agree that you are indeed blessed. Utilise these gifts carefully and in a positive way.

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Sun blending with Mercury

(power = 11.16 and this aspect is neutral)

You can be unwilling to entertain another person’s point of view, preferring to hold tight to your own. Objectivity may also be difficult for you due to self-centredness. You enjoy communicating to others about all the things you love, think, or feel but are disinterested in hearing about other people. You are witty, with a sharp mind and a hunger for knowledge and new stimulation. If you are unable to experience novel situations, you become disinterested in your life; consistent mental stimulus is imperative for you. You are well able to convey your views and can be adept at persuading others, though you need to apply a greater focus while listening to people. Often you are trying to figure out what your next point in the conversation will be and miss out on what was said. You run on a high voltage and may develop little nervous habits. Finding an outlet for your anxiety by use of your hands may alleviate this nervous energy. In addition, try to focus more on what other people are contributing to the situation rather than being immersed in your own talents.

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Moon harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 10.73 and this aspect is harmonious = 10.73)

Mentally you are responsive, unique, perceptive, imaginative, and think on your feet. You can do well to channel your energies into inventing something progressive or unusual and you are drawn to mystical subjects. Astrology or technological topics fascinate you. Your sense of humour is a bit eccentric at times and you may behave in a surprising manner or poke fun at yourself just to get others to react. You feel a strong pull towards intensely emotive circumstances or anything thrilling and different. You demand your independence and hate to be tied down to anything that will limit it. However, you are often forced to adapt quickly to a variety of different circumstances that can pop up at random for you. Your notions are usually fresh and innovative, and usually can be applied in a way that would strongly benefit humanity. You are also able to view every aspect of a situation fairly. Although, you are often impatient, get bored easily, and do not finish what you have started. Others find you amusing and unique, and you are usually very lucky. Whatever is a deviation from the norm will tend to draw you in, for you seek the exhilaration of trying something you have not experienced before. You are able to see the benefit in monitoring your temper and feelings.

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Moon blending with Mercury

(power = 9.79 and this aspect is neutral)

The personal issues happening in other people’s lives are of immense interest to you. You enjoy listening to people’s problems and will happily open up to them about your emotions and your past. People naturally feel comfortable telling you about what is happening to them, their needs, and their deepest wishes. Your counsel is often sought after and you would do well in a field that involves psychology or interviewing others. However, be mindful not to get too carried away with frivolous chit-chat.
Historical culture interests you and you will likely be fascinated with learning about anything pertaining to this subject matter. Knowing where you come from is important to you. You may also study psychological, mythological, symbolic, or lingual topics. You have a clever, witty humour though you can find yourself behaving superficially with others at times. Mentally you are talented in perception and are great at remembering things, though your emotions can blur your judgement. You enjoy spicing things up a bit and prefer having something to adapt to regularly, rather than the same stale, boring routine. This desire leads to a great love of travelling to new places. Your mental and emotional processes are linked, and at times you can swing wildly from being very rational and analysing the situation with sound logic, to emotionally compromised and unreasonable.

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Mars discordant to Uranus

(power = 6.61 and this aspect is discordant = -8.26)

You are vibrant, innovative, unique, quick-witted, observant, anxious, self-sufficient, wild, hasty, and possess good mechanical skills. Others may need to watch out when you become angry as this can happen rather suddenly and the process can destroy everything around you. Inwardly you have a craving towards reforming old traditions whether or not these changes will be beneficial; you have a rebellious nature. There is a restlessness within you that causes you to be always on the move, looking for new adventures. Dangerous situations and risky ventures do not deter you and you may find these even more exciting for being so. Often you are impatient and insist that you have your way the moment you decide on something. Many times you will follow your own course without thought to how it may affect anyone or anything else. Others may view you as selfish and arrogant. You have a tough time sticking to any course long-term as you are unsure what it is that you are actually trying to accomplish.
Working as a team is difficult for you though it would be highly beneficial for you to develop a way to compromise with others. You communicate your wishes directly and perhaps at times bluntly; others are usually aware where they stand with you and what you are looking for. You require a great deal of independence to be able to do things as you see fit and if things do not go the way you envisioned, you can burst forth with anger; working for yourself or in solitude is probably best for you. This placement insists that you develop a way to be patient with others and if you refuse to, fate will throw you into circumstances that will force your hand. Volatile situations, and people, are drawn to you so as to show you how to manoeuvre in them. Trust in your intuition as it is particularly strong and usually accurate. You are prone to accidental injuries and mistakes due to your inability to pace yourself, always rushing ahead without thinking; try to come with a tentative plan in the least. This is the lesson you are required to learn with this placement, in addition to developing discipline and self-restraint.

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Mars discordant to Saturn

(power = 5.99 and this aspect is discordant = -10.49)

Yours is a contradictory balancing act between a strong force towards action and cautious reserve. If this placement is expressed negatively, you can be merciless and act without heart. Inside yourself you store every slight that has ever been afflicted upon you. Feeling resentful and angry, you remember each hurt and refuse to bestow forgiveness. You are vengeful, plotting ways to repay those who have hurt you, though you may not actually act upon these musings. This placement will also bestow you with great ambitious and dedication. Challenges will not deter you as you can work very diligently, persevering beyond what most others would be capable of. However, the most common impact of this placement will make you emotionally fickle, going from warm to cool rather suddenly, or it will provide you constant trials so as to assess your character. The general feel of this placement is not necessarily pleasing, though it may bring to you advantageous abilities that allow you to survive extremely difficult situations, and that is worth quite a lot. If you are able to get through the tension that this placement provides, you will find yourself a very strong person indeed.
When you focus diligently towards one aspiration you are able to achieve a great deal. The path can be quite hard on you however, and you will feel as though you are left with the burden of the entire task on your own. You are able to call upon an impressive amount of self-restraint and discipline when needed although you may criticise yourself harshly, feeling that you are never quite good enough and heaven forbid it if you were to make a mistake. At times, the doubt you feel within can damage opportunities for success. If you are involved with a long term endeavour you may find yourself feeling defeated when the project does not advance quickly enough for your liking. When you attempt to assert yourself, you are often met with opposition. This can lead to you feeling as though you are inferior in comparison to others. You must develop a way to channel the inner feelings of aggravation you possess or they will lead to you feeling as though you may burst at any moment. Often when this burst does occur, it is directed at the people you feel most bonded to. Be careful not to generate resentment in your loved ones; they are not a doormat for you to wipe your dirty feet on. It might be best for you to labour alone. This placement is likely to produce many interruptions, postponements, and challenges regarding your plans; be patient.
You must find equilibrium between your wants or wishes, and the responsibilities that you are obliged to. Pursuing your longings is likely to cause others to view you as self-centred, foolish, and undependable. However, if you restrain yourself completely from pursuing your inner wants, you might not be able to keep yourself from ripping at the seams; both areas need to be catered to. Unfortunately, due to this tension, you feel angry and irritated because you believe that your decisions are somehow made for you and you are unable to engage in what is most pleasing for you. These resentments keep building and cause you to emote negatively, often in spite and mockery. It may help you to write down the things that you are obligated to do first and make sure you get them done. Next write down what you would most like to do for pleasure and start on those. This way you have a clearly defined path towards accomplishing both types of endeavours and are not fighting with yourself, causing delay due to frustration by indecision. Highly detail-oriented and organised, you make sure that the work you take on is done right.
In addition to the above, one of the lessons given in the placement is for you to be aware of and appreciate just how beautiful life can really be. Many times you are unable to see the positive things going on around you because you are so bogged down by the difficulties that you face on a regular basis. Life can be cold and harsh at times but, as with everything, there must be balance. Every yin has its yang and the harshness must be tempered by love and beauty, both of which can be found all around you if you only LOOK. You require warmth and care though these things may not be abundant in your life. If you want more love in your life you must be able to express your own feelings to other people, something that can be particularly difficult for you to do. Previous hurts are not easily forgotten by you and you may carry with you a deep emotional wound, creating a detached, reserved demeanour that others may find impenetrable. This sombre attitude can baffle others as they are unable to read you.
As mentioned previously, you have a tendency towards keeping any negative feelings secured within until they reach a boiling point and burst forth. Holding in your anger will only cause you harm, whether this be mentally, emotionally, or physically; you are susceptible to disorders affecting the organs that are responsible for cleaning your system and must be mindful of your kidneys and gallbladder. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for you to monitor your wants as they can become destructive and uncontrollable if left to their own devices. It is also possible that you will find it difficult to complete tasks that you have started as your determination wavers as time carries on. Another influence with this placement is an inclination towards adopting an unsympathetic, cold-hearted, self-centred approach where you will only help others if you are able to benefit from doing so.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 5.03 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.03)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Saturn discordant to Uranus

(power = 2.60 and this aspect is discordant = -3.90)

This placement can create a few alternate possibilities as you will either be prone to breaking the law, be too afraid to take even sensible risks, come to be extremely co-dependent on others, incorporate severe power-hungry tendencies where you try to rise at all costs, have uncontrollable violent outburst, or be lazy, deceitful, disloyal, cruel, cold, intolerant, ruthless, spiteful, odd, or a threat to others safety. You are plagued with internal strain and are constantly fighting yourself as to whether you wish to act dutifully or be free to do as you may. There may be trouble with collaborating with others, as this causes you great tension. This tension may be a result of your desire to please others when you’d rather be doing things differently or from not wanting to do what you should be doing. It would be easier if you would get your duties out of the way as quickly as possible so that you may concentrate on the things you’d rather do. Anger is easily triggered in you and you can become quite difficult with little warning. It is imperative that you learn to accept others for the unique individuals that they are, as this is only fair. Try to foster forgiveness and let go of past slights. Find a way to release the pent up feelings you carry inside slowly rather than exploding uncontrollably when you cannot keep them in any longer.

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Venus harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 2.50 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.13)

You are emotionally intense and when you love someone, you love them with your all. Your powerful passions will either magnetically draw others to you or frighten them away. You have a great deal of charm and a way of attracting others to you almost without effort. This influence you have over others can cause you to easily use manipulation tactics, even if these actions are often subconscious. This placement allows you to either change your beliefs into something more beneficial to you, or to aid other people in changing their beliefs. You are likely to be creative and strive to promote a beautiful, peaceful, and comfortable environment. Your perception and compassion for others causes you to reach out and help people in whatever way you can.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Pisces

Pisceans are sensitive, kind, caring, unobtrusive, amiable, flexible, prophetic, private, mysterious, and altruistic with excellent intuition and a bend towards idealism (learn about compatibility with Pisces here). However, when afflicted they are capable of being overly-emotional, fickle, gullible weaklings who wallow in their own despair and cannot make a decision. Aiding others helps them achieve balance within.
In regards to love, Pisceans care about the little things and can be rather romantic. They may place their partner on a pedestal, requiring their significant other to exhibit the traits that the Piscean has attributed to them and are often left wounded when their partner inevitably fails them. Disenchantment sets in when the Piscean learns that the partner was not necessarily who they originally thought they were.
Similar to the image used to represent Pisces, the Piscean soul is pulled in opposing ways. This constant struggle can wreak havoc for a Piscean internally as they are never quite sure which path is the correct one to take, forcing them to listen solely to their gut instincts. However, dealing with the internal chaos can cause so much tension for them that they turn to escapism via over-eating, substance abuse, or other indulgences. One part of the Piscean spirit drags them into the depths of despair while the other one is always striving to purify the soul, lifting the Piscean through the dirt by self-discipline, and allowing them to obtain a great deal of wisdom from their suffering.
Pisceans must be mindful of the environment in which they surround themselves as they absorb energy without meaning to. A negative environment will have a devastating impact on them and should be avoided as much as possible. If they are able to keep the vibes around them positive, they can focus their inner talent for creativity in beneficial ways. A Piscean may be so highly attuned to what is going on around them that they will pick up on sensations and observations that most are blind to.
Pisceans may at times seem to be set on a goal, but by nature they are not very sure of themselves and their determination may quickly falter if pressed. A strong drive to achieve is not usually part of their makeup and they require a good deal of support and encouragement. Deciphering the array of complex emotions they possess is important to them. They can be very insecure, doubting their decisions at every turn; it is imperative that they develop confidence in their own capabilities.
Pisceans can be very giving of themselves and aiding others in some way helps them to stay positive. They are highly emotional people and when they are able to channel this energy to benefit others, they feel rejuvenated.
Peaceful and sensitive, Piscean tend to avoid confrontations even when they are necessary. This unfortunately leads them to be part of sticky situations that they have a difficult time escaping from. No is not a word that is easy for a Pisces to say, instead they remain in negative situations believing that if they reform somehow, all will work itself out again. They are apt to play the victim or the hero, depending on the circumstances, in order to remedy a hardship. Pisceans will usually give more weight to their heart than they would their brain when making decisions, and this can be easily manipulated by those who may not have their best interests in mind; they may empathise too readily when being told a sad tale. Their intentions are honourable, though it would be best for them to develop their rational sensibilities and learn to keep a more level head in these matters.
Pisceans can be rather private, though they are able to make social connections easily and remain faithful to them. Though they are not aggressive types, they will come to the defence of those they care about when necessary, in their own way.
A Piscean can have trouble igniting that driving force that others may have more readily available to them. This does not mean that Pisces are all lazy folk; however they do often spend more time procrastinating than actually doing what they are supposed to. Having a bit of time to themselves each day to regroup can actually motivate them to achieve more.
Creative endeavours can help to curb a Piscean’s instinct to evade the physical realm. Art in general will draw them in, whether this be through music, acting, drawing, writing…the possibilities are endless! Pisceans intuitively sense what they can and cannot do. Regrettably, this innate understanding may keep them from trying something they feel they will unable to accomplish. The Fish can easily sink into despair over a negative comment from another, even if this comment was spoken with good intentions. At times the sensitive emotions of the Piscean will project slights where there were none.
Pisceans often attempt to explain their behaviours as they are seeking true understanding from others. Unfortunately, due to their inability to handle confrontations, they will seem as though they are not being truthful while they twist words around trying to elicit an understanding of their true intentions. When they do something wrong, they would rather find a way to express their good intentions then to admit fault, even if this means being somewhat dishonest.

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Moon in Pisces

You convey your feelings in a considerate and supportive way. You are caring, compassionate, sympathetic, tender, creative, and unobtrusive, with a fascinating way of perceiving how others are feeling or may respond to circumstances. You have a large amount of empathy, feeling the pain others are experiencing. Those who are suffering instinctively seek you out as they are aware on some level that you will not judge them for their woes. Often times, people are unable to imagine that you are suffering just as greatly as they are themselves; regardless of your personal feelings you will always do your best to aid those in need. Deep down you believe that the suffering you have experienced happened for a reason, even if the sole motive was to teach you a lesson. Your kind-heart may be misused by others which forces you to retreat from the world to replenish your inner balance. Your spirit craves music and there is a pull towards it. Music becomes a major part of your life or expression, as you discover that only through music are you able to find a home for the often indefinable emotional chaos present within you. You have an idealistic view of love; be mindful that the romantic in you falls in love with the person you are seeing rather an idea you have constructed in your mind. Your daydreams and emotions can be quite real to you and you can become completely engrossed in them, perhaps too much. Your moods may fluctuate wildly, leaving those close to you baffled, unknowing what to do. Challenging projects do not deter you and you are likely to enjoy working for people who are not as affluent as yourself. You absorb the energy around you whether you want to or not and this drains you; you do best when you can work on your own, away from the stressful energies of others. There is likely to be some sort of creative or artistic talent, though you may need to discipline your mind before your fantasies run away with you.

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Mercury in Pisces

The way you process, receive, and convey information tends to incorporate creativity, compassion, sensitivity, diplomacy, and idealism, while displaying prophetic tendencies. However, when afflicted you may become an overly-emotional, day-dreaming procrastinator who sluggishly goes about life half-sound. Motivating yourself to do something perceived as difficult can be met with formidable subconscious resistance and you may find yourself somehow distracted, skirting your responsibilities, and unable to organise yourself. Artistic ventures are more apt to ignite your passions than technical endeavours. You may turn your nose up at traditional methods of education yet find yourself almost absorbing information from thin air when you are truly fascinated by a topic. The energies that you encounter in your environment have an immense influence on you and therefore you must be mindful of the situations you surround yourself with. Occasional seclusion from the world is necessary for you to replenish your inner balance and serenity. However, do not cut yourself off to such a degree that you become obsessed about your own short comings, as you can tend to wallow in despair if left alone for too long. You may find that you heal better through alternative methods such as visual aids or massage therapy. Creative or artistic subjects will usually hold your attention, especially those involving the written word, acting, or music as you can be quite imaginative. It may be easier for you to convey your thoughts in creative ways rather than articulating yourself verbally; you are a bit scatter-brained and your speech may jump around, making you seem less intelligent than you really are. You are more likely to be guided by your intuition than being forced to accommodate concrete conclusions based on hard data. Often you understand how others are feeling prior to them understanding it themselves. You may at times become so lost in your own internal world that you are blind to the physical state of things going on around you. For you, nothing is impossible and you have a fantastic way of keeping your mind open to possibilities. Non-physical realms exist to you the same way that the physical realm does and your initial inklings about others are unusually spot-on. This gut intuition of yours does not seem to require hard data to be accurate; you just get a sense of things and people. Your thoughts may go down many unexpected roads which affect you a great deal; therefore it would be most beneficial for you to focus on staying positive mentally.

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Venus in Aries

Venus naturally craves partnerships, socialising, warmth, and love, while Aries is direct, commanding, and a strong leader. These two combined will bestow you with a tendency towards pursuing your relationships with great fervour. Your emotions are quickly ignited and you enthusiastically take charge in social situations and romantic endeavours. You decide what you want and you go get it. However, be mindful not to pursue interests only for the sake of pursuing them and not because you truly desire them; you often discard the object of your desire once the chase has ended and you have completed your conquest. Therefore, it is likely that your romantic affairs begin in an intense burst of exhilaration and passion, only to temper off into a pale remnant of what they once were. You will always find new pursuits to master, and you will chase them as if going into battle; nothing will dissuade you. The most negative trait that Venus possesses is the tendency towards people pleasing and becoming overly accommodating for the sake of harmony. Therefore you may find that with this aspect you seek out partners that will insist you accommodate their needs and wishes, forcing you to put your own aside. An Aries Venus placement insists that you are a leader, though do not control, that you are accommodating, though not a doormat. You are self-sufficient and have a spontaneous style towards romantic involvements. You enjoy competition and may become quarrelsome only for the sake of having a short-lived thrill. You may need to be mindful of the consequences your actions have on others and develop consideration for their needs, instead of always looking out for yourself. Try also to cultivate patience, as your tendency towards haste can become a major obstacle for you.

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Mars in Aries

You are assertive, spontaneous, and always ready to start on a ground-breaking new adventure. You dislike being held back or having others control your actions in any way. You make a much better leader than you do a subordinate. Often you are strong-willed, impetuous, and unwilling to wait. When you want something, you go full speed ahead, without paying much attention to any objections or obstacles put in your path. You thoroughly enjoy and seek out challenges that allow you to demonstrate your capabilities. Collaborating peacefully with others does not come easily to you and you can be a bit self-centred, looking out for your own best interests with little regard to others needs; it is all about YOU. You are unable to accept any aid from others as you do not wish to be viewed as weak. You insist that things be done the way you want them to be, whether or not this is the most beneficial direction to take in the matter. Your strongest skill lies in pioneering; you excel in getting the ball rolling, though will opt out quickly when the endeavour takes longer than you expected. Long term dedication to an assignment is not easy for you. It may be best to stick with projects that you can finish in a shorter time frame. Drive, vitality, and zest are native to you. Though make sure to mind how much energy you exert, as you can throw yourself in full-force, only to wear yourself out prematurely. Exercise is important to you as you need an outlet for the immense amount of physical energy you possess; you are likely to be quite fit and healthy. There is a tendency to be accident-prone. Try to mind your temper and desire to rush forward too quickly, without thinking things through first. Develop a strategy for seeing an assignment through to the end before starting a new one.

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Jupiter in Pisces

The best way for you to grow is through benefiting humanity or enlightening others. You believe that everyone is connected and that what harms one of us, harms the rest. You are compassionate, giving, amiable, modest, unobtrusive, and prophetic with a quiet humour and excellent intuition. Spiritual matters are of particular significance to you though you must carve your own road to truth. Occasional seclusion from the world is healthy for you as you may need to sooth the tensions you feel internally. You feel a strong urge to aid those that are less fortunate than yourself and may be involved in humanitarian efforts; your presence allows others to have faith that somehow things will work out for the best. You can become effective in the healing arts, if interested. Being out in nature is a favourite pastime, and you have an affinity for animals, especially those of a larger breed. When afflicted, you can be too emotionally sensitive, embellish facts or stories, over-indulge, prone to excess in general, and become wrapped up with the long-gone joyful moments of the past.

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Saturn in Libra

You are easy to talk to and know just how to negotiate a situation; your fairness encourages others to have faith in you. Be mindful of your kidneys and the health of your urinary tract as you are prone to having issues with them. The influence of Saturn in this placement hinders the kidneys, enabling the impurities in your system to fester rather than being expelled. Make sure to hydrate yourself as much as possible to counter this issue. You will find that you are required to be diplomatic and kind to others, showing acceptance, care and peace when interacting with people. Unfortunately, Saturn in Libra challenges your romantic partnerships in a way that forces you to develop self-control, diligence, and harmonious methods of conflict resolution. You tend to seek out partnerships as they help you to feel safe, though you may commit to a marriage for financial reasons or chose someone who is born in a different generation than yourself. The possibilities in this placement are many; you may pick a partner who is reserved and cool, or someone older than you, or perhaps you marry in your later years as you are unable to meet someone whose values coincide with your own. There is a chance that your high standards are unrealistic or too traditional make it difficult for you to find a match. If Saturn is negatively aspected, Marriage may seem like an idea that you’d prefer to keep at a distance.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 4th house

You take pride in your home life as this is where you feel most like yourself. In the comfort of your own living quarters, you are rather creative; be careful though as there is a tendency to lord over others in the home. Building strong connections with others is likely to be important to you though you will find that you remove yourself from social situations when under stress. For better or worse, your parental figures have had a strong impact on you.

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Moon in 4th house

Family ties are important to you in this placement. You often search for and enjoy collecting possessions that tie to you to where you came from, a way of clinging to your past. Family relations and your home life instil a deep sense of personal security for you and there is likely a strong influence from the parental figures in your life. Your living location may change frequently as you search for an ideal location to put down roots. In your career, there will be an emphasis on things to do with the home; you may even work from home or create a home-like environment in your office as this will allow you to feel comfortable and secure.

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Mercury in 4th house

You spend a great deal of your time at home absorbing various types of knowledge. With a wide variety of interests, learning about them gives you a sense of security. Highly charged with nervous energy, it is necessary that you find ways to unwind and sooth your mind. There may even be a cosy corner in your home where you enjoy conversing with guests. It is likely that you experience inner tension until you to find a place where you belong, causing you to engage in frequent changes of living quarters.

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Venus in 5th house

Attention from the opposite sex comes easily to you as you are attractive in a variety of ways. Demonstrative with affection and possessing a good artistic sense, you draw people to you. Be mindful not to be too wild and over-indulge during your nights out on the town. You enjoy engaging in activities that involve music, acting, or creativity of some sort and are likely to be a good performer, perhaps even on stage. You delight being around children and children adore your enchanting way of expressing yourself as well, therefore teaching may be a career option for you.

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Mars in 5th house

Expressing your creativity is important to you and you possess a great deal of drive to do so. Most likely engaged with sports, you must watch for a tendency towards gambling and to take unnecessary risks as you like to thoroughly enjoy yourself in these sorts of events. Romantic involvements are of a particular interest to you and you spend a good deal of effort in the dating department. Attraction does not seem to be an issue however, there is an underlying tension from a previous in regards to children.

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Jupiter in 4th house

Confident, charitable, and welcoming, with a strong sense of loyalty to your home land; you are likely to become quite fortunate later in life. You enjoy living in quarters that are roomy and relaxing. A large part of who you are was shaped by your parental figures, as they likely have always been very supportive of you. There is a good indication that you gain in financial resources through your parents as well. With this placement, staying close to where you were born may be beneficial to you rather than relocating. Take extra care not to become too bold and over-indulgent.

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Saturn in 11th house

Though you are socially popular and enjoy engaging with others, there are only a handful of people you would actually call “friend”, and it is likely that you met these people long ago as your friendships typically go the distance. You are often drawn to social circles that are more sombre in nature or that have some sort of deeper reason for existing and generally feel extremely loyal and obligated to these groups. It may happen that you put a great deal of effort into these groups, with very little appreciation. It is important for you to practice patience and be diligent in your work in order to attain your ambitions. You will find yourself thriving in your later years, but only if you are able to learn from your early challenges. Feeling like the odd-man-out in social situations is probable in this placement; you see yourself distinctly unique.

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Uranus in 8th house

You have unusual notions in regards to topics such as life and death, the afterlife, and sexuality which you do not readily share with others. You are strongly intuitive and capable of profound psychic insights. Particularly interested in the metaphysical realm, you find yourself consistently searching for information. Anxiety and problems with your nerves are especially challenging for you, and you may have suffered with suicidal thoughts in your youth. There is a theme of unpredictability in regards to your finances and you are likely to go through many ups and downs, often suddenly gaining funds through unconventional means or losing them just as quickly and mysteriously. You may possess healing abilities through your hands or at least an interest in them.

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Neptune in 11th house

You have high ideals and are concerned with the well-being of all people. You possess a strong intuition as far as your hopes and desires are concerned, however this placement may create challenges for you in regards to which path to take to attain your objectives. Fantasising will not help things, as hard-work will be needed to achieve them. You tend to be drawn to contacts that are quirky oddballs, often artistic or musically inclined in some way, though they may not always be dependable or honest. Keep an eye out for those that are not who you may believe they are; these connections may try to drag you into substance abuse so be sure to keep your wits about you. Your wishes can be attained if you can achieve decisive clarity for your aspirations and keep your feet on the ground.

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Pluto in 9th house

Your intuition is very strong, often psychic. You may even feel as though you visit other realms while you are sleeping. Having a strong interest in how and why things work the way they do, you are likely to be drawn to religious studies and philosophical topics. Very independent in your own beliefs, you may need to be careful not to brush off the beliefs of others as this would be unfavourable to you in the long run. Do not become obsessed with your own ideas but rather try to accept other points of view. You have an intense drive to get to the truth, desiring a deep understanding of everything you come across. You may go through a type of rebirth or regeneration through your dreams, spiritual or philosophical experiences, or travels. You may study too hard and cause yourself mental stress; try to pace yourself. In addition, be open-minded to listening to others rather than insisting that you are correct.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Pisces 16

Sabian Symbol: While quietly sitting in the museum, an art student receives an artist vision.
Kozminsky Symbol: Standing on a trumpet is a hawk with his wings outspread.

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Moon in 
Pisces 7

Sabian Symbol: A cross sits on a rock in the fog.
Kozminsky Symbol: Two wrestlers are attempting to win, one is evil looking and the other is angelic manly beauty.

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Mercury in 
Pisces 12

Sabian Symbol: In an occult brotherhood, members are being initiated.
Kozminsky Symbol: An author receives news that his manuscript has been rejected. A photo of a lady is on his table.

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Venus in 
Aries 13

Sabian Symbol: An unexploded bomb is safely hidden from being discovered.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a cross-sword of bright steel and a handle of copper. Above it is a heart of gold and golden light is streaming from it.

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Mars in 
Aries 5

Sabian Symbol: Golden wings on a white triangle.
Kozminsky Symbol: Standing on his castle walls, a brave knight is in full armor waiting to battle the hordes of the angry, armed crowd. Suddenly, there is a curious note coming from a six-stringed harp played by a mysterious character in the back of the mob. The defier is now at the good graces of the defied as the colossal walls of the castle fall.

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Jupiter in 
Pisces 20

Sabian Symbol: A farmhouse table is set for an evening supper.
Kozminsky Symbol: As maidens surround him, a musician sings love songs to each.

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Saturn in 
Libra 1

Sabian Symbol: In a metaphorical painting, a brilliant butterfly is seen in death impaled by a dart.
Kozminsky Symbol: Above a square, a lion has his paw resting upon a heart.

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Uranus in 
Cancer 6

Sabian Symbol: Wild birds are building nests of feathers in the heart of spring.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a man continues to spend lavishly in order to entertain his friends, behind a curtain hides a clowning who continues to laugh at him.

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Neptune in 
Libra 20

Sabian Symbol: A Jewish rabbi performs his duties surrounded by manuscripts and books.
Kozminsky Symbol: A young girl weaves flower garlands as she sits in the sunlight.

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Pluto in 
Leo 19

Sabian Symbol: A houseboat party is happening as the water reflects the joyful event.
Kozminsky Symbol: Bleeding hearts are on the sword of a giant as he holds it.

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Ascendant in 
Scorpio 12

Sabian Symbol: An embassy ball where dignitaries are dancing.
Kozminsky Symbol: Resting on a stand with rust sits a battery.

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Midheaven in 
Leo 20

Sabian Symbol: A ceremony is performed by ancient American Indians invoking the Sun.
Kozminsky Symbol: Sheets of music are strewn on a platform with a violin and bow.

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Pis 15° 45' 12"
1° 00' 04"
00" S
5° 37' 12" S
Pis 06° 41' 53"
13° 37' 42"
1° 07' 40" S
10° 06' 14" S
Pis 11° 54' 31"
1° 51' 45"
1° 55' 46" S
8° 52' 52" S
Ari 12° 32' 15"
1° 13' 46"
43' 32" S
4° 17' 14" N
Ari 04° 02' 04"
46' 13"
36' 13" S
1° 03' 01" N
Pis 19° 13' 22"
14' 32"
1° 01' 25" S
5° 12' 32" S
Lib 00° 01' 39" R
- 4' 30"
2° 31' 04" N
2° 17' 56" N
Can 05° 25' 34" R
- 24"
19' 35" N
23° 39' 47" N
Lib 19° 00' 20" R
- 1' 19"
1° 40' 35" N
5° 53' 40" S
Leo 18° 02' 12" R
- 1' 15"
8° 45' 08" N
23° 44' 20" N
Cap 01° 49' 02"
3' 12"
5° 45' 41" N
17° 40' 30" S
Gem 16° 45' 16"
6' 43"
5° 08' 25" N
27° 54' 10" N
True Node
Pis 18° 59' 60" R
- 09"
00" N
4° 21' 16" S
P. of Fortune
Sco 20° 25' 04"
Gem 24° 24' 56"
Sco 11° 21' 45"
Sag 10° 31' 48"
Cap 13° 51' 47"
Aqu 19° 13' 29"
Pis 21° 51' 21"
Ari 19° 04' 08"
Tau 11° 21' 45"
Gem 10° 31' 48"
Can 13° 51' 47"
Leo 19° 13' 29"
Vir 21° 51' 21"
Lib 19° 04' 08"
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
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