Birth Chart: Roland Lamotte (Cancer)

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Roland Lamotte

Born at Fourmies, France
Monday, June 23, 1930
16:00 (time zone = GMT 1 hours)
4e03, 50n00

Fact: Cancer dates are between June 21 and July 22. Check the Cancer dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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SCORPIO rising

Those with Scorpio rising are typically reserved on the outside while intense on the inside, they are private and full of mystery, have a strong will, can be quiet, though they are brave and dedicated, unyielding, creative, independent, disciplined (though not always with their desires), and may be difficult to read. The soul of the individual with the Scorpio rising is fighting a battle between their lowly physical desires and enlightenment. In the end, the lower self must yield and be reborn, rising up from the ashes to a higher understanding. You will be involved on all levels, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Outside you seem cool and unfazed, though inside there are intense emotions ever-present; you are a very deep person. You insist to be made aware of other people’s secrets though you will not disclose your own, preferring to remain quiet as to your intentions. You have a sharp mind and enjoy investigative endeavours. You insist on penetrating every hidden cavern, understanding the ins and outs, why and how. You are very determined when you apply yourself, strong-willed, and can conquer any obstacle, even if the obstacle is you. You must move past any possessive, resentful, or envious tendencies. You are drawn to subjects that incorporate mystical topics, sexuality, the healing arts, or death. When you are good, you are very very good, but when you are bad, you can be a complete scoundrel. You must develop a way to forgive others as this is an important life lesson for you. Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars and therefore their placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! Cancer regards sex as the finest way in which two persons devoted to one another can show their love. So, it’s almost a sacred thing. Read all about Cancer sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Sun blending with Jupiter

(power = 10.84 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.42)

You radiate positive energy and have a confident, joyous demeanour. Your warmth and kindness is enjoyed by all around you. You are an innovative leader, devising magnificent ideas and coordinating them. You strive to achieve great heights in your life. You have high standards and assume that they will be met, and they usually are due to the considerate aid of others or through your own dedication. This placement bestows the recipient with luck, monetary prizes, eagerness, and self-assurance. The one thing you must be mindful of with this aspect is a tendency towards indulging yourself too much or engaging in wasteful behaviour. You may also need to curb your pride as you can get carried away with your own good qualities. Saving money may be difficult for as you are carefree in this regard, spending abundantly whenever the mood strikes. Deep down you crave to better understand yourself and to find your life’s purpose. Traveling is particularly enjoyable to you and your work may involve travel of some form. At times it may feel as though you are being watched over by a supernatural force as you seem to barely escape without injury at times, but always somehow do; you are protected. Good karma from a previous life, due to your kind heart and giving nature, has earned you these blessings and many would agree that you are indeed blessed. Utilise these gifts carefully and in a positive way.

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Moon blending with Mars

(power = 8.17 and this aspect is discordant = -2.04)

You never seem to tire out emotionally and it is important that you are able to divert some of this intensity into other avenues so as to stay steady and sane. You find it difficult to be inactive and will usually behave in an intolerant, grouchy manner when you are forced to do things at a slower pace than you would like. You can be very moody and your anger tends to erupt with little warning. Compromising is not easy for you as you prefer to strongly pursue what you desire, despite this causing disharmony with your spouse or family. You have a strong urge to compete with others on even small matters, though this may not be apparent to you. You are self-sufficient and require the utmost freedom to do as you wish. God help anyone who tries to insist you do something or in which way you are to go about it. You are susceptible to accidental injuries due to trying to do much too quickly; be patient with yourself and others. Usually your demeanour is caring and kind, though at times you can be a harsh critic and are too outspoken about other people’s flaws or mistakes. Mentally you process things speedily and therefore you are likely to react with impatience and irritation when others are unable to comprehend things as fast as you. This placement bestows you with better than average health and recovery time.

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Sun harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 6.87 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.87)

You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.

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Sun discordant to Saturn

(power = 5.27 and this aspect is discordant = -7.90)

You have a tendency towards being self-centred, emotionally reserved, unconcerned with the feelings of others, afraid, worrying, and self-doubting. You are ambitious, willing to do anything to achieve your aims. Exhibiting caution, you carefully, dutifully wade through life, never skirting your responsibilities. Life is a serious business to you and you work yourself harder than you should at times; attempt a less sombre approach and it might surprise you. Rather than trying something new, you enjoy engaging in what you are accustomed to. You often feel as though you are inadequate, causing you to be lonely and insecure. Anything you attempt to succeed at must be bought with due diligence; you will spend a long while working towards your goals before they are achieved. Interruptions may postpone your plans often, unfortunately. You may also have trouble with the paternal parental figure in your life or people who are in charge. This placement can create considerable challenges for you, however it does bestow you with perseverance and the ability to wait as long as is needed to achieve your goals. It would be beneficial for you to learn how to be giving to others without looking for something in return. Past life karma insists that you act in kindness and generosity in this lifetime, as you had been too self-interested and uncaring in the past. Fate is forcing you to develop ways to work with others in a caring manner.
In addition to the above, you must find a way to conquer your critical nature. You expect nothing less than perfect from yourself and other people, causing you to criticise yourself sternly when you fall short in any way. Try to be a little more realistic in your expectations as they are often not possible to achieve. Your high expectations create a lot of tension and irritability for you. Sometimes you believe that other people are trying to limit you, when the truth is that you are subconsciously drawing in these negative situations to teach you that you must practice tolerance and ease up on yourself and other people. The intent of your tribulations is to show you that you do not need to take life so seriously.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 4.98 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.46)

You are capable of aiding others by using your artistic imagination. Emotionally, you may express yourself by creating in some form, whether this be writing, dancing, art, or music. You are drawn to theoretical concepts and new age topics, as well as subjects having to do with the spiritual realm. Religious choirs tend to sooth you and inspire you and you try to help others to achieve the same experience. You possess a highly spiritual consciousness and should trust your gut instincts. People generally have faith in you to be a moral person and seek your counsel, as you are sympathetic and emotionally in tune. You may have accurate premonitions or visions that aid you in realising your dreams. Look for the true meaning in all of your endeavours.

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Moon harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.76 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.76)

You are drawn to life’s many mysteries and enjoy uncovering hidden truths, even if there are some risks involved in doing so. You feel happiest when in the midst of an emotionally intense situation and therefore have no trouble handling circumstances where others are emoting dramatically, instead you dig to the heart of the issue and help to remedy the problem. Instinctively you understand that in order to be truly close to someone, emotions must be brought to the surface, no holds barred, and you strive to accomplish this intimate connection. You are not one to toy with someone’s feelings. Subjects pertaining to religion, science, mythical or mystical studies, sexuality, psychological evaluation, fiction based on scientific evidence, dying, the afterlife, or curing ailments are all fascinating for you. Your strong intuition helps you to truly comprehend what other people are feeling and going through. Gaining knowledge is pleasurable to you and you soak up new data like a sponge. Your feelings run much deeper than what you express to others. You work diligently and are dedicated to doing your job, even when much energy and will are required. Somehow you have a knack for figuring out just what the main issue is in any challenge and how to work through it. Your analytical mind would do well in the field of psychology or therapy, as you do well dissecting people’s thoughts and feelings accurately. Your will-power is exceptionally strong and you do not easily give up.

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Uranus discordant to Pluto

(power = 4.38 and this aspect is discordant = -4.38)

Independence is a challenge for you. You are likely to become dependent on others to provide for you and carry your load, even when you are fully aware that it would be best for you to learn to rely on yourself instead. This is especially true in regards to those you have deep feelings for. You feel uncomfortable and unsafe with the many fluctuations you encounter in your life and this is a large reason as to why you depend on others to assist you.

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Mars harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 4.05 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.01)

You are controlled and patient, able to persevere through difficult times and put forth a great deal of effort to attain your goals. You endure where others would falter. Innately, you understand that nothing worth having is given without some sort of sacrifice and you are willing to invest your time and energy fully when you have committed to an endeavour. The things you strive for are firmly held in reality and you will usually approach them in a systematic, organised fashion. Highly ambitious, you would make an excellent leader and administrator. However, you are most comfortable working out of the lime-light and produce the best results when on your own. You have a good head on your shoulders though you may sometimes work at a slower pace than others. This slower work pace is likely due to you not wanting to miss any details in your work. Anything you start on, you intend to go the distance. Be careful not to become resentful from holding in your frustrations; find a way to express these upsets to those that have caused them and then let them go. You are a good mix of daring yet cautious. In your past life, you were able to find equilibrium between what you wanted in the moment and your duties. Socialising is difficult for you as you are usually a bit distant with others. Despite your ambitions, you are not power-hungry but rather just wish to do a good job.

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Mars harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 3.41 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.55)

You have faith in who you are and what you are doing. Confident and driven, you have a tremendous amount of self-discipline and will do whatever it takes to succeed. You are aware of what it is that you wish to accomplish and the best way to go about it. Often the one leading a group, others rely on you to pave the path. You are opinionated and direct in communicating your viewpoints, always ready to fight for the things you value. When you see a way to improve something, you work hard towards reconstruction. You have the will-power, the perseverance, and the dedication to achieve whatever you set your mind to. At times, you may become so focused on your work that you continue forward even when you are completely exhausted; tunnel-vision is likely when you have taken on a project. This tendency is detrimental to your physical health and you must find a way to pace yourself and make time for relaxation. You have a strong character though you keep this low-key as you choose to keep out of the limelight. Preferring to be in the decision maker, you are often the one taking the lead in social situations and dislike anyone else trying to govern your life. However, it would do you well to develop tolerance for the way others do things and learn to be part of the team rather than acting director.
Mystery appeals to you and you enjoy delving into the depths to discover all things hidden. You insist on knowing the ins and outs of whatever situation you find yourself in, always asking “why”. There is a preoccupation around death as well, which is life’s ultimate mystery. If you channel your energies correctly, you may have an ability to heal others. Investigation comes naturally to you and you access individuals and circumstances effectively and correctly; not much gets passed your keen observation. Shallow interactions are of no interest to you and you prefer deeper, more meaningful ways to use your time. Verbal conflict and confrontation are not enjoyable to you though you will engage in them when you feel they are required. You are well able to keep yourself from projecting angry feelings outwardly, though when you happen to allow them to seep out, your emotions will burst forward intensely and others may need to stay out of your way until you cool down.

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Mercury harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 2.35 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.35)

You are highly responsive, both physically and mentally, to the environment that you find yourself in. Naturally you are full of energy and feel a need to be always active. Quickly disinterested, you require a good deal of mental stimulation to keep your mind busy, lending to your preference towards being a part of many endeavours all at once. You are self-sufficient, unique, inventive, and a revolutionary thinker who is always open to new ideas. In fact, finding fresh ways of doing things or progressive philosophies are a valuable part of life for you and you strive to inspire others to engage in these with you. Your gut intuition is unusually strong and accurate. However, you require complete freedom to be able to use this intuition in whatever way feels right to you, reacting to situations without being hindered by other obligations. Careers that entail the same, monotonous work day in and day out are not for you and you would do best with work that uses your superb ability to adapt to changing circumstances and allows you some room for creativity. You would never abide by others demanding that you do something and telling you in what way you must execute your task. It is important to you to discover things for yourself, in your own time. Your thinking does not follow the typical step-by-step process that most others adhere to. Instead, your thinking is more abstract and conclusions tend to just find their way into your mind seemingly from thin air, though this is just your intuition working its magic and providing you with unparalleled insight. Scientific and technological subject appeal to you and you are usually one of the first to try out new gadgets or concepts. Astrological topics and anything related to supernatural phenomena will also hold your attention. You are an articulate communicator, in both the written and spoken word, which readily exchanges fresh and unconventional information with other people.

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Saturn discordant to Uranus

(power = 2.07 and this aspect is discordant = -3.10)

This placement can create a few alternate possibilities as you will either be prone to breaking the law, be too afraid to take even sensible risks, come to be extremely co-dependent on others, incorporate severe power-hungry tendencies where you try to rise at all costs, have uncontrollable violent outburst, or be lazy, deceitful, disloyal, cruel, cold, intolerant, ruthless, spiteful, odd, or a threat to others safety. You are plagued with internal strain and are constantly fighting yourself as to whether you wish to act dutifully or be free to do as you may. There may be trouble with collaborating with others, as this causes you great tension. This tension may be a result of your desire to please others when you’d rather be doing things differently or from not wanting to do what you should be doing. It would be easier if you would get your duties out of the way as quickly as possible so that you may concentrate on the things you’d rather do. Anger is easily triggered in you and you can become quite difficult with little warning. It is imperative that you learn to accept others for the unique individuals that they are, as this is only fair. Try to foster forgiveness and let go of past slights. Find a way to release the pent up feelings you carry inside slowly rather than exploding uncontrollably when you cannot keep them in any longer.

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Mercury harmonizing with Venus

(power = 1.85 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.31)

You have a talent for creating beautiful forms and designs, as your spatial ability is superb in regards to what would be considered aesthetically pleasing to yourself and others. You excel in all different types of art and design and would do well choosing a career in these fields. Another option for you would be in creative writing; you are able to use words to paint a picture. Your vocals are likely to be quite appealing to others, almost as if you can hypnotise others simply by speaking or singing to them. Diplomacy comes naturally to you and you are able to articulate yourself in a peaceful manner even in the most trying of circumstances. If you are unable to create art, you may do well in selling it instead. You instinctively pick out what goes well together materialistically or creatively. People find your charming, polite, and often humorous demeanour easy to get along with and this likeability will greatly aid you in any endeavour you are involved with that requires you to work with others. There is a tendency towards thinking your feelings rather than feeling them, and this rationalisation makes it difficult for you to openly convey your emotions to others. Whether or not you work in the creative field, you will certainly value art and creativity in general. It is in your nature to resolve disagreements in a harmonious fashion and soothe any emotional upsets.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Cancer

Cancers do not enjoy approaching situations in a straight line, but rather prefer moving indirectly (learn about compatibility with Cancer here). They feel more comfortable when they can come towards something from a hidden angle and may take their time expressing themselves. However, their emotionality is anything but slow and steady. They are prone to dramatically intense emotional reactions as their mood seems to blow with the wind. The people closest to them are likely to feel confused by the speed at which they change from cheerful to melancholic to angry.
Typically a Cancer is diligent, friendly, empathetic, determined, protecting, and frugal, as well as quarrelsome, emotionally delicate, moody, instinctive, possibly even psychic, with a tendency to sacrifice themselves for others.
A Cancer will tend to react emotionally rather than mentally. They need to be in harmonious environments as they will easily soak up the energies of those around them. Due to their sensitive emotional natures, it is likely that they consistently try to elicit responses of kindness, caring, and empathy from others; they crave regular emotional reassurance. They can be a bit of a homebody as the home, and those in it, are a sanctuary for them. Their ties to those closest to them are so important that they often become co-dependent on their loved ones, needing to spend as much time with them as possible and the loved ones may begin to feel suffocated, requiring their own space.
Cancers are naturally inconsistent in their emotions and therefore can easily alter their views, thoughts, decisions, and the like. However, they have less energy than the average person and will tend towards doing things a bit more slowly in general. Exercise is usually something they must force themselves to do as they do not usually enjoy it for its own merit. Unfortunately, this adds to a problem with weight gain as they age. A Cancer may increase their physical activity by utilising their strong emotional nature; channelling their intensity correctly can indeed create much needed get up and go for these personalities.
Cancers remember a great deal more than most and this tied with their emotional sentimentality causes them to often sit around daydreaming about the past and what once was. However, this also manifests as hording and clinging to their belongings, unable to throw anything out as if this would somehow mean they are throwing away a piece of their past.
Family is extremely important to a Cancer and they will work very hard to provide comfort and security for those they love. They may travel at times but will always return to their home base and those closest to them. Home is home, and they will not go too long without checking in.
Traditional and often conventional, though they find themselves over-thinking and focusing too much on possible difficulties in the future. Often they deal with these worries internally and may develop problems with the lining of their stomach from the stress. They instinctively feel that they are always one step away from danger and may be extra cautious because of it, paying attention to the situation around them in a suspicious manner. It would be most beneficial for them to develop a way to curb their emotional reactions.

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Moon in Taurus

You can be a great comfort to others due to your stable emotional nature. Not many things will get under your skin; you are easy going and like to preserve harmony. It is unlikely that you will have many emotional outbursts. However, once you have become accustomed to something emotionally, it is difficult for you to alter your feelings. You desire to feel secure and this will usually stem from obtaining material assets. It is possible that you will hold on to situations from the past or be sentimental with your possessions. You crave warmth and affection, as this will help counter your insecure emotions. However, at times you may become clingy and suffocate those you are closest to. Trust and faithfulness is imperative to you in your relationships and you portray these to your loved ones. This placements denotes a tendency towards overindulgence in creature comforts and delicious foods, as this somehow sooths you deep down. Weight issues may become troublesome for you. You may use these sensual indulgences to mask a dissatisfaction or lack of affection. You are diligent, unwavering, and capable. You have a gift in nurturing and things seem to flourish around you. Practical work, possibly where you can be outdoors in nature involved in manual labour, is likely to suit you. You do not mind following others, as long as they lead with a soft hand. Disease and physical discomfort are worrisome for you, as both are things you actively detest. Do not become so comfortable that you refuse to alter a situation that needs to be altered; try to remain flexible.

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Mercury in Gemini

Your mind is very flexible, lively, dynamic, alert, inquisitive, and multi-talented. You absorb information from anything you come across, especially by way of written or spoken communication or through experiencing new cultures, exploring distant lands, or meeting new people. Unfortunately, you are likely to suffer from great internal tension and anxiousness that must be expended; establishing an exercise routine will help you to counter this energy. You are quick-witted and effortlessly respond with clever retort or humorous jest. You prefer doing more than one thing at a time and may try to swallow more than you can chew. Boredom can be a problem for you as you are able to comprehend even complex matters at lightning speed; once you have understood something, it is difficult to hold your attention further. A jack-of-all-trades, you possess titbits of information on a variety of different subjects, yet cannot hold your focus long enough to master any of them. You enjoy working with your hands and may not have a dominant hand preference; perhaps try playing the drums, you may find it comes easily to you. Engaging in verbal competitions of all sorts interests you. You need to watch out for a tendency towards being trivial, shallow, and insincere with others. In order to achieve success, you must learn to steady your mind and discipline your actions. Make sure to stick through with the endeavours you begin. Careers that deal with communication, articulation, persuasion, or the written or spoken word would be well suited for you, as would working in a field where you are able to change your scenery on a regular basis, perhaps traveling. Without constant variety, you are likely to quickly grow bored of the situation and therefore have a tendency to switching careers or living quarters regularly. Try to develop tolerance for those that are unable to comprehend intricate matters as easily as you do.

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Venus in Leo

In romantic affairs you are giving, loving, demonstrative, trustworthy, passionate, and adventurous. You despise petty behaviour in your romantic interest. What you search for is the knight in shining armour, or the noble lady whom you can admire and cherish, a person that you can look up to and respect, someone to be lost in. It is important to you that attention be lavished upon you and that you are well cared for and valued. Someone charming who knows how to sweet talk, will go a long with you; you desire to feel like you mean the world to your partner. Extravagance sways you positively and your romantic life is often filled with drama and excitement of one kind or another. You want your mate to make an impression. There is a tendency to exaggerate your emotions. You are trustworthy, fun, sympathetic, direct, charismatic, and generally appealing, though sometimes you will fall in love with the idea of love rather than the person. You may be idealistic and hold people to higher standards than they are capable of attaining, and therefore can find yourself nursing a wounded heart. It is more important to evolve your inner self than your physical self; be on the look-out for narcissistic tendencies.

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Mars in Taurus

When you put your mind to something, you will persevere at all costs. You are unlikely to alter your course once you have decided on it and can be quite stubborn. If you have started on a journey, you will continue until you get to where you need to be. Incredibly faithful, you will not betray another unless they have done so first, in which case anything goes. You are even-tempered and easy-going, and it takes a lot to push you over the edge. However, if you do manage to get to that point, your blood is boiling, and you see red and charge! You are dependable, steady, and able to work harder than others. A consistent schedule with no guess work is likely to suit you well as you flourish in this sort of environment. Seeing the fruit of your labour is important to you. Practical applications are also appreciated. Abstract concepts are not for you, you need something down to earth and realistic. At times it may be difficult for you to motivate yourself to move as you enjoy lounging around in creature comforts. However, when you do manage to start, you are able to endure; difficult to light the candle but slow burning once it is lit. You are less likely to start a project than you are to continue it. Material possessions are important to everything you do and you keep an eye on being safe and protected. It is possible that you will miss many opportunities due to your inability to change course once you have started, however this makes you incredibly reliable and dependable. Try to be mindful of your tendency to treat your romantic partners as possessions and curb your jealous inclinations. You find peace of mind in material assets though it may be beneficial to you to acquire this from more significant avenues. Caution is prevalent in all of your dealings and you fear a situation altering. Developing some sort of health issue or having to endure physical discomfort also worries you. Sometimes you can be so stuck on your chosen path that nothing and no one can deter you. You may suffer from foot-in-mouth issues; try to be diplomatic when expressing yourself. Also, it would do you well to be more giving of your possessions.

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Jupiter in Gemini

You are cunning, quick-witted, and jovial. Experiencing other cultures and new places appeals to you as you are able to learn much from these endeavours. You may have a gift for learning to communicate in a different language. However, internally you possess an anxious tension that you try to counter by nervous banter, communicating excessively, or making commitments that you are unable to follow through on. Working in literature may appeal to you. You are innovative and able to comprehend abstract concepts, as well as enjoy applying your mind to mathematical subjects. You seek out situations that will challenge you and alter your perception or help you grow in knowledge or wisdom. Justice or religious practices may also draw your attention.

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Saturn in Capricorn

You are driven, disciplined, and orderly. While working, you can be very diligent, effective, and willing to wait as long as is necessary to reach your goals. Being dependable is important to you and you are likely to take a more serious approach to life in general. Instinctively you comprehend that everything worth having requires a sacrifice and that pleasure can be overrated. However, work-life balance may be a particular challenge for you. You easily comprehend abstract ideas and are able to convey them in a way that is understandable to others. It is possible that you may become a workaholic as a result of feeling desperately alone or as though you are not good enough somehow. Status and success may be so valuable to you that you sacrifice more than you should in order to try to attain them. It would be beneficial for you to curb your power-hungry tendencies as they cause you to think only of yourself.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 8th house

You have a steady emotional nature that is not prone to being openly expressed with others. There is a strong focus on improving yourself and it would be wise for you to learn to share your assets without expecting anything in return, as this can help you to curb your selfish tendencies. You may be drawn to situations where others will use their own personal resources to come to your aid. Luckily, your financially situation is likely to be stable and you may inherit funds somehow. The metaphysical realm or supernatural topics are expected to be of interest to you.

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Moon in 7th house

You are drawn to romantic partners that are nurturing or want to be nurtured by you, those who are often more delicate with their feelings. Relationships may come and go until you find a partner that will provide you with the deep sense of security you crave; however, you are unlikely to find this perfect mate as you need to develop a sense of security within yourself instead. You feel lonely when you are not in a relationship, therefore you will continue to jump in and out of partnerships.
The people closest to you have a great effect on your emotional state. It is important to you that you are well-liked by others. You will likely pursue those that inspire you to be more compassionate and who stimulate your feelings.
If you are male, you may search for a partner that will care for and shelter you as a mother might and you tend to inspire others to express these characteristics. You will entice a partner who is caring and enjoys creating a home environment.
Be mindful of a tendency towards inconsistent emotions and mood swings. You may entire into a marriage union for the sole purpose of building a home life with the partner, and it is probable that you will marry more than once.
You feel a strong emotional pull to obtain a partner and establish a marriage. However, your fickle moods will need to be tempered if you are to succeed in any union; your emotions are over-sensitive and over-exposed. Do not create change in a relationship only for the sake of change itself; if it isn’t broken, do not fix it. Let it be. Emotional stimulation needs to come from within, not from pressuring an outside source to provide this for you.
Public relations or partnerships are likely to be involved in your career preference; you are considered a good public figurehead. It is possible that your marriage union will allow you clarity of thought when dealing with workplace safety, and you tend to rely on others to satisfy your necessities in the work environment. Partnerships are crucial to your career.

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Mercury in 8th house

You often see things that others miss, you are quickly able to analyse a situation and come to the correct conclusion. It is important to you to understand every situation you come across; you want to get to the bottom of all of it. You would make a great detective or perhaps an accountant handling forensics or taxes. Insuring others may also be of interest to you. You often find yourself anxious about unstable finances. Try to be mindful about what you say about others, as this can get you into trouble. It is likely that you are drawn to subjects that involve sexuality, death or the afterlife, health restoration, mystics or the supernatural.

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Venus in 9th house

Highly interested in foreign cultures, you are likely to move away from where you were raised. Travelling in all forms is very appealing to you and you are likely to experience a gain from these situations. You are able to be a diplomatic presence between different cultures. There is a strong interest and enjoyment in religious ceremonies, philosophical studies, education, or law and you enjoy creative material brought to you from other cultures such as music, art, or items that are aesthetically pleasing. You are just and reasonable in legal transactions.

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Mars in 7th house

Self-sufficient, you are often stubborn in your desire to have things done the way you want them done. It is important that you learn how to negotiate in a harmonious fashion, as you can seem abrasive to others. Try to better collaborate in your interactions.
Partnerships stimulate and invigorate your energy and drive. You prefer a lively partner that will join you on life’s great adventures. This person may be competitive, aggressive, or combative as you enjoy someone who will dare you to defy your limitations. The competitive vibe between your partner and yourself runs high; it would be best for you to direct this energy into positive outlets or the high voltage may destroy you or your partnership.
There is a tendency to poke and prod others as a way to test their reactions. You enjoy a friendly opposition or contest with another. The thrill of pursuing something often intrigues and stimulates you more than what you achieve in the end. What you desire most is to engage in combat with your partner, who wins the battle is of no consequence to you. The person you marry will need to be feisty, optimistic, energetic, adept, brave, and bold.
This placement suggests the native will enter into a passionate, romantic love early in life as a result of being suddenly “love struck” by another. The partner may be some sort of victor or defender of the people. If Mars is negatively aspected, you are likely to make a rash decision in regards to your marriage union, rushing in head first without reservations, only to regret your actions.
There may be difficulties and tension in the partnerships due to the partners’ intolerant, demanding temperament, often expressing elements of over-indulgence, recklessness, and violent behaviour.
To best succeed in your marriage partnership, it is essential that you practice using harmonious, diplomatic means when striving towards an objective, rather than using excessive force, aggressive tactics, and one-upmanship as you are prone to do.

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Jupiter in 8th house

A positive attitude and a strong belief in others, you can at times be prone to being rather emotive. However, this emotional surplus allows you to access a strong intuition that can be described as psychic and you often use this gift to help elevate others. It is also possible that others will fund your endeavours, permitting you many opportunities to succeed in whatever you desire.

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Saturn in 3rd house

You have an amazing ability to concentrate on the deeper things in life. You tend towards more serious thinking and can be very patient when you want to get things done right. You keep your mind well organised and can excel in strategy or mathematical concepts, which you may participate in as a hobby. You do not mind engaging in projects that you would need to be involved with for a long period of time. There is a tendency towards a pessimistic attitude, in addition to feeling lonely and possibly even depressed. You may find yourself having issues communicating with your family and your immediate community and this may cause you to isolate yourself from them. Instead, try to think positively and focus on moving ahead. Be mindful of oxygen issues as your lungs may be sensitive; try to keep air in your sleeping quarters circulating well.

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Uranus in 5th house

Your personal interests tend to be unconventional and divert from the norm. You are an original personality with a good ability to be inventive and imaginative. Due to a strongly independent nature, your romantic involvements tend to be difficult; you can be a bit of an unorthodox rebel when it comes to your romantic pursuits. Relationships with children may also be tense and you may find communication with them challenging; your children are often unusual in some way. You are more interested in your own pursuits than in what society may try to influence. Be careful of what others in your community may say about you as this can prove troublesome for you. This placement indicates spontaneous losses and gains. Try to be mindful about believing no wrong can come to you.

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Neptune in 10th house

Your career does not tend to follow the usual path; instead you will encounter odd shifts and circumstances revolving your journey towards success. Be careful to stay practical in your endeavours as you are easily swayed into an unrealistic mind-set, daydreaming with rose-coloured glasses on, instead of seeing things for what they truly are. Creativity in one form or another is likely to be part of your profession and you may find yourself involved with art, photography, pharmaceuticals, entertainment, advertising, humanitarian or charitable efforts, or metaphysics. Publicly, your reputation may swing from one end to another, often without a foreseeable cause. It is possible that you felt unwanted or excluded by either of your parents.

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Pluto in 9th house

Your intuition is very strong, often psychic. You may even feel as though you visit other realms while you are sleeping. Having a strong interest in how and why things work the way they do, you are likely to be drawn to religious studies and philosophical topics. Very independent in your own beliefs, you may need to be careful not to brush off the beliefs of others as this would be unfavourable to you in the long run. Do not become obsessed with your own ideas but rather try to accept other points of view. You have an intense drive to get to the truth, desiring a deep understanding of everything you come across. You may go through a type of rebirth or regeneration through your dreams, spiritual or philosophical experiences, or travels. You may study too hard and cause yourself mental stress; try to pace yourself. In addition, be open-minded to listening to others rather than insisting that you are correct.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Cancer 2

Sabian Symbol: A man sitting on a magic carpet is hovering motionless over the land looking out at the view.
Kozminsky Symbol: As many others are digging in a field, a laborer finds himself leaning against a sturdy tree watching.

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Moon in 
Taurus 22

Sabian Symbol: Over troubled waters, a white pigeon flies fearlessly and straight.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a hand that holds a torch while in the darkness.

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Mercury in 
Gemini 11

Sabian Symbol: A newly opened real-estate subdivision with a few built houses and ornamental lights.
Kozminsky Symbol: Men are holding up papers, shouting and jostling each other in the interior of the stock exchange.

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Venus in 
Leo 6

Sabian Symbol: An old-fashioned, conservative lady stands facing a modern and very attractive lady and they both are in envy of the other’s life.
Kozminsky Symbol: An eagle is in the mouth of a crouching jungle lion.

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Mars in 
Taurus 16

Sabian Symbol: An old man fails to inspire a motley group with the mysteries of knowledge.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a white dove standing on the right shoulder of a man, who drinks wine. The dove has a rose-colored ribbon on.

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Jupiter in 
Gemini 30

Sabian Symbol: A bathing beauty parade walking before judges at a seaside resort.
Kozminsky Symbol: A young maiden is smiling as she is bound to a stake. Three dead bats lie near-by.

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Saturn in 
Capricorn 10

Sabian Symbol: An albatross is being fed by sailors on a ship.
Kozminsky Symbol: Implements of war hang on the walls of an armory.

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Uranus in 
Aries 16

Sabian Symbol: Spirits of nature are seen dancing in the warm light of the sunset.
Kozminsky Symbol: In a sunlit field, wild flowers are growing amidst the corn.

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Neptune in 
Virgo 2

Sabian Symbol: A large white cross sits isolated on top of a mountain with significant presence.
Kozminsky Symbol: An approaching storm shows up in the clouds covering half of the moon.

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Pluto in 
Cancer 19

Sabian Symbol: A pompous and egotistical priest marries a fragile girl of impeccable class to a boy of the new order.
Kozminsky Symbol: Sitting alone in the darkness an old man holds an ancient book emitting rays of bright light.

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Ascendant in 
Scorpio 6

Sabian Symbol: The gold rush of California leaves families in disarray as men flock to the action.
Kozminsky Symbol: An eagle has captured a snake in its beak.

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Midheaven in 
Leo 18

Sabian Symbol: A professor of chemistry teaches how to conduct an experiment to his class.
Kozminsky Symbol: Within the quartz rock, two gold miners have discovered a strange metal.

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Can 01° 23' 47"
57' 15"
00" N
23° 26' 35" N
Tau 21° 54' 58"
13° 43' 10"
1° 48' 40" N
20° 00' 11" N
Gem 10° 24' 44"
1° 26' 18"
2° 14' 18" S
19° 48' 15" N
Leo 05° 15' 49"
1° 11' 09"
1° 51' 42" N
20° 45' 60" N
Tau 15° 04' 57"
43' 33"
47' 36" S
15° 36' 33" N
Gem 29° 14' 20"
13' 46"
12' 26" S
23° 14' 28" N
Cap 09° 07' 50" R
- 4' 22"
42' 13" N
22° 26' 02" S
Ari 15° 03' 39"
1' 20"
40' 17" S
5° 18' 58" N
Vir 01° 15' 44"
1' 18"
39' 10" N
11° 38' 27" N
Can 18° 40' 34"
1' 31"
4' 46" S
22° 04' 10" N
Tau 17° 10' 27"
3' 07"
1° 51' 00" S
15° 11' 41" N
Aqu 14° 26' 08"
6' 43"
4° 58' 41" S
21° 15' 56" S
True Node
Tau 01° 05' 07" R
- 2' 54"
00" N
11° 51' 25" N
P. of Fortune
Vir 26° 20' 46"
Gem 11° 38' 49"
Sco 05° 49' 36"
Sag 03° 59' 42"
Cap 09° 05' 40"
Aqu 17° 39' 23"
Pis 20° 48' 23"
Ari 16° 15' 46"
Tau 05° 49' 36"
Gem 03° 59' 42"
Can 09° 05' 40"
Leo 17° 39' 23"
Vir 20° 48' 23"
Lib 16° 15' 46"
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
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