Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola

Birth Chart: Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola (Pisces)

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (Italian: [d?o?vanni ?piko della mi?randola]; 24 February 1463 – 17 November 1494) was an Italian Renaissance nobleman and philosopher. He is famed for the events of 1486, when, at the age of 23, he proposed to defend 900 theses on religion, philosophy, natural philosophy, and magic against all comers, for which he wrote the Oration on the Dignity of Man, which has been called the "Manifesto of the Renaissance", and a key text of Renaissance humanism and of what has been called the "Hermetic Reformation".

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola

Born at Mirandola, Italy
Tuesday, February 24, 1463
20:38 (time zone = GMT 0.8 hours)
11e04, 44n53

Fact: Pisces dates are between February 19 and March 20. Check the Pisces dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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LIBRA rising

Those with a Libra rising are typically sophisticated, charismatic, courteous, polite, graceful, diplomatic, pleasing, friendly, creative, affable, prone to indecision, and conflict avoidant. Being alone is difficult for you and you look to others to approve of you. This need may cause you to deny your values in order to win people over. You are also likely to be selfish and egotistical. Refusing others is not easy for you. You will try to evade any sort of conflict and require that things are always in balance harmoniously. Decisions can be challenging for you to make as you prefer to weigh each part of the equation equally, comparing and contrasting, before coming to a conclusion. Debates are enjoyable to you though you keep them conflict-free and pleasant. Outer appearances matter to you. You are lucky in that whatever you require seems to finds its way to you without you needing to put in much work. Making decisions, particularly in your romantic partnerships, is a lesson you will need to learn in your life. Libra is ruled by Venus and it’s placement in your chart will therefore be significant.

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Shhh! Pisces is very sensitive to the needs of the partner, to the point of forgetting about personal needs. In spite of this sensitivity, Pisces is often unsure about pleasing the partner, as if fearing to be inadequate. Read all about Pisces sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Mercury discordant to Mars

(power = 11.50 and this aspect is discordant = -14.38)

You combine cleverness and craftiness in order to get the most you can out of others so as to benefit yourself. You are mentally attentive, sharp, and enjoy a good verbal sparring match. At times you can speak too quickly or bluntly, and would do well to slow down a bit. You also tend to take out revenge on others by verbally cutting them down. When you become angry these attacks can become particularly explosive, involving insults and intense rants. Your assertive communication insists that others come around to share your viewpoints, though you are unlikely to be open theirs. It is important for you to develop self-control and a way to express your desires in a reasonable fashion, rather than letting them run away with you. If you are able to redirect the tension you feel inside into creative endeavours, you will save yourself lots of trouble with other people as you are prone to starting fights when tension builds up within you. You often criticise those closest to you when you are in a bad mood and this habit may burn many bridges. Most conversations quickly turn into arguments with you and it would be a good idea to go into a career where this personality trait is an asset rather than a hindrance, for instance as a human/animal rights activist, upholding the law, or possibly where a no-holds-barred critique is required. Reading appeals to you and it is likely that you are skilled in written communication or creative writing.
It is difficult for you to contain your high energy long enough for you to calmly stay in one place and you will instead fidget around until you are actively engaged in something. This lends to you preferring to work on a variety of different endeavours at once as you lose interest quickly otherwise, though you rarely see any of these projects through to completion. However, it is important that you allow yourself a chance to relax and unwind or you will wear yourself out mentally. When pressure within you reaches a pique you will explode outwardly, often without reason. Logic is difficult for you to find when you are angry, your thoughts tend to be muddled during this time, and you are not able to rationally convey why you are feeling such rage. Your nervousness can make you susceptible to physical ailments that are usually associated with stress; make a conscious effort to relax every day and try not to take on more work than you can realistically handle. Your volatile temper can also create trouble with your heart. Often you go about each day in a busy manner, speeding about though getting very little done. Learn to pace yourself.

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Jupiter discordant to Neptune

(power = 9.70 and this aspect is discordant = -4.85)

Your emotions may be extremely sensitive and you are prone to becoming engrossed in dreamy romantic fantasies. This illusion can sometimes affect your progress in real life, as you may avoid your less fanciful, everyday obligations in order to stay in your daydream. Be mindful that others do not abuse your kindness, as you can be naïve in your readiness to help someone who seems to be down on their luck; do not let people manipulate your warm nature. It is also possible that you go to the other end of things and play the victim yourself, feeding on the pity of others just to be noticed, or you may use dishonest tactics on others, often times on those in your family. There is likelihood that in one way or another you encounter trouble deciphering what is true and what is false, as you can twist reality into fascinating delusions. It is paramount to develop your more practical side, learning when to restrain yourself from your own wishful thinking.
There is a tendency towards negative consequences as a result of a scam; therefore it would be best to avoid becoming involved in arrangements in which you are promised wealth for little investment. Thinking positively is good, though you must also keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds. Nothing worth having in life is without hard work and sacrifice; there is always a price to pay. Develop tolerance towards others and their foibles rather than expecting people to adhere to your idealistic standards. You will find yourself becoming disenchanted with others, and life in general, when those you had high hopes for cannot meet your expectations. Involvement in mystical endeavours can have a harmful influence on you; it would be best if you avoid these. Substance abuse may also become a problem for you and should be kept an eye on.

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Moon blending with Mercury

(power = 9.47 and this aspect is neutral)

The personal issues happening in other people’s lives are of immense interest to you. You enjoy listening to people’s problems and will happily open up to them about your emotions and your past. People naturally feel comfortable telling you about what is happening to them, their needs, and their deepest wishes. Your counsel is often sought after and you would do well in a field that involves psychology or interviewing others. However, be mindful not to get too carried away with frivolous chit-chat.
Historical culture interests you and you will likely be fascinated with learning about anything pertaining to this subject matter. Knowing where you come from is important to you. You may also study psychological, mythological, symbolic, or lingual topics. You have a clever, witty humour though you can find yourself behaving superficially with others at times. Mentally you are talented in perception and are great at remembering things, though your emotions can blur your judgement. You enjoy spicing things up a bit and prefer having something to adapt to regularly, rather than the same stale, boring routine. This desire leads to a great love of travelling to new places. Your mental and emotional processes are linked, and at times you can swing wildly from being very rational and analysing the situation with sound logic, to emotionally compromised and unreasonable.

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Venus discordant to Pluto

(power = 8.78 and this aspect is discordant = -6.59)

You feel a pull towards intensely emotional situations with others of the opposite sex. This pull is so strong that you feel as if it is almost uncontrollable. The craving you feel for intense experiences makes it difficult for you to reject these situations. You require a great deal of love and may over-indulge in your sexuality or become obsessed or difficult to satisfy. There is a double standard in your relationships as you are extremely envious and try to possess those you are interested in, while expecting that they give you freedom to do as you please. This can lead to inequality in your partnerships. Your attempts to control your partner will often lead them to pull away from you. A major challenge for you in your partnerships is that you insist on being the one in control of the relationship but always seem to be drawn to those who prefer to take the same role, leading to both of you constantly struggling for dominance. You would rather experience trouble if it means that you will also experience intense emotions, than to have a conflict-free, steady partnership that never reaches the high frequency you desire. You need to feel something powerful in order to feel as though you are truly living.
Your lesson is to take a good hard look at your beliefs and alter them accordingly. Your partnerships give you an opportunity to confront deep issues inside yourself and grow in wisdom. It is for this reason that you are drawn to those that are a challenge for you. The only way for you to grow is for you to experience the same behaviour you exhibited to others in a past life, back towards yourself in this one. You have an opportunity to remedy your past karma if you are able to react in kindness rather than vengeance. Learn to let things go. When you have cleansed your past karma and grown in wisdom, you will notice that you will no longer be attracting people who will create havoc for you. This placement denotes that you are able to move forward from previous malicious behaviours.
In regards to your health, you are likely to be susceptible to kidney trouble or issues with removing toxic material from your system. If the system is unable to remove toxic material, you may find yourself dealing with lung complications or trouble with the skin. Finding a way to let go of negative emotions that are toxic to your spiritually, and foster kindness and forgiveness towards others, can help your physical health.
If you are able to put other people’s needs above your own, you can create healing through the powerful emotions you possess.

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Venus harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 7.68 and this aspect is harmonious = 9.60)

You are rather receptive of your environment with a creative talent that you use to produce aesthetically pleasing objects or surroundings. Musical pieces will stimulate a fantastical world inside of your mind that you will happily enjoy for hours on end, peacefully tuning the world out. You are idealistic in your romances and hold to the belief that there is only one true mate for you with whom you can live happily ever after. Luckily, you are able to entertain these dreams while at the same time staying realistic in your day-to-day life without being swept up by it all. You have a strong sympathy to those who are suffering and reach out to aid them when you are able. Naturally you are a generous person and helping others is satisfying to you on a deep level. You insist on doing what is right for mankind, keeping your personal ego at bay. It may be difficult for you to lead others or start a course of action due to your dislike of creating conflict. You will do a lot for the people you love and do not require repayment of your kindness. You feel that there is another world out there that we simply cannot see and enjoy being around other creative or sensitive people with whom you can delve further into the mystics. Gospel harmonies tend to affect you intensely when you listen to them, and you know that you have touched a piece of another life. You are likely to have musical talent, possibly vocally. Usually you will stand up for those that are considered “lesser” by societal standards, though you may need to be careful not to be swayed too much by a sad tale. Those who will aid you in the spiritual wisdom and evolution that you had begun in a past life are likely to be drawn to you in this one.

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Moon discordant to Mars

(power = 6.97 and this aspect is discordant = -8.71)

Emotionally you are fully charged and this intensity may have a negative impact on your health physically. Try to pace yourself and start to do one thing at time. It is not always easy to share living quarters with you as you often lack patience, become easily agitated with others, and behave in a grouchy manner. It is almost as though you go LOOKING for arguments. A bit like a spoiled child, if you do not get your way, you show your displeasure with fits of rebellious resistance. It would be beneficial for you to keep physically active and disperse the enormous amount of restlessness within you. You are naturally assertive and spirited, easily fighting for the things that you believe in or for others that are being taken advantage of. However, you must develop self-restraint if you are to reach your full potential. Competition spurs you on and you are driven to beat out all others in the game of your choosing or even just in general. Sometimes attracting with honey is far more conducive to accomplishing your goals than using brute force; be more diplomatic when interacting with people. You work diligently, bravely, and energetically. Try to be more lenient on yourself and others when something goes array as no one is perfect, not even you. Sometimes you have built up such a name for yourself that you do a complete turn-around and laze about, expecting your previous work will tide you over. Your anger may be explosive at times, especially when you are wounded on an emotional level, and you must find a way to restrain yourself. Try to think through your feelings before they take over. Your general lack of patience and constant rushing about makes you susceptible to accidental injuries, particularly involving heat or sharp objects. You can be reckless because you do not plan your actions ahead. You have a negative reaction to any sort of perceived restriction on you and can be a bit of a rule-breaker. As a leader, it is imperative that you curb your dominance or you will be seen as a tyrannical dictator rather than a leader. Vengeful thoughts are not healthy for you and you need to release your anger towards others for their offenses. It is likely that you will be wasteful with your financial resources and can be prone to dishonesty.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 5.90 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.90)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Venus blending with Saturn

(power = 4.47 and this aspect is discordant = -1.12)

You find it difficult to connection intimately. Painful experiences from your past cause you to keep your romantic feelings reserved as you worry that the past may repeat itself. Instead of going through the pain again, you have decided to withhold any sort of vulnerability. Solid, impenetrable, and alone. Due to the situations you have been through, others may see you as emotionless, not caring one way or another. You must foster warmth and find a way to let others in despite what may occur. Keep in mind that you will be unable to have a deeply fulfilling emotional connection with someone if you keep your feelings locked away; love needs to be allowed to flow both ways for it to be real. This placement challenges you to love without expectations. Allow yourself to feel fully, do not hold yourself back, and you will have learned the ultimate lesson.
Opening up to others may happen slowly for you, as you may have trouble trusting people. You have put up very sturdy walls that may not be so easily knocked down. Deep down you worry that perhaps you are not worth loving, that just as yourself you fall short somehow. However, these worries are just your imagination teaming up with insecurity; you are just as worthy of being loved as anyone else. You must alter the way you go about matters concerning love. Others try to love you but often you close off to them, forcing them to abandon their efforts. Allow real love a chance and let people in. Even if you do get hurt, brush it off and try again; it only has to work ONCE.
In the end, the lesson here is for you to develop self-love and appreciation, and to convey the warmth you feel inside more overtly. Material possessions will not express how you truly feel, you must do this with sincere feeling. Look inside of yourself more often so that you can decipher the complicated emotions you often deal with internally. When your inner nature is truly recognised, you are able to be faithful and dutiful to the ones you care for. You tend to take your relationships seriously and may even choose partners that are more mature than you. Age tends to play a card in general when it involves romantic relationships, as you are likely to find someone significantly younger as well! Perhaps you can foster forgiveness when you feel that someone has inadvertently done you harm; keep an eye on your sensitivity. Your moments of insecurity will bring forth many issues that have been buried, often for good reason, and your relationships will suffer because of it.
Physical affection is another area in which you find trouble. It would be best for you to learn to share yourself with another. Sharing your material assets does not come easily to you either. However, the more you withhold these things from those you care about, the harder the situation will become for you. When your life is ending you will not have use for the things you own, so you may wish to consider sharing what you have while you still have it. Material possessions do not realistically give you emotional security, and though you may feel that they do, this is not actually the case. What is truly valuable is to give what you have to create happiness for others. One thing can be said for sure, your friendship is strong and true, and others can count on you to be there for them.

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Sun harmonizing with Mars

(power = 4.07 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.06)

You are brave, self-confident, full of energy, driven, and optimistic. Competing with others is enjoyable for you and you tend to win using your confidence and intuition. Your strong will has allowed you to learn self-discipline, creating a force that permits you to rise to truly powerful positions. Your physical health is amazing as you heal easily and have endless amounts of energy. However, it is important that you are able to keep active physically or this immense energy of yours will turn destructive. Every effort is made on your part to achieve success in an honourable fashion. You are likely to be a good leader and have a talent for administrating. Hard-working, courageous, and assertive, you gain the admiration of others and will champion for them if they are being unjustly treated.

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Mars harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 1.32 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.99)

You are spontaneous, responsive, and innovative with an active vitality and ability to make confident decisions with ease. The mundane daily schedule of life is unappealing to you and if forced to endure this monotonous ordeal day in and day out, you are likely to feel trapped. You need something to be happening, something new and different, especially if it is a type of activity where you can express your agility and well-timed pace; relaxation may be a challenge for you as you require being constantly active. Much of your energy may come from the high-strung nerves you possess and the internal restlessness you feel regularly. You strive to be a part of projects that require reforming a system or changing tradition somehow. Highly self-sufficient, you dislike having to answer to anyone and need a great deal of space to get into whatever tickles your fancy at the moment. You are often the leader in whatever endeavours you start on, providing inspirational guidance to those working with you. However, you are not one to listen when others try to advise you; you feel you must go through the situation yourself to comprehend it fully and then come to your own conclusions and observations, even if this can be destructive at times. Previous life karma is good and you have been able to keep your temper and impulses relatively balanced. Continue on the path you have started in your past; your intuitive nature serves you well. You can be rebellious when given instruction, however you also sense when it is important for you follow without causing issue. Though you work to create change, you are keen to observe when the price of change may be too high. You have a magnetic personality that draws others to you and when you lead, you do not do so because you are power-hungry but rather because you have great insight into what is likely to happen and how best to maneuver the situation to succeed. Often your life is full of unexpected and rather strange circumstances, though you do not mind having to handle them as you are always up for enhancing your abilities.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Pisces

Pisceans are sensitive, kind, caring, unobtrusive, amiable, flexible, prophetic, private, mysterious, and altruistic with excellent intuition and a bend towards idealism (learn about compatibility with Pisces here). However, when afflicted they are capable of being overly-emotional, fickle, gullible weaklings who wallow in their own despair and cannot make a decision. Aiding others helps them achieve balance within.
In regards to love, Pisceans care about the little things and can be rather romantic. They may place their partner on a pedestal, requiring their significant other to exhibit the traits that the Piscean has attributed to them and are often left wounded when their partner inevitably fails them. Disenchantment sets in when the Piscean learns that the partner was not necessarily who they originally thought they were.
Similar to the image used to represent Pisces, the Piscean soul is pulled in opposing ways. This constant struggle can wreak havoc for a Piscean internally as they are never quite sure which path is the correct one to take, forcing them to listen solely to their gut instincts. However, dealing with the internal chaos can cause so much tension for them that they turn to escapism via over-eating, substance abuse, or other indulgences. One part of the Piscean spirit drags them into the depths of despair while the other one is always striving to purify the soul, lifting the Piscean through the dirt by self-discipline, and allowing them to obtain a great deal of wisdom from their suffering.
Pisceans must be mindful of the environment in which they surround themselves as they absorb energy without meaning to. A negative environment will have a devastating impact on them and should be avoided as much as possible. If they are able to keep the vibes around them positive, they can focus their inner talent for creativity in beneficial ways. A Piscean may be so highly attuned to what is going on around them that they will pick up on sensations and observations that most are blind to.
Pisceans may at times seem to be set on a goal, but by nature they are not very sure of themselves and their determination may quickly falter if pressed. A strong drive to achieve is not usually part of their makeup and they require a good deal of support and encouragement. Deciphering the array of complex emotions they possess is important to them. They can be very insecure, doubting their decisions at every turn; it is imperative that they develop confidence in their own capabilities.
Pisceans can be very giving of themselves and aiding others in some way helps them to stay positive. They are highly emotional people and when they are able to channel this energy to benefit others, they feel rejuvenated.
Peaceful and sensitive, Piscean tend to avoid confrontations even when they are necessary. This unfortunately leads them to be part of sticky situations that they have a difficult time escaping from. No is not a word that is easy for a Pisces to say, instead they remain in negative situations believing that if they reform somehow, all will work itself out again. They are apt to play the victim or the hero, depending on the circumstances, in order to remedy a hardship. Pisceans will usually give more weight to their heart than they would their brain when making decisions, and this can be easily manipulated by those who may not have their best interests in mind; they may empathise too readily when being told a sad tale. Their intentions are honourable, though it would be best for them to develop their rational sensibilities and learn to keep a more level head in these matters.
Pisceans can be rather private, though they are able to make social connections easily and remain faithful to them. Though they are not aggressive types, they will come to the defence of those they care about when necessary, in their own way.
A Piscean can have trouble igniting that driving force that others may have more readily available to them. This does not mean that Pisces are all lazy folk; however they do often spend more time procrastinating than actually doing what they are supposed to. Having a bit of time to themselves each day to regroup can actually motivate them to achieve more.
Creative endeavours can help to curb a Piscean’s instinct to evade the physical realm. Art in general will draw them in, whether this be through music, acting, drawing, writing…the possibilities are endless! Pisceans intuitively sense what they can and cannot do. Regrettably, this innate understanding may keep them from trying something they feel they will unable to accomplish. The Fish can easily sink into despair over a negative comment from another, even if this comment was spoken with good intentions. At times the sensitive emotions of the Piscean will project slights where there were none.
Pisceans often attempt to explain their behaviours as they are seeking true understanding from others. Unfortunately, due to their inability to handle confrontations, they will seem as though they are not being truthful while they twist words around trying to elicit an understanding of their true intentions. When they do something wrong, they would rather find a way to express their good intentions then to admit fault, even if this means being somewhat dishonest.

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Moon in Aquarius

You prefer to filter your emotions through your mind and can come across as rather cool and emotionally reserved. Most people are unable to comprehend the way you handle your emotions and may come to believe that you are unfeeling. This placement bestows a stable emotional nature. You often feel secure when you are involved professionally with groups and engaging in team work. You are innovative, unique, and advanced in your thinking; you utilise these traits to benefit humanity. Your relationships with your relatives may be less significant to you than the ties you hold with your friends as it is likely that you feel more bonded to those in your life that you have CHOSEN. You require free reign in your connections with people and will take a step back from the relationship when others become too involved. A partner that is envious, domineering, and clingy will only push you away. You may find yourself involved with many partners as you tend to be curious. You have an aversion to the conservative and old-fashioned. You are naturally social and outgoing, advanced in your thinking, and self-sufficient. Your open-minded nature entices you to seek knowledge of all sorts. However, empathy and compassion is not a strong suit for you and you struggle to comprehend others on an emotional level. On occasion your inner tension will manifest as expressing unconventional or extreme viewpoints, only for their shock value. You may also be detached, unpredictable, unyielding, stiff, selfish, and defiant.

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Mercury in Aquarius

Mentally, you are original, unconventional, quick, advanced, quirky, unpredictable, methodical, and perhaps a bit odd. You are not fond of tradition and prefer to be consistently engaged in finding new and different inventions in technology and science. Your view is that the human race would best settle their troubles if they trusted science and used their intellect. Inventing new theories and thinking outside of the box are so vital to you that you feel frustrated with people when they prefer the tried and true methods. You are usually one of the first to obtain the newest gadget or gizmo and are likely to be drawn to stories dealing with science and technology; these can be inspiring for you. You possess a strong drive to benefit humanity in some way, as well as a talent for keeping things in order, and you are an enthusiastic team player. You work best when you are truly fascinated with the subject at hand; for you, this means being involved with matters that are modern and inventive. Your mind is flexible, adaptable, controlled, resourceful, reasonable, and unique. It is easy for you to read others quickly and accurately, using your strong intuition you can see through their defences. You are a clear communicator and tend to think for yourself despite any challenges from others. However, at times you may come across as a tenacious, bizarre extremist.

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Venus in Aquarius

Social gatherings with your wide circle of interesting connections are immensely enjoyable to you and you are openly affectionate, though possibly in an unusual and rather removed fashion. There is a tendency towards being more content with a strictly platonic relationship than with something romantic, as you hold friendship in such high regard. Either way, you certainly would not abide by any sort of involvement that would limit your freedom in any way; you need to have your space to do what you please with anyone you want. You require mental stimulation and rapport from a partner, often in replacement of a more personal, emotional bond. If you do decide to make things romantic, it is imperative to you that your partner allows you as much space to be true to yourself and engage in your various endeavours as possible, or you will likely rebel instead. You are charismatic, cheerful, and unique as well as easy going, cool, and a bit removed. Being removed can be advantageous to you as this allows you to keep from jealous and domineering with others. Your emotions are instead sifted through your brain logically and objectively first. It may be essential for you to develop more empathy and compassion with others.

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Mars in Scorpio

With incredible will-power and ability to focus on a goal completely, when you set your mind to something, you can accomplish anything. You have immense resolve and self-control and it is difficult to deter you when you have decided on a direction. If you are interested in something or have an objective in mind, you can become rather stubborn and are fascinated with the idea to such an extent that you think of little else. However, these directives of yours are usually kept to yourself; you do not like to give away too much in regards to what schemes you may be thinking up. You are intuitive, observant, diligent, dedicated, focused, with a great magnetism and an iron will. No one could ever say that you are shallow, as still waters run deep with you and an animalistic nature dwells inside. It would be beneficial for you to develop self-control regarding your cravings in all forms, for when left unchecked these urgent yearnings can lead to destruction. In romantic endeavours, you must allow your partner freedom and space as you have a tendency towards treating your significant other as though they are an object that only you have rights to; when your possessive nature eventually surfaces, your partner may feel suffocated or frightened by the intensity. You have a knack for understanding the way people work, as well as an ability to accurately interpret how someone may respond to any given circumstance. This can make it easy for you to use subtle tactics to achieve the outcome you desire; be mindful that you do not abuse this gift for your own personal benefit. You can be rather set on the way you want something to manifest, with a powerful internal assertiveness that people may feel but cannot quite vocalise. You have mastered the art of subtlety, both in expression and in perception, and others may have difficulty deciphering your true intentions. You prefer it this way as you do not like to take action overtly, but rather choose to remain hidden until you see the perfect moment to strike. Nonetheless, you are a powerful adversary when challenged. Be mindful of health issues regarding your colon.

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Jupiter in Capricorn

You are genuine, loyal, trustworthy, capable, and resourceful with an aptitude for technical or practical tasks. You may find that you encounter reservation, restraint, and a need to venture carefully when putting forth efforts to grow and better yourself. There is an innate need to acquire material assets, though in the end this will not attribute to your joy or contentment. You may be prone to depression or isolating yourself from life and from other people. Independent and disciplined, you prefer being in positions of authority. Wastefulness is not something you can abide by easily. Achieving success will be possible only if you are able to remain honourable during your dealings; karma has a way of punishing you for any dishonourable behaviour.

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Saturn in Aquarius

You are disciplined, rational, and possess strong internal resilience and drive. You are able to understand the human race on a grand scale but have a difficult time with understanding the individual. It would be beneficial for you to develop patience for others and learn to let go of the past. You have an interesting way of combining uncommon methods while still keeping things in good order. Long-term planning can also be a strong suit of yours as you tend to intuitively see far into the future. You are able to easily view things outside the box, with a fresh new perspective. Often you can be cool, reserved, objective, and practical. However, you may also come across as unfeeling, spiteful, and overly-expressive of your views, possibly even aggressive, when your ideas are resisted.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 5th house

It is important for you to demonstrate your artistic abilities to others, whether this is done beneficially or disharmoniously. You hold a wide variety of interests and look to express your creative abilities in all of them as you find much personal happiness through these endeavours. Although you find your life to be pleasant and are appreciated by others for being a joy to be around, you much be mindful not to become domineering or careless in your activities.

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Moon in 4th house

Family ties are important to you in this placement. You often search for and enjoy collecting possessions that tie to you to where you came from, a way of clinging to your past. Family relations and your home life instil a deep sense of personal security for you and there is likely a strong influence from the parental figures in your life. Your living location may change frequently as you search for an ideal location to put down roots. In your career, there will be an emphasis on things to do with the home; you may even work from home or create a home-like environment in your office as this will allow you to feel comfortable and secure.

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Mercury in 4th house

You spend a great deal of your time at home absorbing various types of knowledge. With a wide variety of interests, learning about them gives you a sense of security. Highly charged with nervous energy, it is necessary that you find ways to unwind and sooth your mind. There may even be a cosy corner in your home where you enjoy conversing with guests. It is likely that you experience inner tension until you to find a place where you belong, causing you to engage in frequent changes of living quarters.

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Venus in 5th house

Attention from the opposite sex comes easily to you as you are attractive in a variety of ways. Demonstrative with affection and possessing a good artistic sense, you draw people to you. Be mindful not to be too wild and over-indulge during your nights out on the town. You enjoy engaging in activities that involve music, acting, or creativity of some sort and are likely to be a good performer, perhaps even on stage. You delight being around children and children adore your enchanting way of expressing yourself as well, therefore teaching may be a career option for you.

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Mars in 2nd house

This placement bestows you with a significant amount of initiative to obtain monetary and personal goods. Your actions, though driven, are often impulsive and you can easily squander that which you have acquired. Although conserving your funds has never been your strong suit, developing a savings plan would be in your best interest, as your financial assets will tend to fluctuate frequently. Try to focus instead on your many other abilities.

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Jupiter in 4th house

Confident, charitable, and welcoming, with a strong sense of loyalty to your home land; you are likely to become quite fortunate later in life. You enjoy living in quarters that are roomy and relaxing. A large part of who you are was shaped by your parental figures, as they likely have always been very supportive of you. There is a good indication that you gain in financial resources through your parents as well. With this placement, staying close to where you were born may be beneficial to you rather than relocating. Take extra care not to become too bold and over-indulgent.

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Saturn in 5th house

This is a difficult placement in regards to your love relationships as they tend to be emotionally distant and repressive. You may find that you harbour feelings of not being appreciated enough or truly loved. You would like to be viewed more favourable by your peers but often your demeanour can stifle these social interactions; you may come across as detached and uncaring. It is important to you that others have a respect for you and you often feel tension because of this. You find that often you are only interested in pursuing things that are useful somehow; this extends to how you spend your free time. You find it very difficult to express affection and praise to your children and they may view you as oppressive. Children can feel like a heavy weight to you until you learn how to open up to them in ways other than gift giving; do not worry so much about how you are coming across and try to let convey the inner warmth you have inside.

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Uranus in 12th house

You are idealistic as far as humanity is concerned, have a strong intuition, and tend to prefer staying in the background. However, you may develop trouble with your nervous system and often suffer from feeling as though you are alone. It is likely that you experience premonitions, yet you keep these secret from the world due to a fear of criticism. In fact, psychic phenomenon and new age topics tend to fascinate you in general. It is easy for you to find flaws in the circumstances around you and you tend to question life’s purpose. Freedom is highly important to you. There may be buried trouble from your past that will need to come to the surface and be dealt with. You may at times experience a kind of paranoia that makes you feel as though you will be attacked at any moment by some unforeseen force. You tend to feel anxious over believing an imminent disaster is just around the corner; learn to control your fears.

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Neptune in 1st house

Artistic and imaginative, you can easily become lost in your own world. Your idealism can create trouble for you as you may find it difficult to function in the harsh realities of day to day life, being prone to impracticality and instability at the mercy of your moods. Hypersensitive to your environment, you are highly influenced by the energy around you. It would be beneficial for you to take extra care with this sensitivity as you can be easily swayed by those who are in an unfortunate state in their lives. Your empathy may have you acting the martyr or protector of these seemingly lost souls; be mindful. There is a tendency towards your physical body being affected by the pressures you face in life and your imagination may at times create ailments that were not there. You are more vulnerable than most to illness though also sensitive to medicine and very little will be needed to do the job.

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Pluto in 11th house

Devotion and dependability is crucial to you in your social contacts, you prefer that these connections heighten your emotions somehow. However, be mindful of a tendency to be domineering; either these contacts are domineering with you, or you are with them. You friends may feel you are rebellious or a nonconformist, often creating change of some sort; though they find you rather charming. Your friendships may or may not be long lasting, depending on where you are in your development; your connections tend to transform you, and your social relationships as well. It is likely that you will distance yourself from associations that are stagnant; you prefer things to always be moving forward, changing somehow. If you are able to properly dedicate yourself, you can be a catalyst for a revolution that will we be an advantage to humanity as a whole; you are likely to be a champion for the cause as well as possess an excellent ability to lead these endeavours.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Pisces 6

Sabian Symbol: West Point officers in a parade.
Kozminsky Symbol: A captive is tied to a tree by pirates while a man hidden, waiting for the right time to save him.

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Moon in 
Aquarius 7

Sabian Symbol: In a children’s play, an egg cracks exposing a cherubic girl.
Kozminsky Symbol: A foot is bleeding and above it is a lamp that is lit.

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Mercury in 
Aquarius 13

Sabian Symbol: On a hotel porch there is a barometer.
Kozminsky Symbol: Sitting on a rock, a veiled figure points to a human eye in the air.

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Venus in 
Aquarius 24

Sabian Symbol: A man with much experience to teach, provides wisdom to the world.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman looks grievingly toward a tomb as she places her hand on it.

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Mars in 
Scorpio 12

Sabian Symbol: An embassy ball where dignitaries are dancing.
Kozminsky Symbol: Resting on a stand with rust sits a battery.

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Jupiter in 
Capricorn 26

Sabian Symbol: A water-spite dances in the mist of a beautiful waterfall.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman lifts up an injured child from the ground.

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Saturn in 
Aquarius 19

Sabian Symbol: A forest fire is smoky but not dangerous any longer.
Kozminsky Symbol: A sunset is shining on a waterfall, iluminating it to golden water.

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Uranus in 
Virgo 17

Sabian Symbol: The earth is rumbling and lava is flowing from an eruption of a volcano.
Kozminsky Symbol: Resting his head on his left hand at his desk, an astrologer is researching a natal chart.

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Neptune in 
Libra 27

Sabian Symbol: An airplane flies high in the sky.
Kozminsky Symbol: A storm has passed, the moonbeams land on a bush hut in the forest.

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Pluto in 
Leo 26

Sabian Symbol: A rainbow appears after a heavy storm to bring in the sun.
Kozminsky Symbol: Under a crown made of flowers, two hands hold each other.

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Ascendant in 
Libra 10

Sabian Symbol: A canoe has finally passed through thunderous rapids and now feels calmer waters.
Kozminsky Symbol: In a dark cave a hermit holds his crucifix.

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Midheaven in 
Cancer 12

Sabian Symbol: There is a Chinese woman nursing a baby, whose aura reveals a glorious reincarnation of a wise teacher.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the fall, a street lined full of trees shows them bending in a wind storm, their autumn leaves are falling on the ground.

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Pis 05° 46' 44"
1° 00' 08"
00" S
9° 25' 09" S
Aqu 06° 40' 19"
12° 40' 44"
4° 15' 01" S
22° 46' 12" S
Aqu 12° 11' 57"
1° 24' 11"
1° 29' 33" S
18° 37' 15" S
Aqu 23° 52' 42"
1° 14' 47"
1° 13' 19" S
14° 45' 13" S
Sco 11° 42' 14"
16' 13"
1° 56' 55" N
13° 32' 09" S
Cap 25° 53' 36"
12' 24"
16' 42" S
21° 18' 14" S
Aqu 18° 20' 58"
7' 01"
1° 03' 58" S
16° 23' 13" S
Vir 16° 23' 05" R
- 2' 33"
48' 40" N
6° 08' 07" N
Lib 26° 11' 40" R
- 53"
1° 49' 24" N
8° 26' 34" S
Leo 25° 05' 51" R
- 1' 30"
12° 06' 01" N
24° 32' 40" N
Sag 01° 24' 54"
1' 45"
3° 30' 33" N
17° 04' 04" S
Ari 19° 05' 29"
6' 41"
3° 54' 02" S
3° 53' 14" N
True Node
Gem 08° 33' 57" R
- 10' 31"
00" N
21° 47' 50" N
P. of Fortune
Sco 08° 42' 15"
Ari 23° 50' 45"
Lib 09° 35' 50"
Sco 05° 44' 11"
Sag 06° 46' 18"
Cap 11° 36' 07"
Aqu 15° 44' 15"
Pis 15° 19' 12"
Ari 09° 35' 50"
Tau 05° 44' 11"
Gem 06° 46' 18"
Can 11° 36' 07"
Leo 15° 44' 15"
Vir 15° 19' 12"
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
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