Birth Chart: Elsbeth Ebertin (Taurus)

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Elsbeth Ebertin

Born at Görlitz, Germany
Friday, May 14, 1880
18:22 (time zone = GMT 0.9 hours)
14e59, 51n09

Fact: Taurus dates are between April 20 and May 21. Check the Taurus dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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SCORPIO rising

Those with Scorpio rising are typically reserved on the outside while intense on the inside, they are private and full of mystery, have a strong will, can be quiet, though they are brave and dedicated, unyielding, creative, independent, disciplined (though not always with their desires), and may be difficult to read. The soul of the individual with the Scorpio rising is fighting a battle between their lowly physical desires and enlightenment. In the end, the lower self must yield and be reborn, rising up from the ashes to a higher understanding. You will be involved on all levels, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Outside you seem cool and unfazed, though inside there are intense emotions ever-present; you are a very deep person. You insist to be made aware of other people’s secrets though you will not disclose your own, preferring to remain quiet as to your intentions. You have a sharp mind and enjoy investigative endeavours. You insist on penetrating every hidden cavern, understanding the ins and outs, why and how. You are very determined when you apply yourself, strong-willed, and can conquer any obstacle, even if the obstacle is you. You must move past any possessive, resentful, or envious tendencies. You are drawn to subjects that incorporate mystical topics, sexuality, the healing arts, or death. When you are good, you are very very good, but when you are bad, you can be a complete scoundrel. You must develop a way to forgive others as this is an important life lesson for you. Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars and therefore their placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! To Taurus, sex is hard work. It takes time and should do so. Taurus can still be kind of lazy in bed, wanting the partner to do most of the work. Read all about Taurus sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Sun blending with Pluto

(power = 12.42 and this aspect is neutral)

You have a strong will and can be rather passionate. Nothing is impossible for you if you truly desire it. In your mind, you are undefeatable and are not ruffled in the slightest by statistics or challenging circumstances. Inwardly you may be a bit obsessive but you are able to mask your wishes and purpose, as well as the strength of your emotions. Something in your core compels you towards what you consider to be your fate and you strive for acknowledgement of your skills and efforts. You may thirst for control and respect, leading you full steam ahead regardless of the consequences. It is important to you that you are a master in at least one thing. You invoke strong reactions in others as they either adore you or despise you, though either way they will feel something powerful drawing them towards you like a magnet, almost as if hypnotised. It is possible that you may create many adversaries on your rise to success. Be mindful that karma will always come back to you so make sure to put in what you would like to receive. You have immense energy inside and can use this for either beneficial aims or destructive ones, regardless the impact will be great. There is a desire to change things somehow, to reform them perhaps into something that is more in line with your person. You have a powerful personality and may demand that things be the way you want them, though it would be best if you would develop a way to listen to and be fair to other people’s wants as well. You tend to excel in leading roles and assume them almost without trying.

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Mercury harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 9.83 and this aspect is harmonious = 9.83)

You are highly responsive, both physically and mentally, to the environment that you find yourself in. Naturally you are full of energy and feel a need to be always active. Quickly disinterested, you require a good deal of mental stimulation to keep your mind busy, lending to your preference towards being a part of many endeavours all at once. You are self-sufficient, unique, inventive, and a revolutionary thinker who is always open to new ideas. In fact, finding fresh ways of doing things or progressive philosophies are a valuable part of life for you and you strive to inspire others to engage in these with you. Your gut intuition is unusually strong and accurate. However, you require complete freedom to be able to use this intuition in whatever way feels right to you, reacting to situations without being hindered by other obligations. Careers that entail the same, monotonous work day in and day out are not for you and you would do best with work that uses your superb ability to adapt to changing circumstances and allows you some room for creativity. You would never abide by others demanding that you do something and telling you in what way you must execute your task. It is important to you to discover things for yourself, in your own time. Your thinking does not follow the typical step-by-step process that most others adhere to. Instead, your thinking is more abstract and conclusions tend to just find their way into your mind seemingly from thin air, though this is just your intuition working its magic and providing you with unparalleled insight. Scientific and technological subject appeal to you and you are usually one of the first to try out new gadgets or concepts. Astrological topics and anything related to supernatural phenomena will also hold your attention. You are an articulate communicator, in both the written and spoken word, which readily exchanges fresh and unconventional information with other people.

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Mercury blending with Venus

(power = 7.74 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.93)

You enjoy beautiful things of high-quality as your senses are particularly attuned to shape and texture. Your sensitivity towards spatial dimensions and skill in creating beauty lends to an artistic talent that can be expressed in many forms. You may find yourself working in fields of design, decorating, writing, music, or various craftworks. This placement also bestows attractive vocal abilities that you can use to diffuse difficult circumstances. Both your way of thinking and your way of speaking lead to harmonious outcomes. Diplomatic solutions in tense situations come naturally to you. You may also find yourself doing well as a salesperson of arts or of aesthetically pleasing items. You instinctively know what colours would work well together and what sorts of musical chords are most pleasing together. In the case that you are not artistically gifted, you will have a fondness for the arts and creative ventures in general. Your charming personality, subtle humour, and polite mannerisms make it easy for others to get along with you and people generally enjoy your company. You make an excellent mediator when someone has been slighted or can be a calming presence during challenging debates. When your emotions are triggered, you will analyse them before acting and it is likely that you “think” your emotions or “feel” your thoughts as you are unable to separate your mind from your feelings.

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Venus blending with Neptune

(power = 7.72 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.93)

You are prone to idealism and romanticism, and often fall in love with an idea of a person rather than an actual person. There is a tendency towards thinking too fondly of another, expecting them to be your perfect soulmate and then feeling devastated when the object of your affections inevitably falls short. It would be most beneficial for you to keep your eyes fully open and your head out of the clouds, before venturing too far in.
In addition, this placement may cause you to create a partner in your mind that is unrealistic and then chasing this daydream your entire life, not realising that such a person could never exist. Ideals can be good if they can serve as a rough draft rather than the main plan.
You may need to be careful not to become wrapped up in a clingy, unhealthy sort of partnership where your independence suffers. It is possible that you or your significant other will position themselves in the relationship to be a hero that you or they must depend on, or perhaps some sort of victim. Partnerships must be on equal footing if they are to be healthy, otherwise a destructive pattern can emerge where one person always takes and the other gives or in which you lose you who are in order to continue the relationship.
You have delicate sensibilities and strive to create an aesthetically pleasing environment. You require harmonious, beautiful surroundings and probably feel yourself drawn to art in some form or creative pursuits. It is likely that you are fond of the creative type of person. You have an allure about you that others are intrinsically attracted to. Sensuality and intuition play a large role for you and you often seek out uncommon people, subjects, or situations. You lack confidence in your romantic endeavours. Try to keep in mind that all of us are flawed in one way or another, all you can do is follow the path before you and try your best.

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Moon discordant to Saturn

(power = 7.49 and this aspect is discordant = -11.24)

You have a great deal of ambition and drive to succeed, but you often doubt yourself. You lack confidence in your abilities and are unsure whether others are going to respond to you positively. You have no faith in yourself to overcome life’s obstacles which is why you often work yourself to the bone trying to demonstrate that you are worthy. You are highly insecure and are scared that you will fail. Often you cling to the things you have because you feel that somehow they will be gone tomorrow. It is hard for you to bond with others as you tend to keep your emotions bottled up. Instead, you attempt to purchase peoples love and loyalty. However, that is not possible; you need to acquire this with a genuine connection. How can people see the wonderful things within you if you cannot see them yourself? Your insecurities are so pronounced that when you are close to someone, you require them to consistently reassure you that they care for you, leaving the relationship strained in the end. Perhaps re-think your idea of what it means to be emotionally secure. Deep down you believe that you need to be someone else so that people will accept you or care for you. Many times you feel as though you are the odd one out in a group situation and will act cold and reserved, when the truth is that it is actually very important to you that you are involved equally. Due to your sensitivity, you are likely to wall up and refuse to let anyone in instead of facing the possible hurts and vulnerability that may surface by opening up to someone deeply.
Being cautious and keeping yourself closed off emotionally makes it a challenge to form a bond with someone. Taking time for yourself to reflect and work on personal growth can help you become stronger emotionally as well as allow you to feel more secure, however you need to defeat the tendency to view isolation as rejection and the lonely feeling that comes along with that perspective. You are prone to feeling anxious, irritated, and depressed at times. It seems as though somehow life always throws a wrench in the works when you are trying to achieve something. You may feel like the universe is working in opposition to your best efforts and that you alone must do the heavy lifting for humanity. You are not living this life by yourself, there are others around willing to help you and care for you if only you would let them in. In a past life, you expressed your feelings in an open and loving manner and were cast off because of it. Now you are scared to try again, instinctively believing that somehow you will be disregarded and hurt once more. Your perspective on how to become emotionally secure is incorrect; it is not about others and what they do or don’t do, but about how you see things. Despite your cool, reserved demeanour, inwardly you are very caring and crave to love and be loved. Of course there is a chance that your feelings may be harmed, but that is part of life and each painful experience can help you grow if you allow it to.
This placement stands out amongst the others as it has a particularly strong influence. At your best, you gain wisdom by going through something yourself, as even when you do something wrong the information you have gained will carry you. During the most emotionally difficult times in your life, you find a way to rise back up; nothing can keep you down for long and you persevere through your challenges. You are greatly aided by the mental drive this placement bestows.

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Sun harmonizing with Moon

(power = 7.46 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.46)

Creativity comes easily to you and you are most successful at reaching your aims when those you care for are there to encourage you. You are able to find a perfect balance between independence and connecting with others. You are self-sufficient, doing just fine alone whenever needed. Previous lives were used to master your emotional reactions and they are now harmonious. Good karma draws good fortune to you in all aspects: status, home-life, friendship, respect, healthiness, and monetary assets. Naturally capable and talented, you soar to the top either by gaining the respect and admiration of those in high places who will aid you on your journey, or you yourself find an area of expertise where you create your own success. Both the external and internal forces at work for you are blended harmoniously, making your life a bit easier than it could otherwise be. All of your challenges are aided by this aspect and despite the obstacles, you will find tranquillity.

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Venus harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 6.90 and this aspect is harmonious = 8.63)

You are artistically inventive, unique, open-minded, emotionally expressive, and tend to speak your thoughts without reserve. Others are drawn to your charming personality and sexual magnetism. Doing the same thing day in and day out is not for you, instead you are always ready for the next exciting adventure to begin and are enthused when someone is able to surprise you! Self-sufficient, you require much room to breathe in any partnership. Your views on relationships are anything but conventional, and you are open to alternative arrangements. For friendship, you usually seek out those that are different in some way; eccentricity only adds to the appeal. People walk in and out of your life spontaneously and are usually presented to you as a way to test your belief system and willingness to adapt. These people, as well as your friends, come around to satisfy inner necessities and will leave when they are of no more use. You have a fantastic way of looking outside the box and arriving at genius ways to solve challenges. Most of the time, whatever happens in your life is seemingly random and unexpected. You are unable to plan for these things, the only thing you can do is allow them to happen and act upon the present situation. This is especially the case in regards to your romantic endeavours. There will always seem to be something exhilarating, uncommon, and random occurring in your life that will aid you in gaining wisdom and growing spiritually.

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Moon blending with Mars

(power = 6.52 and this aspect is discordant = -1.63)

You never seem to tire out emotionally and it is important that you are able to divert some of this intensity into other avenues so as to stay steady and sane. You find it difficult to be inactive and will usually behave in an intolerant, grouchy manner when you are forced to do things at a slower pace than you would like. You can be very moody and your anger tends to erupt with little warning. Compromising is not easy for you as you prefer to strongly pursue what you desire, despite this causing disharmony with your spouse or family. You have a strong urge to compete with others on even small matters, though this may not be apparent to you. You are self-sufficient and require the utmost freedom to do as you wish. God help anyone who tries to insist you do something or in which way you are to go about it. You are susceptible to accidental injuries due to trying to do much too quickly; be patient with yourself and others. Usually your demeanour is caring and kind, though at times you can be a harsh critic and are too outspoken about other people’s flaws or mistakes. Mentally you process things speedily and therefore you are likely to react with impatience and irritation when others are unable to comprehend things as fast as you. This placement bestows you with better than average health and recovery time.

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Mars discordant to Saturn

(power = 4.03 and this aspect is discordant = -7.06)

Yours is a contradictory balancing act between a strong force towards action and cautious reserve. If this placement is expressed negatively, you can be merciless and act without heart. Inside yourself you store every slight that has ever been afflicted upon you. Feeling resentful and angry, you remember each hurt and refuse to bestow forgiveness. You are vengeful, plotting ways to repay those who have hurt you, though you may not actually act upon these musings. This placement will also bestow you with great ambitious and dedication. Challenges will not deter you as you can work very diligently, persevering beyond what most others would be capable of. However, the most common impact of this placement will make you emotionally fickle, going from warm to cool rather suddenly, or it will provide you constant trials so as to assess your character. The general feel of this placement is not necessarily pleasing, though it may bring to you advantageous abilities that allow you to survive extremely difficult situations, and that is worth quite a lot. If you are able to get through the tension that this placement provides, you will find yourself a very strong person indeed.
When you focus diligently towards one aspiration you are able to achieve a great deal. The path can be quite hard on you however, and you will feel as though you are left with the burden of the entire task on your own. You are able to call upon an impressive amount of self-restraint and discipline when needed although you may criticise yourself harshly, feeling that you are never quite good enough and heaven forbid it if you were to make a mistake. At times, the doubt you feel within can damage opportunities for success. If you are involved with a long term endeavour you may find yourself feeling defeated when the project does not advance quickly enough for your liking. When you attempt to assert yourself, you are often met with opposition. This can lead to you feeling as though you are inferior in comparison to others. You must develop a way to channel the inner feelings of aggravation you possess or they will lead to you feeling as though you may burst at any moment. Often when this burst does occur, it is directed at the people you feel most bonded to. Be careful not to generate resentment in your loved ones; they are not a doormat for you to wipe your dirty feet on. It might be best for you to labour alone. This placement is likely to produce many interruptions, postponements, and challenges regarding your plans; be patient.
You must find equilibrium between your wants or wishes, and the responsibilities that you are obliged to. Pursuing your longings is likely to cause others to view you as self-centred, foolish, and undependable. However, if you restrain yourself completely from pursuing your inner wants, you might not be able to keep yourself from ripping at the seams; both areas need to be catered to. Unfortunately, due to this tension, you feel angry and irritated because you believe that your decisions are somehow made for you and you are unable to engage in what is most pleasing for you. These resentments keep building and cause you to emote negatively, often in spite and mockery. It may help you to write down the things that you are obligated to do first and make sure you get them done. Next write down what you would most like to do for pleasure and start on those. This way you have a clearly defined path towards accomplishing both types of endeavours and are not fighting with yourself, causing delay due to frustration by indecision. Highly detail-oriented and organised, you make sure that the work you take on is done right.
In addition to the above, one of the lessons given in the placement is for you to be aware of and appreciate just how beautiful life can really be. Many times you are unable to see the positive things going on around you because you are so bogged down by the difficulties that you face on a regular basis. Life can be cold and harsh at times but, as with everything, there must be balance. Every yin has its yang and the harshness must be tempered by love and beauty, both of which can be found all around you if you only LOOK. You require warmth and care though these things may not be abundant in your life. If you want more love in your life you must be able to express your own feelings to other people, something that can be particularly difficult for you to do. Previous hurts are not easily forgotten by you and you may carry with you a deep emotional wound, creating a detached, reserved demeanour that others may find impenetrable. This sombre attitude can baffle others as they are unable to read you.
As mentioned previously, you have a tendency towards keeping any negative feelings secured within until they reach a boiling point and burst forth. Holding in your anger will only cause you harm, whether this be mentally, emotionally, or physically; you are susceptible to disorders affecting the organs that are responsible for cleaning your system and must be mindful of your kidneys and gallbladder. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for you to monitor your wants as they can become destructive and uncontrollable if left to their own devices. It is also possible that you will find it difficult to complete tasks that you have started as your determination wavers as time carries on. Another influence with this placement is an inclination towards adopting an unsympathetic, cold-hearted, self-centred approach where you will only help others if you are able to benefit from doing so.

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Moon harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 3.88 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.88)

You are drawn to life’s many mysteries and enjoy uncovering hidden truths, even if there are some risks involved in doing so. You feel happiest when in the midst of an emotionally intense situation and therefore have no trouble handling circumstances where others are emoting dramatically, instead you dig to the heart of the issue and help to remedy the problem. Instinctively you understand that in order to be truly close to someone, emotions must be brought to the surface, no holds barred, and you strive to accomplish this intimate connection. You are not one to toy with someone’s feelings. Subjects pertaining to religion, science, mythical or mystical studies, sexuality, psychological evaluation, fiction based on scientific evidence, dying, the afterlife, or curing ailments are all fascinating for you. Your strong intuition helps you to truly comprehend what other people are feeling and going through. Gaining knowledge is pleasurable to you and you soak up new data like a sponge. Your feelings run much deeper than what you express to others. You work diligently and are dedicated to doing your job, even when much energy and will are required. Somehow you have a knack for figuring out just what the main issue is in any challenge and how to work through it. Your analytical mind would do well in the field of psychology or therapy, as you do well dissecting people’s thoughts and feelings accurately. Your will-power is exceptionally strong and you do not easily give up.

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Sun harmonizing with Mars

(power = 2.98 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.24)

You are brave, self-confident, full of energy, driven, and optimistic. Competing with others is enjoyable for you and you tend to win using your confidence and intuition. Your strong will has allowed you to learn self-discipline, creating a force that permits you to rise to truly powerful positions. Your physical health is amazing as you heal easily and have endless amounts of energy. However, it is important that you are able to keep active physically or this immense energy of yours will turn destructive. Every effort is made on your part to achieve success in an honourable fashion. You are likely to be a good leader and have a talent for administrating. Hard-working, courageous, and assertive, you gain the admiration of others and will champion for them if they are being unjustly treated.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Taurus

Taureans tend to be purposeful, diligent, resilient, tenacious, unrelenting, realistic, pragmatic, considerate, trustworthy, and faithful (learn about compatibility with Taurus here). They often enjoy manual labour as they prefer being able to see the concrete outcomes of their work. Doing the same thing, with the same schedule, day in and day out is perfectly okay with them as long as they feel they are providing something useful.
To a Taurus, material assets are exceptionally valuable as they feel somewhat unsafe and unsteady without owning something tangible. It is exactly this strong craving to own objects that spurs them forward towards productivity. However, they may project this desire to own onto their romantic relationships and treat others as objects, becoming possessive of their significant others.
Taureans are dependable, cautious, dedicated, persistent, and honourable; they may take longer to get going, but they are able to see a project through to completion. It is more likely that a Taurus will continue an endeavour that another has initiated, than to begin one on their own. You may be able to guide a Taurus but they can be quite stubborn if they feel forced into anything; they dig in their heels and refuse to budge.
A Taurus is difficult to anger, however once they are brought to that point, they can express an intense rage; they see red and charge! When angered, they are able to carelessly break all that they have spent precious time to build. Their anger will be slow-burning and they will require a period to sooth their temper until everything has passed out of their psyche. It would be beneficial to allow them the space they need to be on their own during this time as they must take a moment to process what has occurred. Do not force them to engage prematurely or you may trigger another episode and only wind up prolonging the process.
Taureans will hold stubbornly to their viewpoints and it will be challenging to alter them. If however one does manage to change the mind of a Taurus, be sure it is the desired direction as it will be even more difficult to revert their opinion to what it was previously. Taureans are known for remaining calm under pressure and provide realistic remedies to the trouble at hand; this causes others to feel as though they can trust a Taurus to handle the emergency and feel safe in their protection. Taureans become more frustrated than most when they are suffering physical discomforts, ailments, and the like.
A Taurus will prefer being in a peaceful, aesthetically pleasing environment and can be very warm and physically demonstrative. However, they are often worried that they will lose the things they have acquired. This insecurity brings out feelings of envy, indulgence, idleness, lethargy, inflexibility, and a desire to possess. It is crucial that a Taurus develop an appreciation for what is cerebral and non-physical, as this will free them from their tendency to clutch at others possessively as if they belonged to them. They must establish a strong set of principles and beliefs, and learn how to remove themselves so that they will be able to release their hold on both people and their material belongings.

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Moon in Cancer

You quickly pick up on the vibes and energy of those around you, absorbing either positive or negative emotions. This may be the reason your emotions fluctuate wildly and why you may be cheerful and happy one moment, and grumpy and brooding the next. It is imperative that you develop a way to either discipline these fluctuations or find a positive outlet for them. You feel a great desire to care for others. At times your emotions or thoughts may seem illogical to those around you due to your inability to articulate them rationally. Those closest to you must be understanding of your many moods and of your need to isolate yourself on occasion. You easily empathise with others and often know what they are feeling without them needing to say it outright. Any offense will be taken to heart and while you may let the person off the hook, you will always remember what has transpired. Feeling safe and secure is a necessity to you, particularly in your home environment and with those closest to you. It would be beneficial for you to trust your gut instincts as they are usually accurate; you may even have premonitions. When something is important to you, you are likely to hold tightly to it. Your maternal parental figure has probably had a significant impact on your life and this impact may continue through your entire life. You prefer keeping out of the limelight but will certainly stand up for the people you care for. The tendency towards sentimentality may be a problem as you dislike throwing anything away; each object has a memory attached to it that you do not wish to let go of. Try to remember that what has passed will always stay in your heart regardless of the possessions you keep. You have an excellent memory but may need to excuse other people’s mishaps and move past them.

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Mercury in Taurus

You communicate in a leisurely but purposeful manner. You are unlikely to alter your frame of thought once you have decided on it. You are diligent, reasonable, systematic, and conventional in your everyday endeavours, possessing much tolerance in seeing projects to their completion. It is possible that it takes you a lengthy amount of time to comprehend material, though this is only because you prefer to learn things thoroughly instead of rushing through them and once you have understood them, they stick in your mind forever. Persistence and determination are some of your greatest assets. You easily continue building on what others have initiated, particularly if there are concrete outcomes that you are able to observe. Your success is more reliant on your ability to focus and persevere, than it is on mental genius. It is likely that you are involved with some sort of creative endeavour; possibly you are musically or artistically inclined. Your voice is probably quite pleasing and you may use this significantly in your career somehow. Practicality is second nature to you.

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Venus in Taurus

Romantic relationships bring out your trustworthy, faithful side and you flourish with a partner that is particularly warm and expressive with their feelings. Your senses are highly attuned and this causes you to indulge a bit more than you should, resulting in possible weight gain. Aesthetically pleasing items and environments strongly appeal to you and you find it important that your partner is visually striking. You must be mindful not to place too much significance in material possessions and curb your sensual appetites. You value luxury and prefer not to do any sort of manual labour. It may be that you assume others will do this sort of work for you, even when it is your responsibility. You are creative, loving, charismatic, and empathetic though you will need to learn how to restrain yourself at times. In your romantic partnerships you can easily fall into being envious and trying to own your partner, as well as being unwilling to do the extra work required in a relationship when things get rough. However, you enjoy putting in effort to show your appreciation in useful, concrete means.

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Mars in Cancer

Conflicts are difficult for you to handle and you may even sweep things under the rug just to keep the atmosphere harmonious. You feel uneasy with overt confrontation or perceived hostility. You do not typically strive to climb the corporate ladder as the competition deters you. It is more valuable to you to be content internally. You may feel lost when you are thrust into circumstances that require assertive behaviour. However, you will fight to the death, if need be, to protect those closest to you. You become very defensive of the ones you love if you feel they are being mistreated somehow. Though naturally you would hide from conflict, you readily come to the aid of those you care for and can muster up a great deal of protective energy if the situation calls for it. Your ambitions are often largely connected to the desires of your family. You would put a lot on the line to secure their happiness. Stressful circumstances unravel you and it would be best if you avoided environments where you needed to contend with others. If you are forced to deal with these sorts of situations, you will become grumpy and ill-tempered, brooding or sulking from the pressure. Your physical stamina is unsteady and directly correlates to the way you are feeling emotionally in the moment. Any sort of negativity will dampen your spirit and it will be physically apparent as you will become rather sluggish. Although you have a tendency to use food as a way to deal with emotional upsets, it would be wise if you abstained from this as it does you more harm than good. You are dedicated, emotional, instinctive, protective, empathetic, sincere, determined, and industrious. It would be best for your health if you were able to find a positive outlet for the large amount of emotional energy that you possess.

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Jupiter in Aries

You are aggressive, excitable, full of energy, and always ready to start on one of the many projects swimming inside your brain. You enjoy sharing your viewpoints with others and can effortlessly convince them to follow you on your endeavours. You are likely to be a leader and can easily see the entire situation at hand. However, it would be wise for you to learn how to wait for things to unfold naturally, rather than rushing in impatiently; try to think things through thoroughly beforehand. There may also be a tendency towards believing and stating that you can accomplish more than you realistically are able to. Take care to be more accepting of concepts that may not be your own. You are naturally very persuasive and would make an excellent salesperson. Be careful that you do not delude yourself about your capabilities as you can be overly optimistic and prideful.

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Saturn in Aries

Saturn’s most positive attribute is structure, while the most positive attribute of Aries is the ability to lead others. When you combine the two, you have a capable leader who is aware of what needs to be done and is going to go the distance, persevering as long as is needed to accomplish their goals. Challenging circumstances only inspire you to press forward even harder. You often find yourself taking over the work that others in your group were responsible for as you are rather independent and believe that you would do a better job at the task at hand; you may find yourself feeling frustrated with others for not living up to their potential. The most negative attribute of Saturn is the tendency to look out for one’s own best interests at all times, and the most negative attribute of an Aries is their inclination to involve themselves in other people’s preparations. These together create an individual who is predisposed to sticking their nose where it may not belong and trying to take control over other people’s concerns. You may become domineering, forcing people to do your bidding when they should be making decisions for themselves. Any sort of restriction will likely create a rebellious response in you, as you do not appreciate being told how to go about your affairs. It would do you well to keep this in mind when you are trying to lead others. You will encounter many restrictions, trials, and tribulations on your journey towards ground-breaking accomplishments; independence will only become attainable through upholding a sense of duty and developing self-control. Mind your tendency towards trying to do everything in haste, it will be your undoing; instead, cultivate tolerance towards a slower, more steady pace. You will also need to take extra care when putting your plans in place. You naturally develop a sense of consistency and safety while working on your goals. There may be a deep-rooted insecurity towards feeling as though you are never quite good enough, and you will make great efforts to remedy any doubts you may have about yourself by continuing to improve. You may find that you are susceptible to headaches due to the immense pressure you impose upon yourself to succeed. This placement also indicates a need for you to make sacrifices of yourself.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 7th house

When choosing a partner, you are likely to prefer someone who is highly respectable and high up on the social scale. You want your relationship to somehow boost your social status, as pride is important to you; you need to be able to admire your partner.
It is important to you that your partner inspires you to be yourself and helps bring forward your strong willpower and artistic capabilities. Feeling a strong need for security in your relationships, you are often drawn to someone assertive who works in a reputable position. This sort of person helps you to become more self-assured and allows you to increase your own sense of authority.
Equality is a key theme in your relationships, as any sort of imbalance of power will resort in conflict for you. Both parties must make sure to be fair when collaborating with one another. Feeling as though you belong together as a team and as family are important to you.
Marriage and relationships play a significant role in your life. You are likely to expect your partner be the assertive element in your partnership as you are more reactive than proactive. You may have a preoccupation with finding a substitute for the male parental figure in your life and at times insist your significant other fill these shoes.
The way your Sun is aspected will determine the sort of partners you will attract. With a well aspected Sun, you will attract those that are considerate, honest, confident, strong-willed, honourable, and motivated to succeed. However, if your Sun is negatively aspected, you will instead attract selfish, pretentious, and controlling partners.
The greatest obstacles you face in a successful relationship are your insistence that things are done your way, as well as being arrogantly prideful.

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Moon in 9th house

You find security in your philosophies and beliefs. You tend to daydream about a life different from your own; the grass is always greener. Often thinking on the deeper meaning in life, you strive to find new ventures which propel you to go on prolonged adventures, whether these travels are mental or physical. Interested in a variety of topics and subjects, you would make an excellent educator as you can muster up heart-felt enthusiasm for the matter being discussed. It is possible that you have prophetic dreams. You are likely to be interested in a career that involves higher education, religious or philosophical studies, travelling, foreign affairs, moral values, or law. You may need to relocate to an area far from your birth place in order to succeed in your endeavours.

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Mercury in 6th house

You are naturally inclined towards analysis of any kind. Detail-oriented and high-strung, you can find yourself switching careers or work environments frequently. It is likely that you are interested in working with technology or in the health field. You would be unhappy in a career that would force you to follow the same routine, day in and day out; you crave diversity. Be mindful not to worry yourself into an ill state, as you are prone to over-thinking and nervous energy.

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Venus in 6th house

You are blessed with good health though will need to be mindful of indulging in food that may not be good for you; there is a tendency towards consuming too many sweet or starchy foods. Others find you easy to be around and enjoy your desire to implement a more pleasant working environment. As a natural diplomat, you may find yourself acting as a negotiator with co-workers. It is important to you that your working conditions are peaceful and you work hard to obtain this.

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Mars in 9th house

There is a strong energy directed towards religious pursuits, though you must be mindful not to become an over-involved zealot. Tending to be liberal and open-minded, maybe even advanced in your philosophies, you are likely to make up your own mind about what you believe in. You will share these beliefs with anyone who will listen, as you are driven to express your deeply rooted ideas. You usually fight hard for the things your principles, though be mindful not to insist that you are always correct. Conflict with your partner’s parental figures is a possibility. Travelling is important to you, whether this be on a mental plane or a physical one.

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Jupiter in 5th house

This placement bestows a great deal of luck in romantic involvements and life situations where children are involved. Cheerful and enthusiastic, you derive pleasure from educating those around you. Your creativity will play a large part in your joy and prosperity, as you are strongly inclined to contribute substantially with your artistic abilities. There is a good indication that you will be fortunate in regards to children though you may need to be careful with an indulgent nature leading to gambling problems that may spur forth many rumours about your reputation.

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Saturn in 5th house

This is a difficult placement in regards to your love relationships as they tend to be emotionally distant and repressive. You may find that you harbour feelings of not being appreciated enough or truly loved. You would like to be viewed more favourable by your peers but often your demeanour can stifle these social interactions; you may come across as detached and uncaring. It is important to you that others have a respect for you and you often feel tension because of this. You find that often you are only interested in pursuing things that are useful somehow; this extends to how you spend your free time. You find it very difficult to express affection and praise to your children and they may view you as oppressive. Children can feel like a heavy weight to you until you learn how to open up to them in ways other than gift giving; do not worry so much about how you are coming across and try to let convey the inner warmth you have inside.

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Uranus in 10th house

You are likely to work freelance or be your own boss, as you are largely self-sufficient and dislike a traditional work environment. It is easy for you to cope with the instability involved with working for yourself; predictable, dull, monotonous work is not for you. You crave variety or doing something unusual. There may be some difficulty with authority figures in the work place as well, due to your tendency to rebel against any commands. Your inventive nature drives you to work in technology, mechanics, or theoretical concepts; whatever you choose will express your creativity and strong intuitive abilities. This placement indicates unexpected shifts in career success.

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Neptune in 7th house

There is an inclination to be unrealistic in regards to marriage or a romantic partner. The partner is likely to be a creative type who has a strong interest in spiritual matters or may act in an unclear, puzzling manner. You may need to sacrifice a good deal for this person or for the relationship to continue. Your values and goals may not align with your partner’s, leading to trouble communicating with one another. In addition, you are attracted to those you can save in some way, often from themselves; there may be issues with substance abuse for the partner.
The idealised version of your romantic partner is likely to have more weight in your mind than who this person actually is. You may be brought to accept the harsh reality of their actual character at some point during the union. This realisation can produce great unhappiness for you and you are likely to feel as though they have fooled you somehow and that the entire relationship was a sham. Be mindful to pay attention to the data that is actually in front of you rather than believing you are involved in a fairytale scenario.
You will probably be attracted to an individual that brings your kindness and consideration to the forefront, someone that motivates you to be more empathetic. You often view this person as a perfect mate incapable of doing any wrong, fantasising about your romantic rendezvous together. Your imagination is likely to get the best of you and this person is not alike the one you have fabricated in your mind.
Another possibility is for you to become involved in romantic partnerships with either those you have a high regard for or persons that are down on their luck. If your Neptune is negatively aspected, your strong appreciation of their character may have been due to you being dazzled by outward circumstances and this potential mate abusing your empathy by misleading you into believing they were worse off than they were.
There is a tendency for your romantic partner to be emotionally fragile and require you to baby them. They may be artists or musicians, possibly performers, disinterested in material concerns or being a provider. There is likely a high sense of spirituality in your partnership and you find yourselves less interested in the physical aspects of this relationship and more focused a deep, divine expression instead. Unfortunately, the flip side is that these types are fickle, undependable, and often only looking out for their own selfish needs or they may be disadvantaged somehow, anxious, phobic people or plagued with poor health.
You may stay in unhappy relationships due to your inability to face reality in regards to your relationship or who your partner really is, deceiving yourself into believing that this is an ideal union or that you can somehow make it so.
To achieve a happy and successful marriage partnership, it is imperative that you put aside your fantastical romantic notions and keep your feet on solid ground. Pay attention to the facts that are presented to you, keeping both eyes fully open early on. Make sure to analyse the person and the situation clearly before venturing forward.

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Pluto in 7th house

A romantic partner may be chosen due to their uncompromising nature. There is a dominating, possessive quality inherent in your significant other. This sort of partner may create an aggressive, confrontational environment where there is no even ground; you will need to develop a way to collaborate.
What you look for is someone that can inspire or force you to dig deep into yourself and transcend your previous patterns of behaviour as well as provide you with new found strength and will-power. This person will help you grow as a person and heighten your emotions. There is a preoccupation with others who are powerful, drawing you to those that would dominate and control you. Subconsciously, you may believe you need to tolerate this commanding presence in order to fully tap into your own potential.
Emotions tend to run high in your partnership, on both sides. You require complete loyalty and faithfulness in your relationships. Problems are likely to manifest when your partner does not share this same outlook.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Taurus 25

Sabian Symbol: A vast public park shows its charm and view that awes.
Kozminsky Symbol: Flashes of lightning come out of a dense column of smoke.

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Moon in 
Cancer 24

Sabian Symbol: In the South Seas, a woman and two men are castaways on an island.
Kozminsky Symbol: A glorious dancer completes her routine and receives applause and flowers from the audience.

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Mercury in 
Taurus 5

Sabian Symbol: A young widow soul searching through her grief, kneels down at an open grave to receive eternal life secrets.
Kozminsky Symbol: Huge bunches of grapes are carried by two young men who share their bounty freely to crowds of children.

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Venus in 
Taurus 8

Sabian Symbol: A sleigh used for the winter season speeds over uncovered ground without snow.
Kozminsky Symbol: A leafless tree on treeless land, bends to a gale of wind and it can be heard whistling wildly throughout the branches.

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Mars in 
Cancer 20

Sabian Symbol: On the canals of Venice, the crowds are celebrating and the gondoliers give a serenade.
Kozminsky Symbol: Mounted on a horse in the desert, a wounded Bedouin soldier sits.

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Jupiter in 
Aries 10

Sabian Symbol: A master gives new symbolic forms to old traditional images that have lost their meanings.
Kozminsky Symbol: A ship is sailing toward the morning light and is illuminated with pink, rosy light.

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Saturn in 
Aries 24

Sabian Symbol: Blown inward from the wind of an open window, the curtain is shaped like a cornucopia.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a juvenile is grasping a beautiful woman, she turns into a skeleton within his arms.

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Uranus in 
Virgo 5

Sabian Symbol: In Ireland a man is aware of nature spirits.
Kozminsky Symbol: An artistic tapestry is nearly completed by the artist.

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Neptune in 
Taurus 13

Sabian Symbol: A porter is carrying a mountain of baggage cheerfully.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man holds up a document to a judge frowning in court.

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Pluto in 
Taurus 27

Sabian Symbol: A withered old Indian woman is selling trinkets of her tribe to others who pass by.
Kozminsky Symbol: An inventor looks admiringly at an engine that he just completed as he rises from his bench.

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Ascendant in 
Scorpio 13

Sabian Symbol: An inventor is working his apparatus, on the verge of completing his unique work.
Kozminsky Symbol: A large river has water bubbling and flowing over river rocks.

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Midheaven in 
Leo 28

Sabian Symbol: Endless rows a small birds chirp to one another while sitting on branches of one large tree.
Kozminsky Symbol: Stormy waters receive streams of oil falling from mid-air.

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Tau 24° 14' 34"
57' 49"
01" S
18° 50' 40" N
Can 23° 42' 15"
11° 56' 36"
1° 29' 07" S
19° 54' 38" N
Tau 04° 41' 22"
1° 42' 18"
2° 17' 15" S
10° 56' 14" N
Tau 07° 57' 14"
1° 13' 26"
1° 18' 38" S
12° 55' 46" N
Can 19° 13' 37"
35' 25"
1° 31' 18" N
23° 34' 55" N
Ari 09° 24' 36"
12' 17"
1° 08' 39" S
2° 40' 45" N
Ari 23° 11' 41"
6' 52"
2° 16' 48" S
6° 54' 02" N
Vir 04° 51' 24"
46' 41" N
10° 27' 38" N
Tau 12° 14' 01"
2' 13"
1° 43' 25" S
13° 52' 35" N
Tau 26° 49' 20"
1' 21"
13° 21' 21" S
6° 26' 36" N
Tau 13° 39' 25"
4' 02"
1° 37' 08" S
14° 24' 13" N
Gem 15° 40' 31"
6' 39"
2° 01' 48" N
24° 42' 10" N
True Node
Cap 07° 05' 54"
1' 24"
00" N
23° 15' 53" S
P. of Fortune
Cap 11° 35' 46"
Gem 20° 45' 17"
Sco 12° 08' 04"
Sag 11° 09' 30"
Cap 18° 08' 13"
Aqu 27° 37' 10"
Pis 29° 49' 33"
Ari 23° 48' 34"
Tau 12° 08' 04"
Gem 11° 09' 30"
Can 18° 08' 13"
Leo 27° 37' 10"
Vir 29° 49' 33"
Lib 23° 48' 34"
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
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