Birth Chart: Edward Gein (Virgo)

Edward Theodore "Ed" Gein (/??i?n/; August 27, 1906 – July 26, 1984), also known as The Butcher of Plainfield, was an American murderer and body snatcher. His crimes, committed around his hometown of Plainfield, Wisconsin, gathered widespread notoriety after authorities discovered that Gein had exhumed corpses from local graveyards and fashioned trophies and keepsakes from their bones and skin. Gein confessed to killing two women – tavern owner Mary Hogan on December 8, 1954, and a Plainfield hardware store owner, Bernice Worden, on November 16, 1957. Gein was initially found unfit to stand trial and confined to a mental health facility. In 1968, Gein was found guilty but legally insane of the murder of Worden and was remanded to psychiatric institutions. He died at Mendota Mental Health Institute of cancer-induced liver and respiratory failure at age 77 on July 26, 1984. He is buried next to his family in the Plainfield Cemetery, in a now-unmarked grave.

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Astrological Natal Chart
Edward Gein

Born at North La Crosse, USA
Monday, August 27, 1906
23:30 (time zone = GMT -6 hours)
91w15, 43n51


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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GEMINI rising

Those with a Gemini rising are typically social, talkative, versatile, adaptable, uncertain, mentally quick, shallow, and unpredictable. You are full of wit and cleverness though you may have trouble with nervousness or anxiety as your energies tend to run on a high frequency. You are always on the lookout to engage in a novel experience and there may be two very different sides to your personality that may seem contradictory to others. For you, it is second nature to express to others the knowledge you have gained and you strive to continuously acquire new information. You are happy to travel and read a fair bit as both of these allow you to learn something fresh. New stimulation is crucial to your livelihood and you enjoy diversity to such an extent that you may never fully master any one subject, preferring to become mildly proficient in all sorts of things; shallow and wide rather than deep, is more your flavour. On the outside it may seem that you are sure of yourself, but deep down you do not feel very confident at all. You love to communicate! All forms of communication are enjoyed from verbal to written and you are even fond of using hand gestures. An important lesson for you to learn is to find a way to manage your energy rather than spreading your efforts about wastefully; focus yourself. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Sun harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 11.37 and this aspect is harmonious = 11.37)

You are drawn to all things unconventional, untraditional, eccentric, or just plain odd. The old-fashioned way of doing things is not for you and you will not pay old traditions any mind when you are making your decisions. Searching for new experiences, you are always ready and willing to go off on a random adventure. You enjoy keeping up to date with all of the newest technology and often are the first to have the latest gadgets and gizmos. You are very independent and need a great deal of space to venture forward into the world. Progressive and innovative, you strive for change and reform of some sort. You think outside the box and can be madly brilliant with finding creative answers to whatever problem you are presented with. Artistic and highly intuitive, you must find an outlet to express these gifts. You are able to remove yourself from the lower impulses of human nature and call on your more enlightened self for guidance and purpose. Many times situations sort of just happen to you, spontaneously and seemingly at random; you can never quite know what to expect in your life. Some unseen force seems to be protecting you as you can get big breaks just when you felt time were running out.

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Jupiter discordant to Uranus

(power = 11.33 and this aspect is discordant = -5.66)

There is a tendency towards enjoying variety to such a degree that you move from one endeavour to another, without spending enough time on anything to master it. You become easily interested and want to know a little bit about everything, but in order to truly be successful, you will need to discipline yourself. You may also need to watch out for becoming so engrossed and inflexible in your own views and beliefs that you demand others believe the same. Challenging situations will continue to surround you until you learn to be accepting and tolerant of others viewpoints. It is alright to hold a strong belief system, as long as you do not punish people for being of a different mind-set. Be careful that you do not become involved in extreme demonstrations to prove your beliefs are correct, and rather develop a respect for individuality.
You are self-reliant, inventive, and unrestrained with strong resolve and drive to get things done. These traits aid you greatly in your journey towards success. Be sure that you keep to realistic goals rather than taking risks on long-shots. Not everyone can be as mentally quick as you are; therefore you need to practice patience with others who think at a slower speed. You are able to provide a substantial amount of knowledge to benefit others, though you must yield to working at their pace. You have a strongly held belief that you are entitled to your own opinions and viewpoints; it is only logical that the same privilege be bestowed to others.

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Saturn harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 9.75 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.88)

This aspect presents you with a chance to attain a higher reasoning in spirituality by self-sacrifice and working diligently to aid others. You will be able to put your necessities on the back burner to do what needs to be done for those loyal to you and this kind of service is happily done by you. You can easily combine your idealistic views with realism in a fantastic way. You will often remove your emotions from a situation so that you may finish what you’ve started. Any dream you aspire to, you will put forth a great deal of effort to accomplish. You are able to get by on mere scraps when you feel it is needed to achieve your aim. Imaginative applied artistry is your specialty. This aspect implies that the native is protected spiritually by karma from a previous life where they had aided others.

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Moon discordant to Pluto

(power = 8.25 and this aspect is discordant = -8.25)

There is intensity in every aspect of your life from your emotions and wants, to your romantic partnerships, with many of them being full of passion, instability, and heartbreak. You have a great personal magnetism that pulls others in. There is a tendency towards obsessing over people and partnerships. In your relationships, you may take turns trying to possess one another, each person controlling as much of the situation as they can until the other has had enough and tries to turn the tables. You can be jealous and also try to manipulate others, whether you do this behind the scenes or in a more overt manner. There is not much you will not do in order to maintain your power over people and the situation at hand. Your intense emotions can create such a strong pull within you that you find yourself acting in ways that are irrational. Evetually your emotions reach a peak and you need to remove yourself completely from the people in your life and the situations that you are in, and start anew. You are not the most open-minded person and can be very stubborn in your viewpoints, throwing them at others aggressively, often disregarding new concepts that others are trying to convey to you, and always insisting that your opinions are correct. You remember every slight, perceived or otherwise, that someone has done towards you. Work on your perception and you might find that people are different than you originally thought. Your feelings are so overwhelming sometimes that you are unable to reign them in. Finances can be an obsession for you as you need to feel secure. The biggest lesson for you in this placement is to temper the emotional chaos within. You have a deeply rooted sense of rejection and feeling as though you are somehow unworthy, and this makes it hard for you to believe that the people you care for are to be trusted. This aspect will test your romantic partnerships to help you grow as a person and show you how to truly have faith in the people you are bonded to.

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Moon harmonizing with Mars

(power = 7.60 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.70)

You full of get-up-and-go! This placement contributes to a healthy body and mind. You know how to assert yourself when needed and you confront your troubles head-on, in a clear manner. Rather than sulking about the difficulties you encounter, you concentrate on eradicating them. You are unsympathetic when you hear people complaining about their challenges without putting in the necessary effort to fix them. Through the obstacles in your life, you have discovered how to channel your emotional energy and cravings into productive endeavours instead of letting them tear you apart. You are rarely sick and when you do happen to catch something, you recover rapidly. People gravitate towards your enthusiastic nature and the vitality you exude. You are brave and capable, allowing you to feel confident participating in strategic risk-taking. You easily attract potential romantic partners because of your gregarious demeanour.

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Mercury blending with Mars

(power = 6.70 and this aspect is discordant = -1.68)

You are mentally adept and prepared for anything. You enjoy a challenge and strive to absorb information from every turn. Reading is most likely the best way for you to take in new data and you will read anything that you can get your hands on. You are likely to be talented in mechanics and delight in taking on many endeavours at once. Manual labour is probably appealing to you and you may not have a preference in which hand you use with more skill. For you communication is done not only orally but also through hand gestures. This placement can bestow an aptitude for science or mathematics. However, a quick brain tends to facilitate a quick mouth too, and it would do you well to watch yours. Administering some diplomacy and thinking ahead before blurting out your first thought would also be beneficial for you, as you can be quite blunt. You enjoy friendly teasing and convey many of your jests via sarcastic remarks. You communicate your views forcefully and directly, in a straightforward, no-nonsense approach. You enjoy leading others and converse easily and extensively with others, even if you haven’t a clue about what you are discussing. You also like to find the faults in other people’s debates. Your assertive communication can at times rub others the wrong way as you often say too much, too powerfully. Due to your strong communication, you would do well working in sales or law. You can be very persuasive because of your powerful communication style. Try your hand at writing critique or dark comedy, as you may find a hidden gift. You tend to be self-sufficient, dedicated, brave, energetic, and love challenging your mind. However, make sure to take a moment to reflect on what you wish to say before you say it, as you can easily hurt others through your tactless mocking.

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Sun harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 6.70 and this aspect is harmonious = 10.05)

Your positive attitude and jovial personality attract others and aids you in your success. A confidant demeanour draws good fortune to you. You strive to grow in wisdom, using philosophical interest to guide you. This placement bestows protection, though it may not come until right in the nick of time. You are energetic, excitable, sociable, cheerful, and lucky. You are likely to acquire monetary comforts with this placement. You dream big, though do not need to fight hard to make your dreams a reality. You tend to be giving, warm, dependable, genuine, truthful, and full of idealism. Your moral values are particularly strong and you believe in being fair and acting honourably. Petty displays are not abided by and you would never disgrace yourself enough to reach that kind of low. You attempt to develop self-discipline and awareness through spiritual means, particularly religion or philosophical studies. Past life karma is strong for you and favours you in many ways due to your caring, generous deeds towards others in a previous life.

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Venus harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 5.28 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.60)

You are emotionally intense and when you love someone, you love them with your all. Your powerful passions will either magnetically draw others to you or frighten them away. You have a great deal of charm and a way of attracting others to you almost without effort. This influence you have over others can cause you to easily use manipulation tactics, even if these actions are often subconscious. This placement allows you to either change your beliefs into something more beneficial to you, or to aid other people in changing their beliefs. You are likely to be creative and strive to promote a beautiful, peaceful, and comfortable environment. Your perception and compassion for others causes you to reach out and help people in whatever way you can.

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Moon harmonizing with Venus

(power = 5.03 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.29)

You naturally appreciate other people and accept them for all that they are, nurturing them, and nullifying any of their insecurities. People love you because you are kind and make an effort to show that you pay attention to the little things others may miss. Female company is particularly easy for you to bond with. You feel a deep sense of satisfaction from channelling your emotions into creative endeavours of any kind. You crave beautiful surroundings that are both luxurious and harmonious. Often, your living quarters reflect these values. You are very polite, courteous, and refined in your presentation and you feel uncomfortable around those that are rude, tactless, or rough in their mannerisms. There may be a tendency towards overindulging in rich cuisine that needs to be monitored. Escapism is also a possibility. You dislike hard work and will shun doing anything you deem as laborious. Others are drawn to you because they intuitively feel that you genuinely have their best interest at heart. You love being around people, and they love being around you. This may give to a career dealing with the population on a grand scale, perhaps in publicity. You enjoy having, and caring for, guests in your home and welcome people with open arms. Your charming manner and giving nature make you the perfect entertainer of visitors. Emotionally you are stable and secure, overcoming a previous craving to be possessive when you care deeply about a person.

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Venus harmonizing with Mars

(power = 4.63 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.63)

Very affectionate, you enjoy engaging in romance and are a sensitive, appreciative pursuer. Others are drawn to you even if you are not stereotypically good-looking, though you often are. Your personality is vibrant and you are easy to be with, gaining you much popularity. You keep your emotions fairly steady and low-key, which can be very attractive to the opposite sex. There is a part of you that likes to play match-maker and you could easily put others together in a fantastic way, creating harmonious pairings that last.
You are driven by an amorous nature with a fondness for all things beautiful, yearning to channel your passion into creativity of any form. This placement denotes a charismatic magnetism that others respond to. Being alone for too long does not do you well and you prefer to be socially active, happily engaging with other people. You have a strong craving to express yourself affectionately and for this warmth to be reciprocated. Your vitality is apparent to others and people find you alluring. Romantic relationships are likely to flourish as you are aware of what you desire in a mate and are able to convey these feelings clearly. You do not hide your intentions, but rather take a direct, honest approach in these matters. However, you will avoid conflict if you can do so as you dislike disharmony. You invest much effort to understanding your feelings.

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Moon harmonizing with Mercury

(power = 4.10 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.10)

Your memory is superb and you can quickly recall previous moments in time and all of the details involved, including other people. There may be talent in teaching or speaking to the public as you put forth a great deal of emotional energy towards communicating your thoughts. You value education and try your best to gather as much data as you can, attempting to always be in the know when it comes to progressive advances. You would also make for a good therapist because of your excellent listening skills and your non-judgemental attitude towards people’s troubles. People feel nurtured by you and you inspire them to believe in their abilities. You pick up on the subtleties and the unspoken words others have trouble communicating outright, allowing you to convey outwardly the things that will truly help people. Try to make it a habit of writing down your experiences and responses, as this can allow for some personal growth when you look back on them in the future. There may be a skill in linguistics. Mentally you are logical and your thinking is not muddled by your feelings as your mind and emotional state work together harmoniously. Often times, it may seem as though you are speaking other people’s thoughts as they are thinking them, or sometimes even before they are made aware of them, as you are highly attune to other people’s emotional energy. People take comfort in this ability because they can be sure that you really do comprehend their situation. You are able to use the written or spoken word to express your thoughts and the concepts you have created in your mind. All forms of communication appeal to you, as does travelling. You prefer your life to be full of changes and various new experiences so that your mind has something to contemplate and there is always something new to express or feel. You may wish to try your hand as a writer due to this placement bestowing clarity of mind.

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Mars harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 3.64 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.73)

You have faith in who you are and what you are doing. Confident and driven, you have a tremendous amount of self-discipline and will do whatever it takes to succeed. You are aware of what it is that you wish to accomplish and the best way to go about it. Often the one leading a group, others rely on you to pave the path. You are opinionated and direct in communicating your viewpoints, always ready to fight for the things you value. When you see a way to improve something, you work hard towards reconstruction. You have the will-power, the perseverance, and the dedication to achieve whatever you set your mind to. At times, you may become so focused on your work that you continue forward even when you are completely exhausted; tunnel-vision is likely when you have taken on a project. This tendency is detrimental to your physical health and you must find a way to pace yourself and make time for relaxation. You have a strong character though you keep this low-key as you choose to keep out of the limelight. Preferring to be in the decision maker, you are often the one taking the lead in social situations and dislike anyone else trying to govern your life. However, it would do you well to develop tolerance for the way others do things and learn to be part of the team rather than acting director.
Mystery appeals to you and you enjoy delving into the depths to discover all things hidden. You insist on knowing the ins and outs of whatever situation you find yourself in, always asking “why”. There is a preoccupation around death as well, which is life’s ultimate mystery. If you channel your energies correctly, you may have an ability to heal others. Investigation comes naturally to you and you access individuals and circumstances effectively and correctly; not much gets passed your keen observation. Shallow interactions are of no interest to you and you prefer deeper, more meaningful ways to use your time. Verbal conflict and confrontation are not enjoyable to you though you will engage in them when you feel they are required. You are well able to keep yourself from projecting angry feelings outwardly, though when you happen to allow them to seep out, your emotions will burst forward intensely and others may need to stay out of your way until you cool down.

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Mercury harmonizing with Venus

(power = 3.07 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.84)

You have a talent for creating beautiful forms and designs, as your spatial ability is superb in regards to what would be considered aesthetically pleasing to yourself and others. You excel in all different types of art and design and would do well choosing a career in these fields. Another option for you would be in creative writing; you are able to use words to paint a picture. Your vocals are likely to be quite appealing to others, almost as if you can hypnotise others simply by speaking or singing to them. Diplomacy comes naturally to you and you are able to articulate yourself in a peaceful manner even in the most trying of circumstances. If you are unable to create art, you may do well in selling it instead. You instinctively pick out what goes well together materialistically or creatively. People find your charming, polite, and often humorous demeanour easy to get along with and this likeability will greatly aid you in any endeavour you are involved with that requires you to work with others. There is a tendency towards thinking your feelings rather than feeling them, and this rationalisation makes it difficult for you to openly convey your emotions to others. Whether or not you work in the creative field, you will certainly value art and creativity in general. It is in your nature to resolve disagreements in a harmonious fashion and soothe any emotional upsets.

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Moon discordant to Saturn

(power = 2.36 and this aspect is discordant = -3.53)

You have a great deal of ambition and drive to succeed, but you often doubt yourself. You lack confidence in your abilities and are unsure whether others are going to respond to you positively. You have no faith in yourself to overcome life’s obstacles which is why you often work yourself to the bone trying to demonstrate that you are worthy. You are highly insecure and are scared that you will fail. Often you cling to the things you have because you feel that somehow they will be gone tomorrow. It is hard for you to bond with others as you tend to keep your emotions bottled up. Instead, you attempt to purchase peoples love and loyalty. However, that is not possible; you need to acquire this with a genuine connection. How can people see the wonderful things within you if you cannot see them yourself? Your insecurities are so pronounced that when you are close to someone, you require them to consistently reassure you that they care for you, leaving the relationship strained in the end. Perhaps re-think your idea of what it means to be emotionally secure. Deep down you believe that you need to be someone else so that people will accept you or care for you. Many times you feel as though you are the odd one out in a group situation and will act cold and reserved, when the truth is that it is actually very important to you that you are involved equally. Due to your sensitivity, you are likely to wall up and refuse to let anyone in instead of facing the possible hurts and vulnerability that may surface by opening up to someone deeply.
Being cautious and keeping yourself closed off emotionally makes it a challenge to form a bond with someone. Taking time for yourself to reflect and work on personal growth can help you become stronger emotionally as well as allow you to feel more secure, however you need to defeat the tendency to view isolation as rejection and the lonely feeling that comes along with that perspective. You are prone to feeling anxious, irritated, and depressed at times. It seems as though somehow life always throws a wrench in the works when you are trying to achieve something. You may feel like the universe is working in opposition to your best efforts and that you alone must do the heavy lifting for humanity. You are not living this life by yourself, there are others around willing to help you and care for you if only you would let them in. In a past life, you expressed your feelings in an open and loving manner and were cast off because of it. Now you are scared to try again, instinctively believing that somehow you will be disregarded and hurt once more. Your perspective on how to become emotionally secure is incorrect; it is not about others and what they do or don’t do, but about how you see things. Despite your cool, reserved demeanour, inwardly you are very caring and crave to love and be loved. Of course there is a chance that your feelings may be harmed, but that is part of life and each painful experience can help you grow if you allow it to.
This placement stands out amongst the others as it has a particularly strong influence. At your best, you gain wisdom by going through something yourself, as even when you do something wrong the information you have gained will carry you. During the most emotionally difficult times in your life, you find a way to rise back up; nothing can keep you down for long and you persevere through your challenges. You are greatly aided by the mental drive this placement bestows.

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Sun harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 0.00 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.00)

You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Virgo

Virgos have a strong need to keep their lives orderly, pure, and flawless. They tend to be quiet, efficient, diligent, dutiful, trustworthy, selective, prompt, exacting, thoughtful, and shy with a great talent for analysing all they come across (learn about compatibility with Virgo here). Virgos are reasonable and grounded, superb workers with high attention to detail. However they can also be difficult, cold, overly particular, negative, self-focused, and cynical, with a darker sense of humour and may be prone to melancholic mood swings. Virgos are often at their best when they are involving themselves in work that allows them to use their analytical abilities in the field of technology, caretaking, or any work with detailed tasks. They do not mind others taking the leading roles, as they are more concerned with providing quality service to people.
Virgos have an active mind, always questioning and searching for answers to their many curiosities. They enjoy problem solving, studying people’s behaviour, and examining their environment carefully. Virgos are adept at remembering even the things others may find insignificant. They prefer to keep active either physically or mentally, as they require new stimulation; lack of interesting new data and experiences can cause tension for a Virgo and they are known for being rather anxious.
When a Virgo makes a commitment, they keep it; their word is their bond. They are excellent administrative coordinators and proficient in maintaining an orderly environment. Virgoans have an innate fondness for organisation and tranquillity. They are hard on themselves to keep things just right and this tendency extends to others as well. If they are unable to find this perfection, a Virgo will become irritable and pick people apart for lacking whatever quality they believe the person should possess.
Virgos may be fretful as they are often looking for the ideal and trying to improve things. Even when something has been completed, they will think back on how it could have been made better. Unfortunately, this sort of worrying can impact their physical state, sometimes affecting their digestive track; keeping themselves optimistic will have a positive effect on their health. They can be prone to creating problems where there are none, especially with their health. However, most of the time their health is just fine as they tend to be on the lookout for ways to improve it. It is important for a Virgo to have time during the day to reflect and relax from all of their mental activity, regardless their age, and they do tend to age well.
A Virgo may find it challenging to convey their innermost feelings to another. Though they can be independent creatures, they enjoy having someone to care for and someone to show small, thoughtful acts of kindness to.

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Moon in Sagittarius

You are self-sufficient, opinionated, giving, eager, open-minded, positive, and enthused with an idealism that draws social contacts to you. You can be rather out-going, enjoying comradeship and traveling to distant lands inspires you. Independent and spontaneous with a child-like enthusiasm for adventure, you are always prepared to dive right in to something fun. Regardless of past trials and tribulations, you never stay down very long and will quickly move passed whatever challenges you face, keeping your optimistic attitude that everything will turn out alright. Truth be told, other people’s dilemmas and hurt feelings make you feel uneasy and are difficult for you to handle. Your attempts at trying to make others feel better often make them feel as though you have made light of their concerns or dismissed them altogether due to your extreme optimism. Your platonic relationships may be more important to you than your romantic ones; for you cannot be content in a relationship that does not incorporate a strong friendship. Your mate must be able to help you grow as a person and support your quest towards achieving your goals and desires. It is imperative that you are given a large amount of emotional space. Unfortunately, when you are afflicted you can be self-righteous, narrow-minded, bigoted, biased, self-important, and smug in addition to taking too many unnecessary risks.

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Mercury in Leo

Your views are strongly held and you convey them with enthusiasm and flare. The things you believe in are important to your self-identity. You enjoy telling stories and communicate in a caring, engaging, charming, and capable manner; you are a great entertainer. Much of your showmanship is laced with dramaticism and you have signature flair when conveying your talents. You are decisive and artistically innovative; teaching may be an option for you. Confident in your cognitive abilities, others may find you arrogant at times. Try to be mindful of presenting yourself as more than you are, as well as being too fixed in your own exaggerated opinion of yourself; not every act of amusement needs to be praised. It would be best for you to try to be respected for your mental capabilities, rather than your purely entertaining, though perhaps shallow, endeavours. You would do well in politics, leading a team, public representative, or instructing others in some way.

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Venus in Libra

You are delightful, appealing, pleasant, polite, well-mannered, thoughtful, composed, with an ability to keep things peaceful rather than clashing with others. However, this may lead you to having trouble standing up for yourself when you need to. Though Libra’s are usually harmonious, Venus in Libra can be quite merciless in romantic partnerships as they know exactly what to say to get what they want. You have a way of acquiring the things you need in your life almost out of thin air. Whatever is necessary to you, tends to find its way to you and people are particularly drawn towards you; make sure that you remember to value these things that gravitate to you. You feel a strong need for things to be peaceful in your life, so much so that you will sacrifice too much at times. Confrontation is difficult for you and you will often pretend nothing is the matter rather than continue with any sort of disharmony. As a marriage partner, some people enjoy a bit of tension but you prefer someone that will equate to you and easily mesh with your character. You like your partner to be gentle, sensitive, and refined. A rough and tumble sort just isn’t your style, you need someone that knows how to act in polite company, someone diplomatic and polished. It is easy for you to relate to people and this creates a pull towards you. You are likely to be creative or artistic somehow, especially with your voice. Laziness is something you may have to keep an eye out for as you prefer to stay comfortable rather than putting in the hard work required at times. Indecision is also a typical issue for those with this placement. You often do not like to be alone for very long and seek out others to keep you company.

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Mars in Leo

There is a well-developed sense of pride. You have a desire to achieve and be admired for these achievements, or for the person that you are. You like to be the winner, the one at the top. You dislike anyone telling you what you should be doing or to remain behind the scenes. You want to be seen and will often create drama in order to make sure that happens. You may arrogantly declare you are correct in every situation, as you dislike being wrong. You are driven, diligent, aggressive, dynamic, inventive, and full of energy; competition is highly appealing to you. Life may seem like one big game to be won. You seek praise and value honesty and acting in accordance to one’s moral standards; nothing less is acceptable. Though you are extremely self-assured, there is a chance that you may feel insecure and self-protective, possibly acting abrasive, if your confidence is challenged. You are spontaneous, eager, motivated, and energetic. Once you have decided on the object of your desire, you will stop at nothing to win them over; displaying great passion and enthusiasm. When you have something you wish to express, you do so, no holds barred. However, be careful not to act foolishly and carelessly where money is involved; gambling can become an issue for you. You can also become touchy, confrontational, and possessive. Keep an eye on your heart, as this area of your body is particularly sensitive. Be sure to get plenty of exercise as this will release some of the excess emotional energy before it manifest in an unhealthy way.

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Jupiter in Cancer

You are caring, harmonious, out-going, empathetic, and care about your country and fellow man. There is a tendency towards idealism and you are fascinated by spiritual or supernatural concepts. Your observations and conclusions regarding finances are top notch and it is likely that you will acquire a large amount of wealth and assets after your middle years of life. You may also receive a great deal of aid from your family, particularly your parental figures. However, be mindful of a tendency to indulge in food and drink as this will cause weight gain as you age. Success will not come to you when you are young, but rather in your later years. It is also possible that you will become overly sentimental with your material assets, clinging to them and hording them away from others; try to curb your intense emotional reactions.

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Saturn in Pisces

Challenges in setting limitations, restrictions, or plans may be present, in addition to difficulty with self-discipline. Your life can be disoriented at times, and you may find yourself adrift amidst the chaos of life; the correct path is not usually clear to you. You are compassionate, creative, altruistic, and intuitive, with delicate emotions. You hold to an idealistic view about life though at the same time have a habit of being too serious. Innately you sense that your current challenges are due to karma from your previous life; what has been given must be paid for. This may be the reason you experience an inner sadness that others cannot quite grasp. Your career may involve you investigating data or working in a supportive role, out of hindsight. When afflicted you can become emotionally unstable and are unable to make decisions on your own; your environment and those around you will affect you a great deal and you should be mindful to stay away from negativity. When you have failed in your attempts towards your goals or have been mistreated somehow, there is a tendency towards becoming stuck in a pessimistic, depressive state; only by fully releasing what has previously occurred, can you once more become positive about what is to come. It would help you to learn to detach a bit from other people’s worries, as this would allow you to better aid them. Conveying your previous experiences to others is a great path towards personal development.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 4th house

You take pride in your home life as this is where you feel most like yourself. In the comfort of your own living quarters, you are rather creative; be careful though as there is a tendency to lord over others in the home. Building strong connections with others is likely to be important to you though you will find that you remove yourself from social situations when under stress. For better or worse, your parental figures have had a strong impact on you.

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Moon in 6th house

You are often rather nurturing to your co-workers, always mindful of their needs. It is easy for you to become fully immersed in your career and you may over-work yourself at times. There is a desire to be of service to others, especially working with women or the general public. You are very sensitive and moody; frequent career changes are likely. Your health is fickle and linked to your emotional state; when you are unhappy or stressed you will tend to eat in an unhealthy fashion. Try to relax and maintain a proper diet, worrying will only make things worse for you.

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Mercury in 3rd house

Mercury in this placement gives you a clever, observant mind that is able to absorb information like a sponge. Quick and attentive, as well as gifted with versatility; you can be a jack-of-all-trades. It is likely that you will go through many short-lived adventures, but in time you will be able to bring your ideas to fruition due to your ease at articulating yourself through both the written and spoken word. Being very detail oriented, you may venture into a career in teaching or technology.

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Venus in 5th house

Attention from the opposite sex comes easily to you as you are attractive in a variety of ways. Demonstrative with affection and possessing a good artistic sense, you draw people to you. Be mindful not to be too wild and over-indulge during your nights out on the town. You enjoy engaging in activities that involve music, acting, or creativity of some sort and are likely to be a good performer, perhaps even on stage. You delight being around children and children adore your enchanting way of expressing yourself as well, therefore teaching may be a career option for you.

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Mars in 3rd house

High-strung yet eager to expand on your ideas, you have a cerebral determination that most cannot attain. With a store of intense energy, you often find yourself feeling on edge and in need of a mental release. This tends to spontaneously bring forward rash ways of thinking that can get you into trouble with your family or community. Try instead to analyse the situation at hand rather than jumping straight into a decision. Much of your mental energy will be discharged through interacting with your immediate community.

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Jupiter in 1st house

A natural leader due to your confidence and ability to inspire faith in others, this placement brings many opportunities for expansion and personal growth. Due to the ease you have convincing others to follow you, you make a superb promoter. Generous in spirit with a cheerful and optimistic attitude, you have a zest for life that few others can rival. You are likely to be outdoorsy and excel in sports; this would be a great endeavour to participate in for you as it would counter the tendency towards weight gain that this placement poses. However, you must try to temper your extravagant ways as you can be rather self-indulgent, emotionally dramatic, and susceptible to trusting things you shouldn’t.

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Saturn in 10th house

You have a good head for business, are largely self-sufficient, and diligent in creating structure. It is likely that you will find yourself rising steadily to the top rather than a quick jump to success; be patient as your persistence and determination will pay off. Do not try to shrug off your duties as this will lead to disappointments. For you, what you put in is what you what you gain. Your tendency to take advantage of others on your quest for power will ruin your achievements; try to somewhat curb your strong desire to stand at the top of the mountain. Do not discard others, as you may need to rely on them in the future. Your childhood may have been repressed or challenging due to having strict, controlling parents; the tension with one or both of your parental guardians may continue into your adult life.

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Uranus in 7th house

A traditional partner is not for you, as you prefer someone a bit more eccentric and unusual. Neither you nor your romantic partners want to walk on the same path as the general public, but rather create your own. It is likely that you or your partner enjoy surprising others with your unconventional preferences. Personal independence is an important factor in your relationship, and commitments may feel unnecessary to you. You may even seek out partners who are unavailable as these romantic involvements promise no commitment from the start.
Due to the unconventional nature characteristic to most of your relationships, your partnerships may baffle both yourself and others. Unique yet fascinating people tend to surround you.
It is unwise for you or your partner to attempt to dominate one another, as this will only cause problems. Try to find a balance between your independence and the time you and your partner spend with one another; you may both require much space for a relationship to work. Easily feeling trapped by any restrictions stemming from your partnership, you must be given a great deal of room to grow. Without this freedom, you may quickly and suddenly “opt out” of the partnership. Long-distance relationships may appeal to you, as this sort of partnership has a more relaxed feel to it and you may continue to live your life as you please.
Mental stimulation is an important quality that you desire from your partner, as you like a challenge. You also prefer that information is readily exchanged between you and your partner. You are most interested in an original individual who can be artistic, sociable, and not afraid to go against the crowd. An intelligent, eccentric wild child with a great deal of charm may be just your ticket.
It may be easier for you to engage in platonic relationships than something as involved as marriage, though when you do decide to settle down, you expect an idealistic partnership where you and your significant other are good friends. In fact, friendship is probably how you found your mate. However, this placement denotes an inclination towards frivolous affairs that provide a short-lived thrill but will cause conflict with your significant other.
One of the greatest challenges in your partnerships happens when personal growth occurs at a greater pace in one partner than in the other. This growth may be so extreme that the person that entered the marriage originally no longer exists.
In order to succeed in your relationship, both parties must allow one another to be independent beings and be supportive of each other’s need for space.

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Neptune in 2nd house

Very imaginative with sensitive cognitive abilities that are almost mystical; your intuition is highly accurate and helps you to explore what you are naturally gifted at doing. You appreciate beauty more than most and tend to dream with intensity. Money is not much of a concern for you and you may find the topic of funds to be puzzling. You tend towards certain extremes, either you show a great deal of generosity, or you find yourself behaving in a deceitful manner. Be mindful not to participate in risky financial endeavours. Karma seems to play a role for you, as you may find that if you do not have genuinely good intentions, you will experience material losses through deceptive actions from others. However, if you are honest in your dealings, your finances will steady. Try to always be upfront when handling these matters.

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Pluto in 1st house

Although your emotions may be rather sensitive, inside there is a powerhouse of strong will that allows you to fight for the things that are important to you. You can be overbearing at times and may try to use this energy to control others; you are capable of profound anger when the situation calls for it. Your internal strength comes from an intense emotionality and if harnessed correctly, you possess healing abilities that can both transform and regenerate. Others are pulled in by your magnetism, although you may be a bit of an enigma to them, causing you to spend a good deal of your time alone. Independent and courageous, you can sometimes find yourself brooding over trivial matters that may at times be imagined and would be best forgotten. Try to be more adaptable and forgive others their affronts.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Virgo 4

Sabian Symbol: Children of white and black ethnicity all playing happily together.
Kozminsky Symbol: Unbound books are covered by a bookbinder fastening.

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Moon in 
Sagittarius 20

Sabian Symbol: A pond is frozen but men use machinery to cut out summer ice.
Kozminsky Symbol: On a beautiful river is a boat of pleasure.

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Mercury in 
Leo 16

Sabian Symbol: After a massive storm has ended, sunshine floods in and nature is shown in all its brilliance.
Kozminsky Symbol: A pyramid sits as stormy black clouds flood all around it.

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Venus in 
Libra 19

Sabian Symbol: In hiding, robbers are at the ready to attack a caravan.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a wounded soldier’s blood seeps out, a lion rises from it.

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Mars in 
Leo 21

Sabian Symbol: Chickens eat some fermented feed, become intoxicated and try to fly and flutter around.
Kozminsky Symbol: A magician with fanciful robes traces mystical signs on the seashore sand in the dead of the night.

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Jupiter in 
Cancer 6

Sabian Symbol: Wild birds are building nests of feathers in the heart of spring.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a man continues to spend lavishly in order to entertain his friends, behind a curtain hides a clowning who continues to laugh at him.

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Saturn in 
Pisces 13

Sabian Symbol: Displayed in a museum is an ancient sword.
Kozminsky Symbol: Walking on a fallen tree, a man crosses a bog.

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Uranus in 
Capricorn 5

Sabian Symbol: An American Indian camp is resting by the side of a river, war dances abound.
Kozminsky Symbol: A winged urn spills water onto the earth and vegetation grows.

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Neptune in 
Cancer 12

Sabian Symbol: There is a Chinese woman nursing a baby, whose aura reveals a glorious reincarnation of a wise teacher.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the fall, a street lined full of trees shows them bending in a wind storm, their autumn leaves are falling on the ground.

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Pluto in 
Gemini 24

Sabian Symbol: Carefree children in skating outfits glide over a frozen pond.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman of intense beauty feeds bread to starving people as high intelligent beings place a crown of bright and shiny metal on to her head from behind.

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Ascendant in 
Gemini 22

Sabian Symbol: Crowding the barn floor, dancing couples during a harvest festival are circling about.
Kozminsky Symbol: Ivy is growing over a stone pile.

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Midheaven in 
Aquarius 25

Sabian Symbol: Emerging from its chrysalis, a butterfly’s right wing is more developed than its left wing.
Kozminsky Symbol: Even though the man is the victor of a duel, he is in agony and breaks his sword over his leg.

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Vir 03° 59' 35"
57' 58"
00" N
10° 02' 57" N
Sag 19° 52' 54"
14° 11' 16"
4° 07' 23" N
18° 57' 08" S
Leo 15° 58' 57"
45' 10"
44' 35" S
15° 20' 36" N
Lib 18° 54' 46"
1° 04' 59"
1° 04' 02" S
8° 23' 53" S
Leo 20° 16' 44"
38' 12"
1° 09' 37" N
15° 49' 59" N
Can 05° 17' 42"
9' 58"
17' 20" S
23° 03' 19" N
Pis 12° 14' 16" R
- 4' 31"
2° 04' 49" S
8° 53' 42" S
Cap 04° 37' 26" R
- 50"
19' 06" S
23° 41' 14" S
Can 11° 59' 22"
1' 31"
52' 45" S
22° 01' 60" N
Gem 23° 38' 09"
7° 48' 28" S
15° 29' 51" N
Aqu 08° 45' 39" R
- 2' 49"
7° 12' 45" N
11° 06' 31" S
Gem 05° 12' 25"
6' 43"
4° 40' 31" S
16° 34' 34" N
True Node
Leo 11° 34' 53"
00" N
17° 19' 04" N
P. of Fortune
Pis 05° 55' 35"
Sco 12° 22' 41"
Gem 21° 48' 54"
Can 11° 44' 30"
Leo 01° 19' 05"
Leo 24° 28' 44"
Vir 25° 55' 30"
Sco 08° 41' 08"
Sag 21° 48' 54"
Cap 11° 44' 30"
Aqu 01° 19' 05"
Aqu 24° 28' 44"
Pis 25° 55' 30"
Tau 08° 41' 08"
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
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