Bill Clinton

Birth Chart: Bill Clinton (Leo)

President of the United States

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Bill Clinton

Born at Hope, USA
Monday, August 19, 1946
08:51 (time zone = GMT -6 hours)
93w35, 33n40


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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LIBRA rising

Those with a Libra rising are typically sophisticated, charismatic, courteous, polite, graceful, diplomatic, pleasing, friendly, creative, affable, prone to indecision, and conflict avoidant. Being alone is difficult for you and you look to others to approve of you. This need may cause you to deny your values in order to win people over. You are also likely to be selfish and egotistical. Refusing others is not easy for you. You will try to evade any sort of conflict and require that things are always in balance harmoniously. Decisions can be challenging for you to make as you prefer to weigh each part of the equation equally, comparing and contrasting, before coming to a conclusion. Debates are enjoyable to you though you keep them conflict-free and pleasant. Outer appearances matter to you. You are lucky in that whatever you require seems to finds its way to you without you needing to put in much work. Making decisions, particularly in your romantic partnerships, is a lesson you will need to learn in your life. Libra is ruled by Venus and it’s placement in your chart will therefore be significant.

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If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Mars blending with Neptune

(power = 11.50 and this aspect is discordant = -2.88)

You have a very active and fertile imagination which at times can really run away from you. In order to keep your sanity it will be necessary at times to discipline your thoughts and stop going overboard with far-out ideas. Your ambitions and activities may never be totally practical and concrete as you enjoy thinking about Utopia rather than the real-life world. You have a strong desire to act out your fantasies, dreams, visions and ideals. Artistic, musical or dramatic ability is within you if you can organize and discipline yourself to actually doing the work it takes to bring things to fruition. You have a mystical nature and you are curious as to the greater spiritual truths. Ordinary life seems drab and uninteresting to you, and you need to have some big dream or something larger than your own narrow personal interests to live for. The sea has a strong pull for you as you are renewed by its vibrations.

Confusion sometimes overcomes you regarding just exactly how and where to direct your energies and ambitions. There are times when you just drift through life, hoping that something or someone will spring up and put you on the right course. You need to learn how to make your own decisions and take responsibility for them. You have a passive side and at times lack the will power, physical energy, strength, and the fighting spirit to achieve your aims, stand up for your beliefs or to confront the people you need to be assertive with.

There is a great deal of powerful magnetic energy here with this aspect and you will find that you are drawn to people or circumstances in strange and unusual ways. Manipulation and fraud can be part of these experiences and you may be on both the giving and the receiving end of things. You may have difficulty recognizing or telling the truth and you may encounter people who are also this way. In any case you need to be careful about the sorts of people you meet and establish relationships with.

Accept responsibilities and discipline in this life. That is the message of this aspect. Do not try to run away from your troubles and especially do not try to avoid them through drugs or alcohol. Stay away from negative psychic influences such as Ouija boards, séances, hypnotism and mediums. There is an urgent need for you to be totally honest with yourself and others.

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Mercury blending with Pluto

(power = 10.75 and this aspect is neutral)

Mentally you are prone to both curiosity and suspicion, probing depths to discover whatever is buried beneath. The more you sense someone trying to hide something, the stronger you insist on figuring it out. All of life’s mysteries appeal to you and you are fascinated with death, sexuality, birth, rebirth, the mystical realm, and curing ailments. Despite your insistence that others keep nothing from you, you yourself will not divulge your own secrets or intentions, clutching at the information as though it were a formidable weapon people will use against you if you were to let out the smallest morsel of data. Your probing mind will do well in the psychological fields where you can spend your days unearthing people’s secrets, analysing them, and providing suggestions for healing processes. With keen observational skills, you easily and accurately interpret other people’s true motives and objectives, almost as if you have a spider sense working within you. You are drawn to the supernatural and enjoy reading books or watching films that are mysterious or that contain elements of the paranormal. You certainly have a dark side to you and can become secretly involved in unwholesome situations or circumstances where you need to uncover a shady mystery. However, you do not view these inclinations in this way, rather you just want to discover and understand something new that most others would not be interested in. You are highly influential when you express your viewpoints and can have tunnel vision when you find something you are interested in. Try not to be close-minded when you are in that zone, as allowing an opposing viewpoint into your consideration will teach you more in the end. In addition, you can be a bit high-strung and your nerves are easily affected, causing you to feel frustrated and impatient. Sometimes you push yourself too far and you need to be aware of your limitations and when it is time to take a break and recuperate.

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Mercury blending with Saturn

(power = 9.53 and this aspect is discordant = -4.76)

You are mentally focused and are prone to thinking deeply, seriously, and methodically. You may not process things quickly but when you do process them, you understand them completely. You prefer to study and process your thoughts on your own and will not express your views unless you have fully thought them through. You have a tendency towards feeling depressed and can be rather careful and emotionally cool. Traditional opinions are usually what you are most comfortable conveying and you can be sceptical towards anything too unconventional or progressive, particularly when you are unable to find confirmation of its rationality in science. You are skilled in working on projects that require detail-oriented, thorough, systematic thinking. In social situations, you are quiet, serious, and unlikely to engage in playful chit-chat, preferring to keep your thoughts to yourself. You are dutiful and responsible, often most comfortable when working. You feel as though you must be doing something industrious and useful in order to be spending your time appropriately; anything else is viewed as wasted effort. Your tone of voice conveys confidence and others are instinctively aware that you know what you are talking about when you make the effort to express yourself. Organised and practical, you would do well working in administrative or managerial positions. You are realistic and your actions are clear and direct, though you are not one to be openly affectionate with others. Physically, you are susceptible to dental problems, particularly the deterioration of the enamel surrounding your teeth.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 7.92 and this aspect is harmonious = 11.89)

Chances to succeed tend to appear in your life unexpectedly and can be of an uncommon variety. You have many interesting ambitions and are rather unusual yourself. People often perceive you as advanced in your thinking. Others enjoy your pleasant demeanour as you tend to keep positive and have a hearty sense of humour. Mentally you are innovative and unique, portraying an open-minded, accepting, kind, charitable character. You may be interested in mystical studies or scientific endeavours. Always willing to lend a helping hand when needed, you are friendly, outgoing, welcoming, caring, and tender. You are not greedy with what belongs to you, rather you share readily when need be. Learning and experiencing new things is important to you, therefore you surround yourself with eccentric individuals that will often teach you what you would have never encountered otherwise. Curiosity keeps you asking about the ins and outs of everything you come across, producing many fresh concepts for you to dissect. It is unlikely that you will stay in one place for very long as you prefer to be discovering new places instead of settling into them. You despise doing the same monotonous duties day in and day out and you require variety in your life; being obligated to perform these sorts of tasks can have a negative impact on you. It is pertinent that you are free of restrictions as commitments tend to scare you; you are uncertain if you will be able to abide by them and do not wish to let others down, so you usually steer clear. You may inherit finances in unusual and spontaneous ways. There is a positive past life karma that signifies you will be blessed spiritually and watched over.

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Venus blending with Neptune

(power = 7.73 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.93)

You are prone to idealism and romanticism, and often fall in love with an idea of a person rather than an actual person. There is a tendency towards thinking too fondly of another, expecting them to be your perfect soulmate and then feeling devastated when the object of your affections inevitably falls short. It would be most beneficial for you to keep your eyes fully open and your head out of the clouds, before venturing too far in.
In addition, this placement may cause you to create a partner in your mind that is unrealistic and then chasing this daydream your entire life, not realising that such a person could never exist. Ideals can be good if they can serve as a rough draft rather than the main plan.
You may need to be careful not to become wrapped up in a clingy, unhealthy sort of partnership where your independence suffers. It is possible that you or your significant other will position themselves in the relationship to be a hero that you or they must depend on, or perhaps some sort of victim. Partnerships must be on equal footing if they are to be healthy, otherwise a destructive pattern can emerge where one person always takes and the other gives or in which you lose you who are in order to continue the relationship.
You have delicate sensibilities and strive to create an aesthetically pleasing environment. You require harmonious, beautiful surroundings and probably feel yourself drawn to art in some form or creative pursuits. It is likely that you are fond of the creative type of person. You have an allure about you that others are intrinsically attracted to. Sensuality and intuition play a large role for you and you often seek out uncommon people, subjects, or situations. You lack confidence in your romantic endeavours. Try to keep in mind that all of us are flawed in one way or another, all you can do is follow the path before you and try your best.

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Mercury harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 7.24 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.24)

You are highly imaginative and can easily visualise whatever you can think up. You are able to make your fantasies come true by applying your excellent reasoning abilities. Topics that are related to metaphysics, the supernatural, or alternative medicine tend to appeal to you and you enthusiastically explore them. It is also possible that you are able to heal others by using your hands. You have an amazing awareness of what is going on in your mind on a subliminal level and ability to project it outwards. There is a large amount of artistic talent in this placement and when you feel properly motivated you can create truly inspirational pieces. Science, and its systematic approach, feels foreign to you and you do best in the creative realm, learning by being exposed rather than by traditional methods. Make an effort to visit areas where you can spend time near lakes, the ocean, or other bodies of water as they are a calming effect on your spirit. Extremely sensitive, you have accurate intuition and are easily inspired. It is possible for you to communicate with the spiritual world through your subconscious while asleep.

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Venus blending with Mars

(power = 7.23 and this aspect is neutral)

Ardent and passionate, your urges may get the best of you at times. Others are magnetically drawn to you whether you are good-looking or not, though you probably are. People delight in your enjoyable presence and therefore try to keep you around. If someone sparks an interest in you, you will try your absolute hardest to win them over. However, you may instead scare away the object of your affection by pursuing them a bit too intensely. You crave affection and appreciate beautiful surroundings. Engaging in creative pursuits is important to you as you need to focus your energies artistically to combat any internal tensions you may have.
This placement bestows a charming personality and the ability to attract others to you. Highly out-going, you need to spend time with others often; spending too much time on your own may prove difficult for you. You have a strong desire to express love and be shown love in return. However, be mindful of who you express this love to, as others may feel differently than you. You tend to take partnerships very seriously and can be completely crushed when something goes awry, making it particularly important that you are selective of whom you spend your efforts on. This placement can be challenging due to its tendency to create conflicts in your partnerships; you will both love and loathe each other. The emotions are both caring and antagonistic at the same time. Use these situations to inspire you creatively.

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Mercury harmonizing with Mars

(power = 6.75 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.06)

You are mentally quick and attentive, having no trouble making decisions. You enjoy engaging in challenging conversations or arguing a case in good sport, and strategic games are appealing to you as well. Reading is a favourite pastime and you gather bits of information from everything you can get a hold of. Your brain is usually spinning with new concepts that you express to others confidently, in a way that is powerfully convincing. When you wish to be funny, you prefer sarcasm or dark comedy to the obvious, light-hearted stuff. Your hand coordination is exceptionally good and it is unlikely that you have a strong preference between your left and right hand, often using both with equal skill. Communicating with your hands is also common for you, though you communicate enthusiastically in general. You would do well in positions of leadership, sales, management, or promotion. People naturally appoint you to take control of a situation as you are confident and decisive, able to direct others easily and effectively. You have a talent for the written word and are particularly good at articulating critique. Never fearful of letting others know when they are incorrect on an issue, though you may be too blunt at times and would do well to develop some tack in those situations. You have a good head on your shoulders and your practical reasoning aids you in achieving whatever you can dream up. Technical skill is also present and you usually excel in mathematics. Your self-confidence and capable decision-making shines through in anything you undertake. There is a tension within you when you are idle and therefore you prefer staying continuously active. This tendency keeps you working on many different endeavours at once, and you certainly have enough energy for them all. However, it would be beneficial for you to find a way to incorporate some down time into your hectic life, perhaps by participating in the quieter forms of martial arts such as Tai Chi or maybe looking into meditative practices. Any sort of sport will also help you to release the over-abundant energy within you.

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Venus harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 6.26 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.83)

You are emotionally intense and when you love someone, you love them with your all. Your powerful passions will either magnetically draw others to you or frighten them away. You have a great deal of charm and a way of attracting others to you almost without effort. This influence you have over others can cause you to easily use manipulation tactics, even if these actions are often subconscious. This placement allows you to either change your beliefs into something more beneficial to you, or to aid other people in changing their beliefs. You are likely to be creative and strive to promote a beautiful, peaceful, and comfortable environment. Your perception and compassion for others causes you to reach out and help people in whatever way you can.

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Mercury harmonizing with Venus

(power = 4.49 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.61)

You have a talent for creating beautiful forms and designs, as your spatial ability is superb in regards to what would be considered aesthetically pleasing to yourself and others. You excel in all different types of art and design and would do well choosing a career in these fields. Another option for you would be in creative writing; you are able to use words to paint a picture. Your vocals are likely to be quite appealing to others, almost as if you can hypnotise others simply by speaking or singing to them. Diplomacy comes naturally to you and you are able to articulate yourself in a peaceful manner even in the most trying of circumstances. If you are unable to create art, you may do well in selling it instead. You instinctively pick out what goes well together materialistically or creatively. People find your charming, polite, and often humorous demeanour easy to get along with and this likeability will greatly aid you in any endeavour you are involved with that requires you to work with others. There is a tendency towards thinking your feelings rather than feeling them, and this rationalisation makes it difficult for you to openly convey your emotions to others. Whether or not you work in the creative field, you will certainly value art and creativity in general. It is in your nature to resolve disagreements in a harmonious fashion and soothe any emotional upsets.

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Sun discordant to Moon

(power = 4.30 and this aspect is discordant = -4.30)

You have trouble being compassionate towards others as you are rather self-concerned, paying more attention to what is happening in your life than in the lives of others. You may feel at odds internally, as what you believe you want and need are not necessarily the same things you require deep down; you are torn in opposing ways. Your indecision is largely due to this inner battle. Constantly weighing this course versus another, you find yourself anxious and frustrated, never able to make a decision either way. You want to do what is right, though you are uncertain what that is. You are conflicted between your own individuality and forming close bonds with others. The confusing signals that you convey cause people to be unsure about how to react to you or what it is that you desire, creating instability in your partnerships. You must find your centre and equilibrium between your inner feelings and the way you act. Recognise that your moods are easily changeable and try to find ways to counter this. During times when you have a greater amount of energy, use this period to be productive. During points where you feel run down, work more steadily and relax a bit. One moment you are the voice of reason and the next you are nursing your delicate feelings. You may be blind to other people’s emotions and necessities and therefore can be unresponsive.

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Sun harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 4.22 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.33)

Your positive attitude and jovial personality attract others and aids you in your success. A confidant demeanour draws good fortune to you. You strive to grow in wisdom, using philosophical interest to guide you. This placement bestows protection, though it may not come until right in the nick of time. You are energetic, excitable, sociable, cheerful, and lucky. You are likely to acquire monetary comforts with this placement. You dream big, though do not need to fight hard to make your dreams a reality. You tend to be giving, warm, dependable, genuine, truthful, and full of idealism. Your moral values are particularly strong and you believe in being fair and acting honourably. Petty displays are not abided by and you would never disgrace yourself enough to reach that kind of low. You attempt to develop self-discipline and awareness through spiritual means, particularly religion or philosophical studies. Past life karma is strong for you and favours you in many ways due to your caring, generous deeds towards others in a previous life.

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Mars harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 2.78 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.70)

You are controlled and patient, able to persevere through difficult times and put forth a great deal of effort to attain your goals. You endure where others would falter. Innately, you understand that nothing worth having is given without some sort of sacrifice and you are willing to invest your time and energy fully when you have committed to an endeavour. The things you strive for are firmly held in reality and you will usually approach them in a systematic, organised fashion. Highly ambitious, you would make an excellent leader and administrator. However, you are most comfortable working out of the lime-light and produce the best results when on your own. You have a good head on your shoulders though you may sometimes work at a slower pace than others. This slower work pace is likely due to you not wanting to miss any details in your work. Anything you start on, you intend to go the distance. Be careful not to become resentful from holding in your frustrations; find a way to express these upsets to those that have caused them and then let them go. You are a good mix of daring yet cautious. In your past life, you were able to find equilibrium between what you wanted in the moment and your duties. Socialising is difficult for you as you are usually a bit distant with others. Despite your ambitions, you are not power-hungry but rather just wish to do a good job.

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Saturn harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 2.28 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.14)

This aspect presents you with a chance to attain a higher reasoning in spirituality by self-sacrifice and working diligently to aid others. You will be able to put your necessities on the back burner to do what needs to be done for those loyal to you and this kind of service is happily done by you. You can easily combine your idealistic views with realism in a fantastic way. You will often remove your emotions from a situation so that you may finish what you’ve started. Any dream you aspire to, you will put forth a great deal of effort to accomplish. You are able to get by on mere scraps when you feel it is needed to achieve your aim. Imaginative applied artistry is your specialty. This aspect implies that the native is protected spiritually by karma from a previous life where they had aided others.

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Sun harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 2.14 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.14)

You are drawn to all things unconventional, untraditional, eccentric, or just plain odd. The old-fashioned way of doing things is not for you and you will not pay old traditions any mind when you are making your decisions. Searching for new experiences, you are always ready and willing to go off on a random adventure. You enjoy keeping up to date with all of the newest technology and often are the first to have the latest gadgets and gizmos. You are very independent and need a great deal of space to venture forward into the world. Progressive and innovative, you strive for change and reform of some sort. You think outside the box and can be madly brilliant with finding creative answers to whatever problem you are presented with. Artistic and highly intuitive, you must find an outlet to express these gifts. You are able to remove yourself from the lower impulses of human nature and call on your more enlightened self for guidance and purpose. Many times situations sort of just happen to you, spontaneously and seemingly at random; you can never quite know what to expect in your life. Some unseen force seems to be protecting you as you can get big breaks just when you felt time were running out.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 1.99 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.99)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Mars harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 1.50 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.12)

You have faith in who you are and what you are doing. Confident and driven, you have a tremendous amount of self-discipline and will do whatever it takes to succeed. You are aware of what it is that you wish to accomplish and the best way to go about it. Often the one leading a group, others rely on you to pave the path. You are opinionated and direct in communicating your viewpoints, always ready to fight for the things you value. When you see a way to improve something, you work hard towards reconstruction. You have the will-power, the perseverance, and the dedication to achieve whatever you set your mind to. At times, you may become so focused on your work that you continue forward even when you are completely exhausted; tunnel-vision is likely when you have taken on a project. This tendency is detrimental to your physical health and you must find a way to pace yourself and make time for relaxation. You have a strong character though you keep this low-key as you choose to keep out of the limelight. Preferring to be in the decision maker, you are often the one taking the lead in social situations and dislike anyone else trying to govern your life. However, it would do you well to develop tolerance for the way others do things and learn to be part of the team rather than acting director.
Mystery appeals to you and you enjoy delving into the depths to discover all things hidden. You insist on knowing the ins and outs of whatever situation you find yourself in, always asking “why”. There is a preoccupation around death as well, which is life’s ultimate mystery. If you channel your energies correctly, you may have an ability to heal others. Investigation comes naturally to you and you access individuals and circumstances effectively and correctly; not much gets passed your keen observation. Shallow interactions are of no interest to you and you prefer deeper, more meaningful ways to use your time. Verbal conflict and confrontation are not enjoyable to you though you will engage in them when you feel they are required. You are well able to keep yourself from projecting angry feelings outwardly, though when you happen to allow them to seep out, your emotions will burst forward intensely and others may need to stay out of your way until you cool down.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Leo

Leos are typically regal, brave, loving, influential, giving, fun-loving, positive, motivated, faithful, and jovial (learn about compatibility with Leo here). Unfortunately, they can also be egotistical, narrow-minded, controlling, sluggish, demanding, and unaccepting of others. They prefer being engaged in activities that allow them to use their excellent organisational skills, artistic innovation, and managerial abilities. Leos can sometimes put on a tough façade, when deep down they are rather sensitive and vulnerable. If their significant other hurts them in a vulnerable state, they may suddenly shun the partner and behave in an ill fashion towards them.
Leos are often found with all eyes on them. They enjoy sharing tales and add a bit of pizzazz to their show; having fun is important to them. Though they would prefer to be kind-hearted, if they feel it is necessary to be heavy-handed, they will do so without hesitating. If they ever do behave in a mean manner, they will feel that it is only because they have the other person’s best interest at heart.
Do not anger a Leo, as he will suddenly act as though he is the royal ruler of the land and you are his subject. They will need to show you their strength and bravado, but once the storm has passed, the lion will happily forget that there was ever an infraction.
When Leos are in optimal condition, they are caring, fun-loving, positive, and bring great joy to others. They can be very giving, though financial resources may be difficult for them to hang on to without them realising where the money has gone to.
Leos are usually healthy and can bounce back easily from physical setbacks. Be mindful towards fevers, as they can be prone to particularly high temperatures when sick. Usually optimistic, when sadness does hit them, it can hit hard. Luckily, they are quickly able to revert back to their cheerful selves. However, if they are suffering from a lost love, they can suffer deeply as heartbreak is the most difficult thing for a Leo to conquer. Heartbreak may lead to physical ailments of the heart.
A Leo must have a high regard for the person they marry, as otherwise the relationship with falter rather quickly. What matters most is that Leos know they are valued.

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Moon in Taurus

You can be a great comfort to others due to your stable emotional nature. Not many things will get under your skin; you are easy going and like to preserve harmony. It is unlikely that you will have many emotional outbursts. However, once you have become accustomed to something emotionally, it is difficult for you to alter your feelings. You desire to feel secure and this will usually stem from obtaining material assets. It is possible that you will hold on to situations from the past or be sentimental with your possessions. You crave warmth and affection, as this will help counter your insecure emotions. However, at times you may become clingy and suffocate those you are closest to. Trust and faithfulness is imperative to you in your relationships and you portray these to your loved ones. This placements denotes a tendency towards overindulgence in creature comforts and delicious foods, as this somehow sooths you deep down. Weight issues may become troublesome for you. You may use these sensual indulgences to mask a dissatisfaction or lack of affection. You are diligent, unwavering, and capable. You have a gift in nurturing and things seem to flourish around you. Practical work, possibly where you can be outdoors in nature involved in manual labour, is likely to suit you. You do not mind following others, as long as they lead with a soft hand. Disease and physical discomfort are worrisome for you, as both are things you actively detest. Do not become so comfortable that you refuse to alter a situation that needs to be altered; try to remain flexible.

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Mercury in Leo

Your views are strongly held and you convey them with enthusiasm and flare. The things you believe in are important to your self-identity. You enjoy telling stories and communicate in a caring, engaging, charming, and capable manner; you are a great entertainer. Much of your showmanship is laced with dramaticism and you have signature flair when conveying your talents. You are decisive and artistically innovative; teaching may be an option for you. Confident in your cognitive abilities, others may find you arrogant at times. Try to be mindful of presenting yourself as more than you are, as well as being too fixed in your own exaggerated opinion of yourself; not every act of amusement needs to be praised. It would be best for you to try to be respected for your mental capabilities, rather than your purely entertaining, though perhaps shallow, endeavours. You would do well in politics, leading a team, public representative, or instructing others in some way.

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Venus in Libra

You are delightful, appealing, pleasant, polite, well-mannered, thoughtful, composed, with an ability to keep things peaceful rather than clashing with others. However, this may lead you to having trouble standing up for yourself when you need to. Though Libra’s are usually harmonious, Venus in Libra can be quite merciless in romantic partnerships as they know exactly what to say to get what they want. You have a way of acquiring the things you need in your life almost out of thin air. Whatever is necessary to you, tends to find its way to you and people are particularly drawn towards you; make sure that you remember to value these things that gravitate to you. You feel a strong need for things to be peaceful in your life, so much so that you will sacrifice too much at times. Confrontation is difficult for you and you will often pretend nothing is the matter rather than continue with any sort of disharmony. As a marriage partner, some people enjoy a bit of tension but you prefer someone that will equate to you and easily mesh with your character. You like your partner to be gentle, sensitive, and refined. A rough and tumble sort just isn’t your style, you need someone that knows how to act in polite company, someone diplomatic and polished. It is easy for you to relate to people and this creates a pull towards you. You are likely to be creative or artistic somehow, especially with your voice. Laziness is something you may have to keep an eye out for as you prefer to stay comfortable rather than putting in the hard work required at times. Indecision is also a typical issue for those with this placement. You often do not like to be alone for very long and seek out others to keep you company.

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Mars in Libra

Mars in Libra is a challenging placement and you are often unsure whether you would like to be assertive and dominating, having things within your control or whether you will prefer to avoid conflict at all costs, compromising everything you hold dear in the process. If Mars is positively aspected, you will be well-liked by others and enjoy a pleasant social life, especially with the opposite sex. However, if Mars is negatively aspected, others may view you in an unpleasant way and you will find yourself having to defend yourself as well as enduring challenging, unbalanced, unreliable romantic relationships where you manipulate others just for the fun of it. Either way, you will be strongly drawn to the opposite sex. One moment you seek harmony with others, the next you are baiting them into a rivalry. You strive to find a way to be self-sufficient and speak your mind, while at the same time work with others in a cooperative fashion. Often you become tense due to having to bend to others requests, when you would rather be free to do as you wish. At times you may find yourself frozen when you are unsure whether or not others will approve of your actions. Regardless, you do not like to be alone. You need to acquire your objectives by connecting to and working with people. Despite your dislike of disharmony, if you believe someone is being taken advantage of, you will speak your mind; this trait may lead to an interest in justice. You will shy away from any sort of extreme behaviour, as you need to keep balance in your life. You will likely take a steady pace to achieving your goals, rather than over-exert yourself. You are usually diplomatic, observant, eager, and easy to get along with though at times you may be touchy and start debating with others. You may need to work on your tolerance and negotiation skills.

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Jupiter in Libra

Sociable, compassionate, and philosophical, you prefer to enhance your knowledge by utilising your social connections as you are rather popular with others. You are able to inspire people to aspire to higher achievements. You have a great appreciation towards aesthetically pleasing things and may be interested in justice or artistic pursuits. However, you may need to be mindful for a tendency towards indulging yourself or exerting your energy on too many extravagances, as well as choosing a partner for what they can bring you rather than who they are; love the PERSON, not what their status. You may be more interested in showing society that your union is prosperous rather than blissful. A good deal of your resources will be applied to your marriage, possibly due to your spouse’s luxurious desires.

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Saturn in Leo

A strong leader, with excellent administrative and managerial capabilities; you know when to be tactful. You are independent, traditional, well-organised, and proficient. You tend to be more reserved emotionally, seeming to others as aloof and uncaring. Affection is important to you, though you do not know how to go about acquiring or expressing it, instead you remove yourself from others. You feel a sense of obligation essential when love is present, and you find yourself preferring to “do” something for someone or present them with gifts, rather than giving them what they’d really like, yourself. However, there are times when you can be harsh, temperamental, and envious; you must be mindful not to use dishonest tactics when realising your goals. You prefer to be respected for being effective and proficient. In health matters, you are susceptible to diseases of the heart.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 11th house

It is likely that your aspirations are quite high, though you either prefer for these aims to somehow be of use in a group setting or you swing to the other end and are unconcerned with what a group would desire, instead looking out for only your own wishes. It is easy for you to acquire friends in high stations. You tend to be dutiful, open-minded, and a bit of a philanthropist, preferring to achieve social acceptance than power. You have an affinity for working with groups and often take the position as leader for group events as you are an excellent coordinator.

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Moon in 8th house

Prone to anxiety and doubting yourself, you often look to other’s assets and resources to provide you with a sense of safety. Try to be mindful of your tendency to become envious or possessive. There is an opportunity to experience premonitions due your strong intuition and heightened emotional energy. Your partnerships, whether they be romantic or business, are likely to provide monetary gain. Death or sexuality may be an obsession for you. It is probable that you will choose a career that involves psychology, analysis, gathering of information, detective work, the unknown, or regeneration of some sort. You may also be heavily reliant on other’s assets in your work.

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Mercury in 10th house

Written or spoken communication may be part of your career path as you have an excellent talent for articulating your thoughts, and others are likely to take notice of it. You are very mentally active and physically agile, often being thrown into situations where you must make use of these skills. There is a tendency to be a Jack-of-all-trades and it would be difficult for you to choose only one type of career. Traveling or teaching may be part of your career path.

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Venus in 1st house

This placement is a rather fortunate one for interpersonal relationships of all sorts. People are irresistibly drawn to your pleasant and charismatic personality. You possess a natural talent in knowing exactly how to get what you most want in life, and from others. You’re gifted with an intuitive sense of just what needs to be said and done, and you will instinctively apply it even if this means stretching the truth a bit. At times you can be spoiled and self-serving and therefore need to be careful not to use your talents to manipulate others to your benefit, as you have an unfair advantage in this area. Venus in the 1st house also allows you to have a strong appreciation for all things beautiful and you tend to seek out lavish comforts.

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Mars in 1st house

You encompass a natural exuberance of physical energy. This vitality can sometimes become so intense that you engage in rash, reckless behaviour when you should be exercising caution. Having such a strong mars placement bestows you with confidence and an assertive attitude towards life. You are rather self-sufficient with a good aptitude for organizing, though you can have trouble with patience at times. Take care to watch for accidents, especially around the head region as you are particularly prone to facial wounds and high fevers.

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Jupiter in 1st house

A natural leader due to your confidence and ability to inspire faith in others, this placement brings many opportunities for expansion and personal growth. Due to the ease you have convincing others to follow you, you make a superb promoter. Generous in spirit with a cheerful and optimistic attitude, you have a zest for life that few others can rival. You are likely to be outdoorsy and excel in sports; this would be a great endeavour to participate in for you as it would counter the tendency towards weight gain that this placement poses. However, you must try to temper your extravagant ways as you can be rather self-indulgent, emotionally dramatic, and susceptible to trusting things you shouldn’t.

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Saturn in 10th house

You have a good head for business, are largely self-sufficient, and diligent in creating structure. It is likely that you will find yourself rising steadily to the top rather than a quick jump to success; be patient as your persistence and determination will pay off. Do not try to shrug off your duties as this will lead to disappointments. For you, what you put in is what you what you gain. Your tendency to take advantage of others on your quest for power will ruin your achievements; try to somewhat curb your strong desire to stand at the top of the mountain. Do not discard others, as you may need to rely on them in the future. Your childhood may have been repressed or challenging due to having strict, controlling parents; the tension with one or both of your parental guardians may continue into your adult life.

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Uranus in 9th house

Your life philosophy tends to be rather unconventional or ahead of its time. Your ideas are original; you come to them on your own accord rather than simply listening to what others tell you. You may choose to educate yourself in religious studies, cultural studies, or the metaphysical realm. Mentally you prefer to keep an open mind, gather information and knowledge, and ponder ideas others would never venture into. You are likely to encounter abrupt, unanticipated adventures and many of them on a mental plane as your intuition is strong and you can experience prophetic visions or dreams. Find ways to relax your mind and your thinking, as your intense mental activity can cause anxiety and possibly a mental collapse.

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Neptune in 1st house

Artistic and imaginative, you can easily become lost in your own world. Your idealism can create trouble for you as you may find it difficult to function in the harsh realities of day to day life, being prone to impracticality and instability at the mercy of your moods. Hypersensitive to your environment, you are highly influenced by the energy around you. It would be beneficial for you to take extra care with this sensitivity as you can be easily swayed by those who are in an unfortunate state in their lives. Your empathy may have you acting the martyr or protector of these seemingly lost souls; be mindful. There is a tendency towards your physical body being affected by the pressures you face in life and your imagination may at times create ailments that were not there. You are more vulnerable than most to illness though also sensitive to medicine and very little will be needed to do the job.

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Pluto in 11th house

Devotion and dependability is crucial to you in your social contacts, you prefer that these connections heighten your emotions somehow. However, be mindful of a tendency to be domineering; either these contacts are domineering with you, or you are with them. You friends may feel you are rebellious or a nonconformist, often creating change of some sort; though they find you rather charming. Your friendships may or may not be long lasting, depending on where you are in your development; your connections tend to transform you, and your social relationships as well. It is likely that you will distance yourself from associations that are stagnant; you prefer things to always be moving forward, changing somehow. If you are able to properly dedicate yourself, you can be a catalyst for a revolution that will we be an advantage to humanity as a whole; you are likely to be a champion for the cause as well as possess an excellent ability to lead these endeavours.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Leo 27

Sabian Symbol: On the eastern horizon, dawn appears as pink and gradually the stars of night disappear.
Kozminsky Symbol: A hand is pierced by a thorny orange branch and starts to bleed.

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Moon in 
Taurus 21

Sabian Symbol: A finger points to significant passages in an open book.
Kozminsky Symbol: A race horse enters a course wearing number 3 on his saddle cloth.

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Mercury in 
Leo 8

Sabian Symbol: A revolutionary is spreading his ideas to the people.
Kozminsky Symbol: Walking in a forest are two lovers and they see before them a beautiful butterfly and two white doves.

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Venus in 
Libra 12

Sabian Symbol: Miners are returning from the mines into the bright light of daytime.
Kozminsky Symbol: A broken bridge allows a man to fall into a pit of darkness.

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Mars in 
Libra 7

Sabian Symbol: An eccentric old woman feeds her chickens while imparting wisdom that they need not fear a hawk she has befriended.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dolphin is sporting a winged globe on its back.

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Jupiter in 
Libra 24

Sabian Symbol: A magnificent butterfly possesses a third wing on its left side.
Kozminsky Symbol: Papers are flying in the air as a whirlwind blows through.

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Saturn in 
Leo 3

Sabian Symbol: A middle-aged woman cuts her long flowing hair into a bob for the very first time.
Kozminsky Symbol: On a human head, light flows from everywhere; from the left eye it’s black vapor, from the right eye it’s yellow and white light comes out of the forehead.

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Uranus in 
Gemini 22

Sabian Symbol: Crowding the barn floor, dancing couples during a harvest festival are circling about.
Kozminsky Symbol: Ivy is growing over a stone pile.

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Neptune in 
Libra 7

Sabian Symbol: An eccentric old woman feeds her chickens while imparting wisdom that they need not fear a hawk she has befriended.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dolphin is sporting a winged globe on its back.

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Pluto in 
Leo 12

Sabian Symbol: A garden party is enhanced with Japanese lanterns and live classical music is playing.
Kozminsky Symbol: An assertive and distinguished man gives food and money to the poor and needy.

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Ascendant in 
Libra 6

Sabian Symbol: A man sitting on a bench, in his mind’s eye sees his ideals take form.
Kozminsky Symbol: In charming country, a traction engine travels.

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Midheaven in 
Cancer 6

Sabian Symbol: Wild birds are building nests of feathers in the heart of spring.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a man continues to spend lavishly in order to entertain his friends, behind a curtain hides a clowning who continues to laugh at him.

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Leo 26° 00' 07"
57' 45"
00" S
12° 51' 19" N
Tau 20° 18' 16"
14° 03' 07"
2° 23' 03" S
15° 31' 46" N
Leo 07° 36' 26"
48' 36"
1° 07' 05" S
17° 17' 35" N
Lib 11° 07' 08"
1° 03' 59"
47' 02" S
5° 07' 20" S
Lib 06° 21' 13"
38' 12"
25' 17" N
2° 08' 12" S
Lib 23° 13' 16"
9' 33"
1° 06' 40" N
7° 59' 37" S
Leo 02° 08' 08"
7' 20"
15' 02" N
19° 56' 05" N
Gem 21° 08' 42"
1' 56"
3' 41" N
23° 12' 44" N
Lib 06° 51' 04"
1' 47"
1° 27' 04" N
1° 23' 16" S
Leo 11° 51' 23"
1' 44"
6° 23' 28" N
23° 22' 07" N
Lib 18° 52' 23"
6' 30"
30' 07" S
7° 51' 33" S
Sag 11° 47' 32"
6' 39"
29' 30" N
21° 43' 16" S
True Node
Gem 18° 16' 05" R
- 31"
00" N
22° 55' 44" N
P. of Fortune
Gem 29° 48' 43"
Ari 19° 51' 49"
Lib 05° 30' 35"
Sco 03° 03' 18"
Sag 03° 37' 29"
Cap 05° 58' 56"
Aqu 08° 18' 30"
Pis 08° 37' 41"
Ari 05° 30' 35"
Tau 03° 03' 18"
Gem 03° 37' 29"
Can 05° 58' 56"
Leo 08° 18' 30"
Vir 08° 37' 41"
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True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
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