Sagittarius Horoscope for 08-Jul-2018

How does this all affect your personal life? Find your answers, get a personal reading of your birth chart.
Video Transcript
“Hi, welcome to
So if you’re star sign Sagittarius this week, something that’s important that’s happening not only for you, but for everyone in the zodiac, is the new moon in Cancer.
And so, the fact that the New Moon’s in Cancer means that it’s gonna be a stronger New Moon, but also on top of that, it’s going to be a partial solar eclipse, so that’s gonna make the New Moon which is normally associated with new beginnings and a new start, it’s going to create a watershed moment.
In your life and in everyone’s life in some degree or another. But in addition, this watershed dynamic energy is going to be further enhanced and aggravated by an exact opposition from Pluto in Capricorn to the new moon.
So, this is going to be a huge swirl of energies, likely gonna be a lot of turbulence in the world at large, but this will also manifest in your own life, in terms of perhaps situations between you and maybe people in authority or your own mindset, or financial relations, or personal relations. It really will depend on your own personal chart, how exactly it’s gonna play out, but something that will play along with that energy is the fact that the ruler of your sign Sagittarius, I mean excuse me, Jupiter which rules your personality is going to turn stationary direct which means it’s been going backwards in Scorpio now for a little while and now it’s gonna stop, and this will happen two days before the new moon, and it’s gonna stop, and finally start going back forward towards your sign Sagittarius.
So, perhaps at the end of this week your gonna feel like there’s gonna be this huge turn and shift, and this will likely represent a watershed moment in your own sense of self. And so, you likely feel that there’s this like new revelation of who you are and what you’re capable of. And this can be good, feel good or it can also feel bad, but at the end of the day this this a new opportunity to free you to grow into new aspects of yourself.
Perhaps you need to be more self-assertive, or perhaps you need to be more aware of others, or perhaps you know an illness will come that will sit you down and force you to look at aspects of yourself that you’ve been ignoring for a while.
Or perhaps you’ve been ignoring tensioning your relationships, and now it’s gonna come to ahead, and that can seem very destructive at first, but that destruction is destroying things that blocks the healing process and it blocks the growing process of you and others in your life.
So, that’s what you have to look for to this week. If you like to learn something more personal or in depth, just click on the button below, and I’ll be here waiting for you, thanks.”